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Messages - lovesky

Hi, I watched you play a few games on TF Arena yesterday and one main thing I noticed you doing quite considerably, was building like this:


Avoid stacking up and making an extra gap, because this only makes it harder for you to stack cleanly and build tetrises. If you start forming gaps in your building, start either slotting in a L/J piece if the gap is two blocks high, or slot in a line piece.

But I think it's just a matter of playing more and getting better at recognising basic placements. Once you get that down and start working on your speed, you'll be on your way to ranking up
Tetris / The Misdrop Fest 2011
December 28, 2010, 08:16:11 AM
I get this sometimes on TF when it's really lagging...

Tetris / TOJ English Patch!
December 12, 2010, 02:45:41 PM
Arena / Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament
October 10, 2010, 04:08:47 AM
Quote from: lovesky
I'm in. (GMT)
WTH my account got hacked. I didn't even sign up for this. =.='
Arena / Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament
October 06, 2010, 09:58:47 AM
I'm in. (GMT)
Introductions / It's only six months late....
September 30, 2010, 06:50:13 PM
^ There's no need to belittle him.

Quote from: Someone2knoe
I would never call someone who hasn't broken 60 seconds yet a Grand Master.

You should expect someone who is very good to have a more than decent 40L if they try.

So anyone who is around 60 seconds and more, aren't worth of having the title? Just because they aren't hitting 100+ TPM?

Even if you had an excellent sprint time, there other things to consider such as gameplay.
Someone might not be extremely fast, but have extremely good gameplay, and are able to downstack well, it doesn't mean that they can't be a very good player just because they have a sprint time of over 60 seconds.

There's more to being a "Grand Master" than just being fast and having a sub 60 record. =/

Though I do agree that the rankings on TF are messed up, since people can easily achieve a rank 20 simply by getting Armor and/or Speed Up.
General / Personality Quiz
September 11, 2010, 06:01:13 PM
Lol, different to first time round? xD

extraverted Sensing (Se)    *********************************  (33.7)
good use
introverted Sensing (Si)    *******************************  (31.9)
good use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne)    *******************************  (31.9)
good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni)    ********************  (20.6)
limited use
extraverted Thinking (Te)    *****************************  (29.5)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti)    ********************  (20.5)
limited use
extraverted Feeling (Fe)    ************************************  (36)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi)    ************************************  (36.1)
excellent use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFP

   Lead (Dominant) Process
   Extraverted Sensing (Se): Immersing in the present context. Responding naturally to everything tangible you detect through your senses. Checking with what your gut instincts say. Testing limits and take risks for big rewards.

   Support (Auxilliary) Process
   Introverted Feeling (Fi): Staying true to who you really are. Paying close attention to your personal identity, values and beliefs. Checking with your conscience. Choosing behavior congruent with what is important to you.

If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ISFP, or ENFP

Fi/Fe 0.1 difference, but results in either good or excellent use? O.o

I think my I/E is pretty balanced?