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Messages - euni

LOL that's my plan.
General / fashion thread, what are you wearing right now?
September 28, 2009, 09:09:41 PM
wow stan you had to even share your underwear color with us?

ok im wearing a white tank top with silky dark bluegreen color shorts with butterflies on it.

and underwear that look like bicycle shorts.. lol?? u kno.. the boyshorts
hahaha yeahhh jsk. but this is just too much fun for now..

of coursse i don't love him.. just infatuated for the time being. he's just something new and exciting in my life thats all. so im not ready to end it now.

i just also dont see this getting serious. but i think dating with a light feelings isnt worng either.. just having fun.

i definately agree with you guys.. long distance relationships are hard.. a lot of work and trust is required.

so you guys probably know by now what kind of mess ive gotten myself into.
but like some of you guys may think.. i didnt meet this person on the internet. we met thru mutual friends.. but the problem was he was almost 4 hour drive away from me. to me thats like the same thing as being across the country...
just like JSK said. i'm also needy physically and emotionally.. so sometimes.. i wonder what is the point of having someone thats 4 hours away when i cant even see him when i want or need to.
okok so anyways we met thru mutual friends and spend a lot of time together for the next few days until he had to go back home. it's now been 1.5 months since we've met, and since then we've talked on the phone every day, hes been here twice and spend more than 2 weeks total with me.

at first  i didnt think much of it, just all for shits n giggles u know.. but now im getting more and more attached. and because these feelings are only getting stronger im getting worried... lol

wtf am i doing?! and because now i have these feelings for this person im questioning him already.. like can this person be trusted?
i'm still holding back my feelings a lot but.....  rawrrrrrr

i guess im only rambling about these thoughts in this forum bcuz i've never been in a long distance relationship that started out as one... and its all new to me and imcurious to how other people do it.

but to virulent: well of course i don't get into relationships hoping he would be "THE ONE"  its all just a learning experience. or at least i try to look at my past ones that way.
so.. what do u guys think of long distance relationships?
and what would you consider a long distance relationship.. 1 hour driving distance? 4 hours? across the country??

i always tell myself (from previous experience) long distance relationships don't work unless it's VERY short term..  probably bcuz of trust issues.. and who likes to be separated from their significant other anyways..

but its easier said then done right? i mean once you have your mind set to like someone, its gg.

so tell me what you guys think.

General / Pets!
September 28, 2009, 07:12:00 AM
this is my baby pomeranian kobi.

Quote from: Corrosive
Mr. Bigglesworth, 2 yrs old

OMG the cutest cat ever!
General / what are you eating at this moment?
August 11, 2009, 07:47:15 PM
Quote from: AjP
I had poptarts last nite! s'mores yummmmmmmmm

oooh i had the strawberry ones
General / Your ISP Speed Tests!
August 11, 2009, 02:06:07 AM
General / what are you eating at this moment?
August 11, 2009, 02:00:09 AM
General / music videos
August 10, 2009, 10:36:42 PM

yeah thats my bf on the left. woot!
Introductions / HIIIIII
August 09, 2009, 03:06:16 PM
Quote from: DraKKiE
korean qt was 1 of the best trash talkers in her prime!

you were #2. actin like ur innocent!
Introductions / HIIIIII
August 08, 2009, 07:26:33 PM

my name is euni. u probably kno me better as kOrEaN_Qt. *gay*  what was i thinking!?!

anyways  i quit all kinds of tetris 5 years ago and im back!! but im pretty bad now sooo..

instead i waste my time playing dota. =) msg me if u wanna play

<3 gd