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Messages - mindloss

Strategy/Help / preview processing etc.
July 25, 2012, 11:26:17 PM
Woo, 40L time's down to a minute after a night to sleep on it. I tried some Cultris, and I'm 200ish on all the multiplayer challenges, except for the number-of-tetrises one where I got 17th, which made me feel better  But man, I forgot what a non-7-bag randomizer is like...

I tried some multiplayer but after getting my a** handed to me a few dozen times I'm getting the sense that spamming tetrises doesn't work these days. I guess I gotta actually learn how to use spins/combos.

But back to the using preview thing. I'm trying to figure out a good way to practice that. My first thought is to play nullpo at 0G and figure out where I'm putting my blocks every time, and gradually ratchet up the speed. That'd be a lot more fun if I could figure out some settings to play on so that it was more like a game and less like an exercise, though...
General / How many active members are we?
July 25, 2012, 09:59:08 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you won't get a whole lot of inactive forum members answering the poll...
Strategy/Help / preview processing etc.
July 24, 2012, 11:40:29 PM
Found this site today. I've been browsing for a while and haven't seen anything that directly answers my question, so here goes.

I'm a decent tetris player by everyday standards, but the scores/vids on here blow my mind. I grabbed nullpo and played a bit for the first time in a while, and my best 40L times were around 1:15. I wouldn't have been too shocked to find out the best of the best were going maybe twice as fast as that, but times in the twenties?!

I figure practice alone would maybe shave another 10 seconds off my time without too much sweat. I wasn't aware of the finer points of finesse and kicks, and I figure that would help quite a bit too (I run about 50-60 finesse faults per game), but I'd be surprised if it got me much under a minute. My last fatal flaw is that I've spent a lifetime only looking at the first preview piece, which obviously doesn't cut it.

Okay, so two questions:

First, does anyone have an opinion about which of these things (practice, finesse, effectively using multi-block preview, and plain old talent) are the big contributors to the huge gap between someone like me and the top guys? I know they all play a part, but I figured someone might know which one is really a key factor.

Second, how does looking ahead several blocks work? If I try to look more than one ahead, I feel like I'm playing for the first time again... it takes me a good 5 seconds to come up with a plausible arrangement for several upcoming blocks. Is this one of those innate skills you just acquire if you play a bunch and keep an eye on preview? More to the point, are good players mentally planning out where to put pieces one at a time (albeit fast and unconsciously), or do good players recognize groups of upcoming blocks and sort of place them as a 2-4 block unit? That seems like it would be the only way to process the information quickly enough to hit the speed I'm seeing in these videos...

Sorry for the noob questions. I have taken a look at the wiki and the starting guides, but there's so much there that it's a little overwhelming trying to figure out what to work on first. Anyway, pointers appreciated!
General / Typin'
July 24, 2012, 11:05:18 PM
about 125wpm here, too...

General / 5000 members and stacking!
July 24, 2012, 09:33:03 AM
Quote from: XaeL
make sure u create an "i'm new and want people to shove nullpomino tf cultris blockbox top secret down my throat" thread!

yeah, I'm sort of loving nullpo though...

and I used to think I was pretty good at tetris until I checked out the records on here  
General / 5000 members and stacking!
July 24, 2012, 07:09:46 AM
Quote from: Alexsweden
Titel says it all, we now have 5000 members and I thought it deserved some attention

I was just dropping by, but I saw "4999 members and stacking" and couldn't resist hopping on