Your Style, Your Tetris

Started by PolarisTR, October 10, 2011, 02:23:15 AM

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I've recently downloaded TOP (Tetris Online Poland) and been having a blast with the free DAS (Having to pay on TF is a pain is the donkey). But for me, 5 levels of DAS just isn't enough, I usually have DAS set to 5 or 6 if I'm playing Nullpomino with gravity set to about 60 or 70 and I play with the Tetris friends default keyboard settings.

My question for you is this, what setting do you have on Nullpomino,Lockjaw or any other customisable tetris game/clone.
  I can't give you all my settings as I'm writing this in College but I think it will be interesting to see the setting from the people like Blink and other Tetris celebs.


Quote from: PolarisTRXaeL
Quote from: PolarisTRTetris celeb
I lol'd.


We want diplomacy with TTC so we're not supposed to talk about ToP on the forums, but 4/5 DAS there is more than enough for me. I went a couple of months on TF with 5DAS/5ARR and recently lowered it to 3DAS. Facebook is 5 (max).

I also only use 8min/max DAS on nullpo. I'm pretty sure everyone else uses 7 or less, and I may eventually lower it but I appreciate the added control of it, especially since 40L makes you push your speed making errors more likely.

I really tried hard to make myself acclimate to high DAS but it just makes me unhappy. DAS errors really make me mad, so I don't mind losing however many milliseconds for that extra piece of mind. If I turn tetris into something painful or a chore I will just burn out and follow the lead of the dozens of ragequit threads here.

Quote from: RadianceI'd go 5/5 if I was sure that being all teeth grinding, keyboard smashing, and foaming at the mouth competitively was worth it.

edit: I just maxed out my facebook tunings and that still feels way too slow.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Once you get PRO enough changing your DAS is easy. Especially If you play many one player modes.

I use 4/5 on TF
and 6/0 on Nullpo


Quote from: coolmaninsano
I lol'd.
did he change his message afterwards?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeLdid he change his message afterwards?
Haha yeah he edited your name out.



Quote from: coolmaninsano
Haha yeah he edited your name out.


I'm just that awsome


Quote from: PolarisTR
I'm just that awsome
Thats a bit harsh... just because people dont like me doesnt mean i'm not a total celebrity.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


40L = 28.71
My Blog


Quote from: DarthDuck
We want diplomacy with TTC so we're not supposed to talk about ToP on the forums

i wonder if blink's changed this yet

ttc hasn't done anything for us

I use
5/5 on TOP
7/1 on Blockbox
7/1 on Nullpomino

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef7/1 on Nullpomino
Why the /1 Stef? I was under the impression that everyone here used /0. The only exception is Aaron who uses /1 for multiplayer but /0 for 1P modes like 40L.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I interpreted the DAS delay as "ARR", which is how fast the piece slides once it starts sliding. And since DAS errors come from trying to tap left and right and causing an accidental slide before hitting hard drop, it shouldn't hurt if ARR is cranked right? Then again since Aaron uses /1 in multiplayer I'm sure he has his reasons.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


What style do I use? White ninja style--advanced level 1 top secret tactics.


Quote from: DarthDuck
Why the /1 Stef? I was under the impression that everyone here used /0. The only exception is Aaron who uses /1 for multiplayer but /0 for 1P modes like 40L.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I interpreted the DAS delay as "ARR", which is how fast the piece slides once it starts sliding. And since DAS errors come from trying to tap left and right and causing an accidental slide before hitting hard drop, it shouldn't hurt if ARR is cranked right? Then again since Aaron uses /1 in multiplayer I'm sure he has his reasons.

because that's how i like it, you n word.

fu**ing nagger

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


8 das, 0 ar on np blockbox
3 das, 5 ar on tf
130 15 on top
120 10 on tetrifast
500000000 50000000 on blockles
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: Radiance
8 das, 0 ar on np blockbox
3 das, 5 ar on tf
Wow, someone else who doesn't go overkill on DAS *high five*

PS. Stef hurt my feelings on the internet
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I