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Messages - Dmitri

Tetris / The Ultimate 40 Lines Race Thread!
December 07, 2013, 12:43:11 PM
Quote from: Dmitri
I went sub 40 a few weeks back, last record I posted here was 40.93 I believe, right now it's 38.58

Some weeks later, hit 38.41 seconds now, not too much of an improvement there.

Also had three tetris games with a time of 39.75, 102 pieces, and 2.5419 pieces per second, bizarre coincidence!
Tetris / The Ultimate 40 Lines Race Thread!
November 07, 2013, 10:28:37 AM
I went sub 40 a few weeks back, last record I posted here was 40.93 I believe, right now it's 38.58

Tetris / tetr.js development thread
September 29, 2013, 04:47:13 PM
Quote from: simonlc
What do you mean they don't save correctly? When you're playing it records your actual time it took to finish. The replays are based on frames, and those vary in time, they can be for example from 16-18ms long. I'm working to fix this, and when I do, replays will be available for download.

By not saving correctly I mean it does not always show the last game played, when I finished a good game I wanted to see the replay, I got to watch the replay of a different game.
Tetris / tetr.js development thread
September 29, 2013, 02:22:07 PM
Quote from: Dmitri
This client is golden, very nice job! All it needs now is a live highscore list with rankings

I noticed one major issue with the replay function. If you play a couple of games in a row it will not save the replay correctly. Also, if you actually play a game and replay it several times, the time recorded on the replay will be different each time (depends on the CPU I guess).
The worst part in this is that I actually set a new personal record under 40 seconds in this client and then noticed the replay wasn't there and that replays are inaccurate, therefore the whole tetris client is quite inaccurate, I still love the feel it has though. [spoiler]If only NullPoMino had a full-screen version with pretty colours. [/spoiler]
Tetris / tetr.js development thread
September 20, 2013, 01:34:05 AM
This client is golden, very nice job! All it needs now is a live highscore list with rankings
Tetris / The Ultimate 40 Lines Race Thread!
August 10, 2013, 08:07:34 AM
Improved my old 43.83 to 40.93 on NullPoMino when I was experiencing some sort of hyperactivity, I barely even come close to 41 seconds nowadays... This was months ago mind you.

I have also improved my TetrisFriends record by a lot too (since I started working on my finesse), from 48.x seconds to 44.62.
Tetris / Tetris Printer Algorithm
August 10, 2013, 07:47:53 AM
Haven't been on these forums a lot, but felt like posting this here. I thought you guys might like it.

ps: I'm not sure whether this has been posted on here before but a quick search for "Tetris Printer Algorithm" came up with no results. If it's a repost; I'm sorry.
Tetris / Bastet
December 15, 2012, 09:23:54 AM
Has anyone played it? Its algorithm is specialized into trolling the player giving the shittiest blocks you could get instead of random blocks, it's quite hard to clear lines in this mode of tetris.
Introductions / I am new here
December 05, 2012, 03:15:50 AM
Quote from: XaeL
Yes its called an O-spin double.
here is me using it in Lockjaw

It sends 3 lines. (back to back it sends 4)

Haha, nice one, I'll try practicing it  Looks so cheaty
Tetris / Member age and activity
December 03, 2012, 03:20:49 PM
I am from the future, behold! Filled in 2013 since I joined quite recently.
Tetris / Tetris Battle Feedback
December 03, 2012, 07:17:30 AM
The speed upgrades are ridiculously expensive.
Introductions / I am new here
December 03, 2012, 01:46:16 AM
CaptainPaul; I don't really have a username on NullPoMino netplay, I tried to get it to work sometime but it didn't work and I just continued playing single player.
I'd have to say Death Note is my favourite anime but there are many other great anime shows out there, I'm a big fan of Gintama as well.

MarioThePhenom, pizzapizza, XaeL; Thanks for the kind welcoming messages.

riisssaaa; Nijmegen has its beauty, there are also some pretty bad looking streets around here though.

VladtheImpala; What kind of guitar music do you usually play? Better start running again whenever you have time left, it's good for your health.

General; How do I set up NullPoMino to connect to I always get the following error message:
Connection timed out: connect

XaeL; Is that spin move with the square really possible? It blows my mind.
Introductions / I am new here
December 02, 2012, 11:48:41 AM
I've been playing tetris since middle school, last year I've started playing sprint mode and steadily decreasing my times from around 1:50 when I started to rocking 43.83 seconds as personal record at the moment (on NullPoMino).

Other stuff:
- I'm studying Information Science at Radboud University in Nijmegen.
- I'm 20 years old, male
- I like watching anime
- I play guitar
- I work out to stay in shape
- My favourite tetris skins are the most slate ones, however I occasionally use eye-hurting bright pastel colours on tetrisfriends to troll myself.