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Messages - Groklord

Tetris / TOJ English Patch!
October 08, 2010, 05:23:26 PM
thanks, now I don't have an excuse for not playing TOJ.
Tetris / Battle 6 Player Bug
October 30, 2009, 08:32:16 PM
If you get knocked out 3 times during a game You lose and you are automatically 6th place (unless someone already lost by this method, then you are 5th place, and so forth).

So, over the course of the game you earned 5 K.O.s but you also got knocked out 3 times, so while you had the most, you allowed yourself to get knocked out too many times and you ranked 5th place.

That's how the game is designed. It's meant so you wouldn't stack to high because it puts you in risk of getting knocked out 3 times.
Tetris / How much would you pay for tetris friends?
October 30, 2009, 08:25:42 PM
Quote from: EnFuego
Who wouldn't pay for a blink voice? Default debbie just doesn't do it for me...

If we're bringing voices into this, I would like a Taylor Swift voice that goes like this when you get a T-spin double:

"T-spin... Yo, Taylor, I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but T-spin Triple has some of the best points of all time!"

And I definitely mentioned Tetris Grandmaster in my Survey.
Tetris / How much would you pay for tetris friends?
October 29, 2009, 07:17:17 PM
Considering how responsive and diligent the developers have been thus far (Especially when it comes to listening to the community for improving LIVE), I would be willing to pay any amount below $50 dollars (although I would probably complain if it's over $30, and be the first person to ask for a $20 refund if the price drops to $30) or up to $5/month. The main reason for this is that I have quite a bit of trust in TF's developers to deliver exactly what the community asks for; and after some time the value from the purchase will definitely outweigh the cost. And after playing hundreds of hours on TF, I'm really beginning to feel like I should do more to support the company before server/development costs break them.

Considering the fact that Tetris Zone costs $9.95 and has less features and modes than TF, I would predict an absolute minimum of $15, unless they're feeling generous/have incredible demand for the game.

Also, how can you possibly say no to full-screen Tetris? Especially if it will support Widescreen and resolutions over 1920x1080. But that's probably just me.
Tetris / Tetris Friends Missions & Badges Info
September 22, 2009, 07:30:47 PM
Quote from: GoldPlatedDish
...Hopefully the next missions will be more challenging, like combos and T-Spins and stuff...

I think this badge is about the T-spins

What kind of mission could be about a strawberry chocolate cake?!?!?

(pictures print-screened from the 'Browse by Pak' tap on the 'Missions' page on TF)
Arena / TF Live teams support
September 21, 2009, 07:50:53 PM
It's all just another small step before Tetris will be at the 2016 Olympic games...

Quote from: EnFuegoSo if they think about working on it now we might see it in a few months?
Judging by the diligence of the developers and the care they exhibit in their responses on the Twitter feed and the forums I believe that there is a good possibility that they will try to incorporate all of those features before beta period is over. Of course since the game is rather polished as it is and only needs a few adjustments before a release is doable, they could just add it later on. Either way, I'm inclined to believe that we only have to wait a few more weeks before some form of Team play is introduced.
Tetris / to all the TF players out there...
September 21, 2009, 03:50:34 PM
I feel accomplished (in a bad way) that I have the most of everyone that replayed so far. But I started playing from quite nearly day one (I think...), and I had A LOT of free time in the few months before this one. Now I'm playing almost only Live and I'm living off of the 30 tokens per day:

Tokens: 15487
Lifetime: 27487

Hopefully missions will come soon and I could start working on getting some badges.
Tetris / Mental Tetris
September 13, 2009, 09:01:10 AM
I thought it was my own invention from 2 years ago, but I guess other people thought about it too (kind of like Calculus and the Light-bulb).

I used to have a hard time thinking about how the field looks all the time but at some point I just stopped trying to actively think about it and allowed my mind to do the math for me, I'm still playing that same game from 2 years ago (yay for mental pause) and I'm at level 2031 with 20309 lines and counting.

It's a great way to try out new strategy (such as T-spins, combos, etc.)

I just hope no one patents it anytime soon, I would hate to be fined whenever my thoughts start drifting.