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Messages - Xenogenesis

General / My Rant Thread
September 12, 2011, 06:41:26 PM
E: making a bad thread worse
Introductions / JavaScript TAP clone
September 12, 2011, 01:28:04 PM
Quote from: clincher
It seems you didn't take into account Line ARE, which makes it feel like faster than it should be sometimes. Other than that, delays are pretty accurate. Also, I see you haven't implemented the roll, right now if you get to 999 the game just keeps going until you die. Are you going to implement it?

I have a quick question though. What does it mean when you have a plus sign next to your grade in the high scores(e.g. S7+)?

I agree with Kitaru. I've been waiting for TGM-style vs to be implemented in a game.
Yeah, I somehow missed the line ARE delays, I'll add those. I'm also not sure how I forgot about the staff roll, probably was just too busy making sure I included all the M-Roll conditions to remember the case of.... surviving the game.

The pluses/minuses are just an indication of your internal grade.
Introductions / JavaScript TAP clone
September 11, 2011, 03:50:18 PM
Pretttttttty sure L is orange and J is blue in TGM and guideline. But thanks for the complement!

What would you guys like from a versus mode? I'm just throwing this out as I honestly haven't given it any thought at all yet.

E: randomtetrisnoob, the line clear bug is fixed, at least in FF 3.6.22.
Introductions / JavaScript TAP clone
September 11, 2011, 07:56:29 AM
Quote from: Kitaru
If you're trying to play a TGM-style game with an Up-to-rotate control scheme, you're probably going to have some difficulties. Anyway, the default role for Up would typically be a Sonic Drop.

@Xeno: I can't check your clone out right now since I'm on my phone, but does it also support the alt. CCW button?

It supports Alt CCW now. You also remind me that I haven't implemented the secret grades.

Quote from: Wojtek
very cool. i like those hires graphics, and it runs smoothly.

about hidden features, only death mode works for me, and two other codes do not seem to work.

sorry for offtopic but could you tell me how i control (view/remove/etc) information in dom storage? i use firefox, and don't see this anywhere in ui.

btw, you should post in on tetrisconcept too, more people interested in tgm there.

what would i like to changed/added:
-currently it blocks all browser shortcuts (including f11 to go to fullscreen), i hpe this can be changed
-online leaderboard would be cool
AI works now, I was doing something stupid. Versus.... won't be hidden when I have it running.

In FF I don't know if there's a builtin way of dealing with DOM storage, but with Firebug go to DOM tab, then localStorage.

Now it only blocks browser keys in game if you've mapped said key to a button.

I'm planning on online leaderboard, probably when I get the high scores menu not looking/working like a**. Sounds... maybe. I know its important in TGM, but HTML5 audio is still a terrible thing. I guess I could just use Flash for audio.

Thanks for all your suggestions. Keep them coming!
Introductions / JavaScript TAP clone
September 10, 2011, 11:11:34 PM
Oh haha I never planned to support FF < 4 since I figured anyone with FF would just autoupdate... I'll give it a whirl tomorrow though, I think I know what the issue is.
Introductions / JavaScript TAP clone
September 10, 2011, 10:46:50 PM
Quote from: DarthDuck
Ah that works now. But I would suggest making the up arrow double as right rotate for those of us who mostly use TetrisFriends. Welcome to the forums!

Edit: also control as left rotate if that doesn't interfere with any of the code, idk. But I find Control to be much easier to use although some disagree.
I'll add multiple buttons/control support.

Quote from: randomtetrisnoob
If I am holding a key during the line clear delay (e.g. trying to DAS or rotate the next piece, or I just absent-mindedly forgot to let go of hard/soft drop), ALL of the following pieces will glitch (i.e. continuously harddrop, or rotate really quickly and continuously softdrop), effectively ending my game.
Whats your browser/OS?
Introductions / JavaScript TAP clone
September 10, 2011, 10:03:28 PM
Quote from: DarthDuck
Hey your game is fun but how do I rotate the pieces?
Z/X are rotate clockwise/counterclockwise; you can also set the controls in the Controls menu.
Introductions / JavaScript TAP clone
September 10, 2011, 09:06:34 PM

I'm working an a JavaScript (HTML5) TAP game thats playable at Right now its suuuuper prototypical (ugly interface that doesn't even display right in IE9, no win or lose animations, other ish) but the core gameplay should be solid. It's frame based, so its likely to run slower than actual TAP. (Originally it was time based, but replays were too annoying to get right without becoming gigantic files). There's also a halfassed Time Attack mode with SRS rotation, random generator and 0 lock delay, as well a couple "hidden" features (and I don't have the versus server running, so don't even try it you view-sourcers ) Anyway, I'm more than open to suggestions, criticism, or praise

About myself, I actually don't play much Tetris (only Rank 2 at TAP), but I am slowly trying to get better. Gaming wise I go out to fighting game tourneys whenever I can and play the DMC series. Besides that I just go in with coding and baking. So um... hi everyone I hope to have fun here!