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Messages - Azure-

As someone used to DS/GBA (Lockjaw) controls, I personally like keeping movement for my left hand, rotation + hold for my right, like what Ravendarksky was suggesting.

Left: H
Right: K
Soft Drop: J
Hard Drop: U
Left Rotate: [
Right Rotate: ]
Hold: \

I used WASD for movement before, but I found that having your hands closer together is a lot more comfortable for me...
Tetris / TOJ English Patch!
September 26, 2010, 03:59:38 PM
Don't really know much about TOJ, but I'll give it a shot seeing as it now has a patch
Tetris / Lockjaw: The overdose (aka TOD)
December 01, 2009, 04:18:34 PM
Whoa, never knew the creator was on here haha. Cool. Thanks for making this interesting take on Tetris. I'm enjoying messing with my friends and such.

Never played any of the N64 games (were there multiple?). Was that why even after a hard drop, you can still move the piece?
Tetris / Lockjaw: The overdose (aka TOD)
November 30, 2009, 10:09:32 PM
Just curious, has anyone else played this? It's just a trippy Tetris clone, and as far as I know, it's not as customizable as Lockjaw.
Tetris / Tetris DS & Tetris Party - Friend Codes
November 29, 2009, 05:36:41 PM
TDS: 704820-234632

I go by The Zura, Zura, or Azure- usually.
Tetris / Mental Tetris
November 29, 2009, 02:30:07 PM

This is essentially what you guys are talking about, isn't it?
Introductions / Hello
November 29, 2009, 12:59:54 AM
Yo, I'm Azure-. Totally did not hear about this place till like just an hour ago.

I'm a gamer (haha, no surprise there eh?). I started to get into Tetris when I picked up Tetris DS a few years back. I'm also a Smash Bros fan, along with other games, but I consider Tetris and Smash Bros to be my favorite games.

I'm looking to improve my Tetris skills somehow (I rarely use t-spin). Hopefully I'll be able to do that here.