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Messages - Parkzer

Hi humans,

<br/><br/>Your neighborhood Parkzer here, and I need a bit of your help.

<br/><br/>I’m working with myndzi on a little gift for the community. In order to make this as awesome as possible, I need to do a little bit of research.

<br/><br/>I’ve come up with a list of questions that will help us gather information about Hard Drop that we can’t otherwise find just by looking at statistical data. If you would like to contribute, feel free to answer any or all of the following questions.

<li>What are your opinions about the home page? Does anything need to be added or removed? Does anything need more or less emphasis in terms of size or placement?

<li>If off-topic boards (such as “League of Legends,” “Starcraft II,” “Guild Wars,” etc.) were created, would you be interested and/or willing to participate?

<li>Would you be more motivated to participate in tournaments and events hosted by Hard Drop if participants received special forum badges under their avatar to appear in all their posts (i.e. “Tetris Tournament Online II: Participant,” “Tetris Tournament Online II: Quarterfinalist,” “Tetris Tournament Online II: World Champion,” etc.)?

<li>Would you be more motivated to donate to Hard Drop if donators received special forum badges under their avatar (i.e. “Supporter”)?

<li>What are some features that you would like Hard Drop to implement?

<li>How often do you use the wiki? Do you have any motivation to contribute to the wiki? How would you feel if the wiki was removed?

<li>How often do you use the “Records” feature? How would you feel if the feature was removed, and was replaced by profile fields where you could fill in your stats (for 40 lines sprint, 40 lines dig race, etc.)?

<li>Do you have any opinions about anything related to Hard Drop not covered by the previous questions?<br/><font color='red'>Edit: If you have any opinions regarding moderation or the administration, feel free to post them here under this question, because it is very relevant to the changes on which we're working. I understand that people have historically gotten some sort of suspension or ban if they talk about moderation in general discussion. However, as long as your response is honest, reasonable, and justified, and does not include any personal attacks, I will ensure you receive no punishment for sharing your opinions (this applies to responses in this thread only).</font>

<br/><img src=''/>

<br/><br/>Although I will not be responding to each response individually, I will be reading and thinking about every single one. So, don’t feel like your opinions will be overlooked, because they definitely will not.

<br/><br/>Regardless of how many questions you answered, I appreciate your contribution.

Announcements / Hard Drop Streaming Etiquette
May 09, 2012, 10:38:19 PM
There is an official streaming calendar. It's been around since the beginning of March 2012, but few people knew that it existed and it wasn't publicized much, which is why nobody was aware of it.

Blink has added a link to the calendar at the top-right corner of the forums, to the right of the breadcrumbs and between your personal bar and search form. In case you accidentally stabbed yourself in the eyes with a carrot and can't find the link, it's also here:

If you would like me to add an event to the calendar for you, send me a Hard Drop private message with details about your event. You should include a title, short description, date and time in PST, client/clone on which the game will be played, game participants, and who you have planned/coordinated to be the streamer/commentator(s).

Although I'm not active on the forums much (as you can probably tell by my epic post count), I get email notifications for new private messages, so I'll be able to tend to your request within a few hours.
Announcements / Hard Drop Streaming Etiquette
April 21, 2012, 01:27:19 AM
I decided I would chime in and add a few things that are relevant to the live stream.

For those who don't know me, I'm the host of the weekly live stream show, Tetris Arena Live with Parkzer. It's become quite a hit lately, touting at least a couple thousand replay views per episode (which I think is decent for something that I started so recently).

I normally stream and cast with my buddy Maks - you guys may know him better as Ukrainian4Life. Of course, he does have other responsibilities and commitments, and is not able to make it to every stream; in these scenarios, I have allowed other people to guest commentate with me. I also have a few people who are wanting to do this when the spot becomes open. Unfortunately, excluding a select handful of veteran casters and commentators, I have decided not to have guest casters anymore.

Blink is taking a more polite approach when posting these etiquette guidelines, but I have a straightforward and direct personality. In non-sugar-coated terms, we want to make sure we can trust you. In cocky terms, we want you to prove yourself worthy before letting you participate in something that thousands of people will see and associate directly with Hard Drop.

Of course, when Tetris Tournament Online II comes around, there will be many opportunities for everyone to try out commentating, no matter what their style or skill level. If you would like to be recognized during this time, there are clearly many ways you can practice and improve, but I will leave one word of advice / guideline:

Behave yourself in a manner to which you want your audience to parallel.

In simpler terms, portray yourself with emotions that you want your audience to also feel. Humans have this intriguing tendency of synchronization and empathy - when we see someone feel a certain way, we tend to mirror it onto ourselves. This doesn't mean you necessarily have to act happy or excited the entire time. Obviously, everyone has their own, unique style of commentating. Just make sure your unique style isn't that of a hater, someone unhumorously and excessively critical, or overall just someone negative.

For example, if you're a shoutcaster like me, you commentate in an extremely excited, fast-paced, high-action manner. The audience watching will start to feel your emotions, also become excited about the game, and feel as if the things that are going on are of high intensity. They feel good because their brain is being stimulated by many different things in a short period of time.

If you're a calmer and more analytical commentator, you commentate in a more intelligent manner. The audience will start to feel your emotions, also feel as if they have an insight of what is happening in the game, feel smarter, and feel better about themselves when it comes to various aspects of the game.

That's all for now. Again, apologies to the people who were hoping to cast with me in the future.
Arena / Sadistic Sixteen
February 12, 2011, 12:05:12 AM
Quote from: Tt_edward
I took time on thinking about this *three minutes* and I have decided I will be quitting this wonderful team because of personal reasons [Aaron] I am tired of him thinking he's The sh*t at everything^^
Stop kidding yourself. Aaron isn't the problem. You are.
Arena / The Multiplayer List
January 15, 2011, 02:03:18 AM
TF & TOJ: Parkzer
Tetris / TOJ English Patch!
January 13, 2011, 11:07:08 PM
"hidden content, you must reply to reveal."

Does that mean I can see the hidden content now?
Arena / Sadistic Sixteen
December 17, 2010, 07:27:28 PM