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Messages - Gillz

I just got a 3ds, and I currently have only Tetris DS. I was wondering what Tetris game has the most online activity? I mostly just play online. I heard that Tetris Axis for the 3DS doesn't have a lot of online players. Should I buy Tetris Party? Or just keep playing Tetris DS.
General / Clean Tetris Friends Arena
October 06, 2010, 08:03:56 AM
I agree  

Also, that 999 number by your medal. What is that number represent?
Quote from: friendship
Hey Gillz! i recognize your name from purepwnage. good to see you're getting back into tetris

i actually use a control scheme almost exactly like yours and can physically hit speeds of ~150 tpm before my brain stops being able to keep up. trying to change it would probably take a couple of weeks, at least, and it probably wouldn't help as much as just getting better with your current controls would

Friendship! I definitely remember you  How have you been?

I agree with what most people here are saying (including you). No sense of changing the control scheme since it's what I'm most comfortable with. Also, changing wouldn't really result in an increased performance.
Quote from: mathilde
Without a doubt, more people still play TDS. Even if your opinion is that TPD is a better game, the online player base is sparse at best, and in a few months will be totally non-existent. Rating in TPD is worthless, it's more like 'experience points' rather than an actual indication of how strong you are. In TDS, rating does actually mean something, and it's far far easier to get matchups against players that are similar to your skill level.

This is exactly the kind of answer I'm looking for.

Can anyone attest to this? Agree or disagree? Does TDS house the better players?
Okay, to be clear, I own BOTH at the moment, but I prefer TPD at this point (a lot more options, etc).

BUT, TPD has leader boards, but I just want to know which one people play competitively (aka, what game houses the GOOD players, TDS or TPD?)
Quote from: KeroKai
I'd suggest that you look into which game style you prefer. As Tetris Party Deluxe is different to TetrisDS in that it rewards all-spins and combos.

Competition-wise... It's better to just start off on the internet. There's alot more people to play online and well... It's more fun than not knowing your opponents etc.

I'll still play online on PC, I just want to know which one I should be playing when I play on the DS (I really like playing on the DS)
I mean this in a competitive sense. I want to play with good players, are they all still playing Tetris DS, or have they moved to Tetris Party Deluxe DS? I checked the leaderboards, and it seems that there isn't that many players compared to Tetris DS.

I'm just looking to see which one is the competitive platform for the DS

I'm sorry if this topic already exists, I tried searching and found nothing.

I've been a player of Tetris for a while now (I actually come from competing competitively in Quake) and I decided to ask some questions here. I hope you can all help.

First off, my control scheme seems bad (Up = Rotate Right, C=Rotate Left, Shift=Hold, Down=Slow drop, Space=Hard Drop, Left/Right=Left/Right)

What is the 'ideal' control scheme that competitive players use? Mine seems awkward, and I don't think I'm dropping as fast as I could be. I've been a Tetris DS player mostly (7200-7300 rank, give or take) and I prefer the DS, but it's obvious it can't be used for the PC  

Secondly, are there any Windows settings that you tweak for Tetris? (For example, I thought that the key repeater settings under the Control Panel might help). I'm just looking for the 'norm' of what settings are used.

Thirdly, I assume Tetris Friends is the main platform for playing competitively? I'm probably going to have to shell out the $5 or $10 to buy the DAS/ARR settings (Recommendations on that?). Are there any other PC platforms that players use? (I'll be also getting Tetris Party Deluxe for the DS in the next few days)

Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone wants to play some 1v1s in the future, I'd be more then willing to play some games, if anyone could even give me tips that'd be awesome