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Messages - Thelas

Tetris / Let's get serious!
January 06, 2012, 10:28:24 PM
A thought on handicaps:
As a terrible player (sprint ~1'40" average*), I completely detest the idea of handicaps, for a simple reason.
Sure, I lose horribly when I play on nullpomino (unless I'm playing with a friend).
But it wouldn't mean anything to me if I won with a handicap.
One time today I got 4th in a 6-player room. It felt pretty awesome, because someone actually competent died before I did, so I was apparently actually downstacking decently or something for a few seconds.
I honestly think that playing with handicaps makes the weaker player feel terrible, because it does so for me.
On the other hand... I'm not good enough at Tetris to have really any examples from there, but... here's an example from a rhythm game.
There's someone I've played against online in rhythm games fairly often, and they're much much better than me. (They got an average of about one Great every two songs, the remainder being perfect.)  The first time I kept my Perfect chain going longer than they did (and, so far, the only time), it felt amazing because I'd actually succeeded at something that they didn't.
If they'd been playing with a handicap (say smaller timing windows or something), it would just be "oh, the handicap screwed them over again".

Other thoughts:
Allspins.  Yes, I'm a terrible player.  I still want allspins.
For one thing:
The feeling I get when I see someone doing extremely fast Tetrises and TSDs is "wow, that guy's fast".
The feeling I get when I see, for instance, an SST, is " did that guy do that? That's insane."
And then it encourages me to learn more.
I learned about a 180 kick just today because of seeing SSTs in a game:
I think it was this...
(16 lines! Disclaimer: the actual occurrence in game was not a perfect clear.)

And honestly, I like the feeling of learning something.
I know a JST->B2BJST setup.  I may not be fast enough to do it, and I may be terrible at it and usually fail, but I know how the setup works, I've done it, and it felt awesome.

So to me, at least, even though I'm terrible, potentially hard stuff like allspins is fun, handicaps are not.
Also, what might be nice as a mode for new players: just tutorial-type stuff. Show a setup (start easy, just lines for a single TSD or even a Tetris, but move on to fancy things like Imperial Cross [did it once in single-player finally today, that... what's the word... hurdle double? is so unintuitive, I'd never have thought of that.] or J-Spin Triples or whatever).  An automated thing like the Tetris belts might also be nice, as having goals to work towards beyond just "stop losing" or "get better at Sprint" is very nice, and that'd make a real single-player mode that could get people the skills they'll need for multiplayer.

DISCLAIMER: The only claim of relevant knowledge I make in this post is that of being a new player. Anything I said about setups is probably wrong.  Does it matter? I learned stuff, if I'm right, awesome, if not, someone here will probably correct me, and then I'll have learned stuff, awesome.

* That thing in 1'40", the 1', means a minute, so that time is one minute and 40 seconds, or one hundred seconds.  For those of you who haven't seen times like that in Sprint in the past few years, thought it'd be worth reminding you.
Tetris / Tetris Belts!
December 30, 2011, 09:36:35 AM
Thank you, I missed that.
I suppose that I can't arrange a time, then, since there aren't three days, so I'll just be around on the days of and maybe get a test if someone's free.
Tetris / Tetris Belts!
December 29, 2011, 09:11:46 PM
Not exactly sure... what is the procedure for signing up for a test?
Progress Report: Made Silver (aka rank 6) tonight.  Progress!

Also, I experienced some variant of this several times tonight, so... is this common?
(This is an APPROXIMATE results screen, since I didn't get a chance to write this down after it happened)

Place | KOs | Lines
1st    | 0     | 12
2nd   | 0     | 8
3rd   |  0     | 6
4th   |  2      | 24
5th   |  0      | 2
6th   |  0      | 0
Quote from: mippo
I haven't seen you play but if you play in FFA rooms (so not 1v1) a lot,
but maybe just try focusing on downstacking and keeping your field low for a while instead of building... that should help you learn to downstack, learn a bit of timing and stop you from getting KO'd quickly.
Well, incidentally I've actually been having trouble with quick KOs all of a sudden... it seems people are now sending ten lines or so randomly, which is weird because that wasn't happening before.
Also my garbage is becoming a little less neat (no longer all appearing with the gap in column 10), which makes this more difficult to deal with...
Quote from: KeroKai

On a different sidenote:
You can record your games with camstudio and stuff.

But otherwise. I don't mind watching how you play on Arena mode. If you're online now I'll watch a few games.
If you're willing to do so, yes, thank you.  That'll probably help.
Should I be playing in Ultra/Sprint, Marathon/Survival, or Arena to practice? Arena's my end goal, of course, but...
Hi, I'm really bad at Tetris.
Okay, formalities out of the way, now what I actually wanted to ask.

So I'm only rank 4 in the Arena on Tetrisfriends, because I apparently really suck. Thing is, I don't know what I'm doing so badly to cause this rank.

I basically just go for "get tetrises, get tetrises fast, proceed to happiness." strategy, which sadly doesn't work too well...

Ideally someone would be able to look at how I play and tell me why I'm failing so badly or if it's just a lack of practice, but I don't believe arena replays can be created and I'm not going to find anyone who's both willing and able to give me advice in the Bronze class rooms, I don't think...

Yeah, so.  What should I do?
If there's some sort of information I should specify, please tell me what, as I just don't really know what to add here...

Oh right, name on Tetrisfriends is the same as this one (Thelas).