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Messages - Icer

Introductions / How did you get into Tetris?
October 18, 2012, 10:00:23 AM
I remember I had some fake handheld Tetris game in my youth, so I guess that was the biggest influence on me since I played it quite a lot. So pretty much I've been playing Tetris for my whole life, very casually but still.
Introductions / New member!
October 01, 2012, 09:33:00 PM
Haha, thanks for everyones positivity! Definitely need little bit of practice before I start doing these Tetris duels, but maybe one day.
Introductions / New member!
October 01, 2012, 01:22:15 PM
Hi! I'm a 17 year old Tetris and video game enthusiast. I have played Tetris pretty casually for my whole life but only just recently I've found that this game has some sort of competitive scene, which I personally love since I have played a lot of other games quite competitively earning few dollars here and there (I have played games like Quake, CS, WoW relatively competitively).
So after I found about this scene I somehow stumbled upon, which looks like a great site for this kind of stuff, so then I thought why I shouldn't make a account here. So here I'm now.

Looking forward to learn more in-depth things about Tetris, so I could advance from my casual level of play.