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Messages - dmart28

General / JAVA: TETRIS
December 06, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
Quote from: Paradox
Like keyblox? If this game would be multiplayer and have keyblox controls I would love you.

i think i can add keyblox controls, multiplayer may be a bit more challenging but if i got time it's worth a stab

i got the game running pretty well, spent the whole night coding it, a few glitches with some rotation but should iron it out and start adding some new stuff tonight

thanks for all the suggestion, and no kidding on the null code,  that reads like a novel very impressive...
General / JAVA: TETRIS
December 06, 2010, 01:44:44 AM
Hey all,

i am in a computer programming course in which i am coding a tetris game in java that will have many key features and ideally run smoothy as well. Is anybody here familiar with Java? I am decent but see myself running into more than a few syntax errors   ... haha.

also, if i get the game running to satisfaction i am thinking about renting a server to host it on for a week or two just for fun so anyone would be free to try it out...

But yea, just wondering if anyone here may be able to help troubleshoot a few lines of code??


General / skills
November 07, 2010, 07:33:05 PM

i thought this was pretty cool... it get's good at 1:15ish
Announcements / Mini Event #1 - Hard Drop Secret Santa!
November 05, 2010, 11:34:09 AM
i know im pretty new but id be game if im able
General / Funny Youtube Videos
November 04, 2010, 09:34:28 AM

Strategy/Help / Tetris Controls
November 04, 2010, 09:29:46 AM
i stalled out in sprint at 56 seconds with the deafault controls   . i never double roateded so after reading advice on here i switched up my scheme.

right now i have it set at:

right arrow = move right
left arrow = move left
up arrow = hard drop
down arrow = soft drop

a = rotate left
d = rotate right
s = hold

-- does this seem like a good one or no? It's so hard to switch im way to used to the defualt i keep pressing up to rotate and dropping the piece... figure it'll take a few days..
Introductions / Hey Fellas
November 03, 2010, 10:35:21 PM

I'm dan and been playing on tetrisfriends for a little while. My username is dmart28 and I like to troll whenever I play arena so if i've every run into any of ya there i am not really a giant douche...

I play sprint mostly. Trying to get better at sprint. Sometimes go into arena to play a few.

I like sports and stuff.

Glad to be apart of what seems to be the best tetris forum around. Blink has been a semi legend to me seeing his high scores on TF all the time so, what up blink?

 - chillin

Strategy/Help / Tetris Friends Sprint Advice?
November 03, 2010, 10:19:31 PM
Hey guys,

I'm new here. I have been playing tetris friends for a few months and have stalled out in sprint. I am at 56 seconds which i thought was pretty good till I saw some of the scores on here.. Blink.. how is that possible??

Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to get down lower in sprint?

