New member!

Started by Icer, October 01, 2012, 01:22:15 PM

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Hi! I'm a 17 year old Tetris and video game enthusiast. I have played Tetris pretty casually for my whole life but only just recently I've found that this game has some sort of competitive scene, which I personally love since I have played a lot of other games quite competitively earning few dollars here and there (I have played games like Quake, CS, WoW relatively competitively).
So after I found about this scene I somehow stumbled upon, which looks like a great site for this kind of stuff, so then I thought why I shouldn't make a account here. So here I'm now.

Looking forward to learn more in-depth things about Tetris, so I could advance from my casual level of play.


Welcome, nice to see new faces around here. You'll find tetris isn't really lucrative. But it's fun. Hope to play against you sometime.


Ohhh! Welcome!

You sound like a confident (potentially quick-learning) competitor~!
If you do compete against me please be gentle! ♥

Good luck with learning a new style of Tetris play!




we should play sometime, most new members never play me right away

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
we should play sometime, most new members never play me right away

 (my first impression playing Mario) though you since your really into competitive gaming a lot, you just might end up giving Mario a run for his money.  


Haha, thanks for everyones positivity! Definitely need little bit of practice before I start doing these Tetris duels, but maybe one day.