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Messages - fishcake

Tetris / "Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations
June 17, 2012, 06:56:51 AM
I stopped playing Tetris after I graduated last year, but recently, I decided to start again. The only thing I play is 40L, and my best record so far is 1.03 (nullpomino). I frequently get below 70 seconds, but my average is probably around 75 seconds. Things are going really slow for me~ -__-
Introductions / Hi, Aedan here.
January 17, 2012, 04:23:28 AM
Hey, welcome to HD~ I'm a Malaysian too.   I'm not that active here though, and I don't play much tetris recently because of work. But I'll drop by from time to time just to read random posts here.
Tetris / NullpoMino Customization
January 06, 2012, 03:18:28 AM
Dig Practice mode seems really useful.  I really need to improve my downstacking~
Tetris / "Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations
December 22, 2011, 09:06:20 AM
I'm slowly improving my 40L. Probably because I don't play that much (like less than 4 hours a week). Today I got 1:08 on Nullpomino using hold!  Without using hold, the fastest I got was 1:11, but it was probably a lucky one, since I average around 1:20~ without hold, and around 1:15~ with hold. I need to play more!  
Strategy/Help / Countering ST Stacking?
December 15, 2011, 04:15:47 AM
Or you can troll him by performing this perfect clear trick:

I'm not sure if it still works though. Other than that, like the others have mentioned, time your attacks, or use 4 wide. Or pray for him to misdrop.  
General / jobs
November 29, 2011, 01:20:04 PM
In about a month, I will get my degree after studying for 3 years in a crappy games programming course. I'm not sure what to do next...

Tetris / VOTE FOR POTM NOV 2011 ღ
November 29, 2011, 07:50:23 AM
Ooo, I didn't know there will be a voting like this.

Quote from: Sisu
POTM will have their avatar on the HD home page for a month. fishcake has no avatar ATPIT.  


Quote from: electrofry
@ fishcake: howd u get 40k+ on ultra with a sprint time of 1:15

I just used ZT stacking. I've been playing Ultra only for quite some time before I came to HD.
Tetris / "Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations
November 27, 2011, 07:03:12 AM
My records so far ever since I started playing Tetris like a month ago:

Nullpomino: 1:15:xx (avg: 1:25:xx)
TF: 1:27:xx (avg: 1:35:xx)

Nullpomino: 50k~
TF: 41k~

Other than that, I stopped using ZT stacking on FB Tetris Battle. I just stack normally and try my best not to get KO'd by keeping my stack low. Pretty hard since most opponents around my rank use combo. I got deranked from 30 to 27.  My downstacking is still VERY bad.
Tetris / Tetris-EX console ver 20111120 "released"...
November 21, 2011, 06:43:15 AM
Awesome stuff~
Introductions / Greetings from Malaysia.
November 19, 2011, 12:00:33 AM
Welcome~ I'm new here too. And I'm also Malaysian.  
Strategy/Help / ST/ZT stacking usage.
November 18, 2011, 11:50:36 PM
IMHO, in Tetris Battle, ST stacking works well because you don't have to worry much about downstacking. Even if you get KO'd, the game will still continue. And your garbage lines will magically disappear after that. So all you have to do is stack really fast, sending as much lines as possible in 2 minutes. In the end, the player with the most lines sent and KOs wins the battle.

In "real" games (are they called VS games?), the game ends when either player gets KO'd. The nature of ST stacking is that the stack is quite high most of the time. So it's pretty hard (or impossible?) to downstack. I guess it will still work against slower players, because you can always cancel their garbage by timing your T-spins. But if the opponent is fast, it's pretty much impossible to cancel their garbage, because you can only send lines when you get a T or I piece.

You can try using ST stacking against a fairly fast AI in Nullpomino, and you'll see why it's a bad strategy. You're pretty much dead when the AI manages to send you garbage, and the "hole" is located somewhere underneath your stack.
Quote from: zhiyuen91
by the way, anyone of you have any thoughts on the implication of not being able to see the next preview of tetriminos? was trying facebook tetris battle today and u actually need to buy upgrades which includes preview of the next piece. Can pros play without knowing what the next piece is? or is the preview an essential part of avoiding misdrops?? also, assuming u maxed out (bought all the upgrades for the right/left. soft drop) whats the DAS??

I'm pretty sure pros can play without seeing the preview, or maybe just 1 piece preview. There are videos of people reaching the max score on Tetris NES (999,999), and that game only has 1 piece preview.

For me, I need to be able to see the next few pieces in order to stack properly (I'm still a noob!). I use ST stacking on Tetris Battle, and I occasionally fail to stack the opening properly because I can only see 2 pieces ahead.  

Quote from: zhiyuen91
Thanks everyone. Especially to Xael for his awesome stacking guide. U guys noe Bl1ink right? Does he play like in major tournaments or something? I've seen his videos he's really good. Never knew you can play tetris is such different ways until i came across this forum

Yeah, me too. I started playing in Tetris Battle, and I thought ST stacking and combos were everything.  Probably because most rank 50 match videos I watched in youtube involves the usage of either one of these two strategies. I didn't it's actually more than that.

Anyway, I think perfect clear is okay as an opening in Tetris Battle. It probably works against slower players, though I  haven't tried it myself.

And I also recommend Xael stacking videos. My 40L now averages under 2 minutes after watching it!  
Tetris / Tetris lessons - by XaeL
November 10, 2011, 02:50:19 AM
Just watched your first video. It's pretty good.   I really need to improve my stacking. My 40L average is 3 minutes.  

By the way, what's a smurfer?
Introductions / Hello~
November 09, 2011, 12:22:55 AM
I think I rarely eat them. My nickname was randomly formed, long before I found out that such a food actually exists.  

Nullpomino is good enough. Maybe if I have lots of free time, I'll continue making my own tetris game. But looks like I have to go find a job soon.