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Messages - CS5n531

Tetris / Invisible Bonus Level?
May 05, 2011, 11:46:32 AM
I've been playing NullpoMino for a while now on my MacBook and I love playing the Marathon+ mode so at the end I can play the invisible Tetris.

Is there any way I can play this form of invisible Tetris (or a similar form) without having to complete Marathon+ first? Maybe using an alternative host than NullpoMino?

Strategy/Help / Nullpomino Guide
November 29, 2010, 08:13:28 AM
Is there a way to simulate the sound effects from Tetris Grand Master in nullpomino? They sound similar now, but I'd love to have the exact sounds .
Quote from: briannn
yes unfortunately single and training only work with premium which u have to pay for or sign up for or use the patch

This patch will let me play single player for free?

Quote from: DarkERocker
I just found out I have the same problem as "tetrisdan", so I'll try again when the registration problem will be over =)
I tried to sign up 3 time, but I can never get to step 4, it stays on step 3 even if I click the confirmation email.
Same problem with the launcher.
I'll keep on looking here until we get the confirmation that registering works, thank you wojtek for the answer =)

I was having this issue as well, but yesterday on my fourth try it finally worked.
I finally got it all set up and single player doesn't work. Do I have to pay for single player?
General / Best option for Mac users?
November 27, 2010, 11:10:28 PM
Thanks, I'll take a look at it!
General / Best option for Mac users?
November 27, 2010, 09:11:51 PM
So TOJ seems pretty tedious to set up on a Mac, considering it is designed for Windows and Internet Explorer. I have CrossOver, but still am having problems setting it up.

What are my other options for Tetris clients? I'm on a Macbook, and don't necessarily need to play online. Am I limited to Lockjaw/Tetris Friends?
At step 2 for the section on Logging In, I get stuck on this screen:

I'm positive that the information that I'm entering is the same information that I registered with. Anyone have a clue what's up?
Introductions / Hi :)
November 27, 2010, 08:26:46 PM

I'm Connor G, a sophmore at a small university in Rhode Island. Long time Tetris player, my first time being on the original Gameboy. I currently compared my high scores to those on the records page here on the site and I placed in the following:

-3rd [Tetris DS Standard Mode Endless]
-4th [Tetris DS Standard Mode Non Endless]
-12th [Tetris DS Standard Mode Line Clear]
-43rd [Tetris Friends Marathon]
-54th [Tetris Friends Ultra Mode]
-90th [Tetris Friends Sprint]

Are these rankings "official"? I was surprised to see myself amongst some amazing scores, which I'm sure will drive me to improve! Currently my quickest and most natural of play is the typical; leave one collumn open and score Tetris' consistently. I have been trying very hard to learn how to T-spin consistently, but refuse to look at tutorials (I limit myself to only watching and analyzing other players T-spinning). I haven't gotten very far, but I'm trying my best and will continue to practice.

Thanks for having me ,
