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Messages - mrsahrnsby

General / Grammar question
March 20, 2018, 04:58:20 PM
Okay let me preface this by saying that this post is due to a direct interaction between myself and Iljain.

So, the topic in question was McDonalds' chicken nuggets.

Note how I put the apostrophe behind the S because that is what is up for debate. He thinks I am referring to the name of the fast food chain. I am not. We all know it's called McDonald's.

What I tried to explain to him was that the subject was the chicken nuggets. And since we cannot type "McDonald's's" it changes to McDonalds'.

But, ya know, what do I know? He studied English for a full year and I have been speaking it my entire life.

I have since gotten many native English speakers to concur on my logic to try and convince him but he remains stubborn in that I was wrong.

I'm not seeking anyone's approval on this- I am commenting on his insistence.

Have a lovely day everyone and thanks for reading this dead thread.
General / Pizzapizza banned for no reason?
April 30, 2015, 12:15:22 PM
Inb4 WillyTris concedes. He was caught abusing the shout box and, more than likely, did it more than once. If I had known you were going to start a thread to campaign to get pizzapizza back, I would have never suggested you do it. Have a little tact. Your best bet would have been to make a forum post on how to get in contact with a moderator to discuss your concerns and ask your questions in private. You posted this to the public forums and the public is answering. Pizzapizza, perma-banned (hail).
General / Pizzapizza banned for no reason?
April 28, 2015, 10:06:08 PM
I'm not sure I like the way you're speaking of the moderators with such little evidence to go on. The screenshot of your conversation with him shows me nothing more than his own avoidance tactics. In fact, I'm not so sure you're not pizzapizza, himself (hail). I vote to permaban WillyTris. We don't negotiate with tetrorrists.
General / Pizzapizza banned for no reason?
April 28, 2015, 09:33:34 PM
Note: I am not a moderator.
Also note: I was not an active member when he was banned
Simultaneously note: Hail pizza
General / Is a hot dog a sandwich?
April 28, 2015, 11:02:00 AM
Hot dogs are sandwiches but,
sandwiches are not hot dogs.

That is all.

PS; I want those chips..
Tetris / Church of Pizza
April 28, 2015, 12:24:35 AM
Introductions / Err hai
April 21, 2015, 07:47:16 PM
Quote from: thousandfire
Welcome to HD Robin!


o/ hey thousand, thanks :3
Introductions / Err hai
April 21, 2015, 07:15:31 PM
Quote from: Raqueloxo
Quote from: caffeineRobin is pro.
Agreed!  Marissaaaa  

Introductions / Err hai
April 21, 2015, 07:11:05 PM
Quote from: caffeine
Welcome aboard. Robin is pro.

hahaha thanks Caff  
Introductions / Err hai
April 19, 2015, 07:27:16 AM
My name is Marissa but most of you already know me as RobinSprkles/RobinDaggers on Cultris II. Started off playing Blockles in 2007 and that's where I earned most of my multiplayer 'skills' before Tetris squashed it for copyright infringement. After that, I played TF as mrsahrnsby for a few years but ultimately fell out of love with competitive Tetris for a few years. Was introduced to CII last October by another former Blockles alum and fell in love instantly. I know there are other platforms currently out there (nullpo, TOP, TOJ) but I'm pretty solidified in the CII community and trying to improve my technique/speed. Just wanted to introduce myself properly as I've been on the site more and more these days. If you're ever on CII and looking for a partner for teams or a 1v1 grudge match, I'm your girl.