HD Team League Season 2

Started by myndzi, April 25, 2011, 10:27:07 PM

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HDTL Season 2 begins June 4th. Signups will be open until May 25th. Weekends until then will have random preseason matches from the currently registered teams.

Team owners: post in this thread to sign up. Please include your full roster. Please see the detail sections on rosters and scheduling for major changes before committing your team. The scheduling penalties are particularly harsh sounding, but I don't expect them to be a big problem and will exercise leniency where it is appropriate.

Scheduling thread

Detailed rules

This league will be played on Nullpomino. The regular season will be a round robin series of best-of-5 matches made up of individual sets played with settings chosen randomly from pre-designed types (see below). Each game type will be revealed before that set is played at match time, after which team captains will choose which player will play that set.

Teams will be ranked by matches won, then by fewest set losses, and finally by differential if necessary. The match will end when one team wins 3 sets.

Finals will be serial elimination as before, with best-of-7 matches. Each team will be able to choose one game type to "thumbs down" - these types will be played last, with preference going to the higher seeded team.

Teams will be a group of players with a designated owner and (optional) captain. Roster changes will take effect from the time I am notified by the team owner and noone else. Players may notify me themselves if they wish to leave a specific team. Players may not participate in matches for 7 days after joining a team.

Each player on a team must use the same name and tripcode for every game they participate in this season. You will not be allowed to play for your team unless you are using the name and tripcode you are rostered under. Team owners, please include the players' Nullpomino handle and tripcode in your roster submissions if you can, otherwise I will collect them at the first available opportunity.

The owner may specify a captain as well. The captain is allowed to schedule matches and decide who plays a set. Either may designate a temporary captain for a week in case of unavailability, real life interference, or whatever.

I will announce matches before Wednesday each week. Teams have until the following Wednesday to agree on a day and time to meet. Valid match times are from Friday at 6PM PST to Sunday at 11PM PST.

Three strikes, you're out. Your match scores will be struck from the record and you will not be scheduled to participate in the rest of the season. You will receive a strike for failing to show three players to a match. That is to say, if the match ends with one or more sets forfeited due to no eligible players, your team will receive a strike. Chronic laxity in scheduling may also earn a strike on my judgement.

Each match will consist of up to 5 sets. The game type will be announced before each set is played, and the team will be allowed 5 minutes to decide who will play that set. Players who have participated in a previous set that ended in victory will not be allowed to play further sets. This is the "winners out" system from the HDTL1 finals. If you were subbed out and your substitute won the set, you are still ineligible to play in further sets.

Each set will be first to 7 games, win by 2. Players will be responsible for watching the chat in case their captain calls a timeout.

Teams are allowed 15 minutes of timeout, which the captains can use however they want. Up to 5 minutes will be automatically deducted if a team has no eligible players to play a set. After those 5 minutes, that set will be forfeit.

Teams are allowed one substitution, which the captains may use however they want.

Game types
There are seven. Changes are bolded. All 7-preview rules were changed to 6; 7 was actually a mistake. All rules except G are now 1g instead of 0g. EZ only applies to Immoble, so I removed it from the rest for clarity. (In T-spin modes on Nullpo, EZ-T currently counts as a mini, at least if the "back" two corners are both blocked.)

Type A: 100% change on attack, 6 previews, bag randomizer, T-spins only (4-point), B2B: on, garbage block: on, garbage cancel: on, combos: on, perfect clear: on, soft drop

Type B: 100% change on attack, change garbage hole for B2B, 6 previews, bag randomizer, All-spins (Immobile), EZ: on, B2B: on, garbage block: on, garbage cancel: on, combos: off, perfect clear: on, sonic drop

Type C: 100% change on attack, 6 previews, bag randomizer, no spins, B2B: off, garbage block: on, garbage cancel: on, combos: on, perfect clear: on, soft drop

Type D: 100% change per-line garbage, 3 previews, 4-history randomizer, no spins, B2B: on, garbage block: on, garbage cancel: off, combos: off, perfect clear: off, sonic drop

Type E: 100% change per-line garbage, 1 preview, memoryless randomizer, no spins, B2B: off, garbage block: off, counter: off, combos: off, perfect clear: off, no hold, wall-only wallkicks, soft drop

Type F: 30% change per-line, 6 previews, bag randomizer, T-spins only (4-point), B2B: on, garbage block: off, garbage cancel: on, combos: off, perfect clear: on, soft drop

Type G: 30% change per-line, 3 previews, 4-history randomizer, no spins, B2B: off, garbage block: off, garbage cancel: off, combos: off, perfect clear: off, 20G gravity, ARS (Ti) kicks, max lock delay

Preset codes:
Remember to remove any spaces from the preset codes when importing them. Presets will need to be used with the corresponding rule file.

A: eNrTNbT2cAnx0Q6pLEjVdrQ2sjYAw7TEnOJU65Ki0lRra2MDa0NrMwOoDIhnCBQAy2EjIFp1Da1NoUxMEqzO0ABkHJIWLAqhDgEAlS42Ow==

B: eNrTNbT2cAnx0Q6pLEjVdrI2sjYAw7TEnOJU65Ki0lRra2MDa0NrMwOoDIhnCFQHlkNShiAggrqG1qZQJiYJVmdoADIYoQ+LOqhDAJGnNj4=

C: eNrTNbT2cAnx0Q6pLEjVdrY2sjYAw7TEnOJU65Ki0lRra2MDa0NrMwOoDIhniKoCjYDI6Bpam0KZmCRYnaEBwiYIiUUlVAEA+QY20g==


E: eNrTNbT2cAnx0Q6pLEjVdrU2sjYAw7TEnOJU65Ki0lRra2MDa0NrMwOoDIhnCFeBn9Q1tDYloMTQwADNMCyKoAoA9U04Sw==


G: eNrTNbT2cAnx0Q6pLEjVdrc2sjYAw7TEnOJU65Ki0lRra2MDa0MjAwNrMwOoJEjAEK4IP6lraG1KQImxAZpZWNRAFQAAM8E4sQ==[/spoiler]

  • killahbee
  • coolmaninsano
  • vipjun
  • virulent
PM me if you would like to volunteer.

Owners in bold, captains in italics
  • Legion of Doom: Apocalypse, blazenazn, Carolyn, Chopin, H, JENN, kennyboy2, massi4h, MicroBlizz, rowa, 0t, Kitaru
  • Mystery: Parkzer, Alexsweden, Bentoboxer, Billstar, danni_marie15, EnFuego, Nicx, Perfectclear, Ryan227735, Ukrainian4life, Tt_Edward, xkittykatx, Paradox
  • Earth: Beastin Shen, JohnnyC, Kwillin, ItsWhatever, Antifate, DAS44, Jeycho
  • Element: killahbee, hebo-mai, Blink, tagitagi, jujube, Jes, vipjun, SirJeivus, Anonymous
  • STARS: Profane, arfarf, Agamemnon, supermeowmix, ohitsstef, sregrub, Meta Zircean, Shahil619, Radiance, bada
  • Eurofighters: KeroKai, NoManual, tetrominophile, Rosti_LFC, berry, mippo, Paul676, Ravendarksky, goofer
  • Hopeless Romantics: Aaron, Larry, DrPete, Pikiwedia, KevinDDR, Joeybeans, virulent, colorhapsody, kdbar, Repetition314, Harganslee


[☠] LoD

-Apocalypse ~
-blazenazn ~
-Carolyn !AGcE5nFkgQ
-Chopin ~ (owner)
-hahaha1363 !I9IhvvVdPo
-kennyboy2 ~
-massi4h !qwYd7p0xOA
-MicroBlizz ~
-rowa !TgRoWAKSxQ
-0t !ZEROT/Ra9M

Jenn and I are co-captains. Chopin is on HD leave until the season starts.

~ Ill add the rest of the tripcodes when I get them.
☠ ZeroT


I know I said this last season, but I don't want to deal with multiple people per team. Please decide someone to be the authoritative source of information and stick with that person. I know that Chopin can find the time to post and designate team members and a captain, and if he doesn't want to do so, maybe he should hand owner duties over to someone who will be able to fulfill those duties.

(What I mean is, you guys can organize yourselves internally however you want. For my purposes, the owner is in charge of who's on the team and who's not. That title doesn't have to go literally to the founder of your team, but it should go to someone who can take on the duties of actively keeping me updated on roster information.The captain [or the owner if he wants to be the captain too] is in charge of scheduling and running matches in the same way. You can have five tiers of ranks and three people per rank for all I care - internally - but I only want to see one person doing scheduling and the like.)


Team Mystery

(working on the tripcodes!)
Current Roster:
EnFuego (current owner)

We are totally game for preseason matches!


Bump! I'd like to get 4 teams before I start holding weekend matches, but if you two want to have a match next weekend, set it up and I'll get the settings and rule files put together. It'll likely be this weekend at the earliest that I have them available.


Team Earth:

Beastin Shen (Captain)  !0xD0iUyu7I

subject to change on roster.
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(http://harddrop.com/design/pic/badges/bg_black.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 80px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:80px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


By the way, I don't require tripcodes for everyone up front before registration, I just want tripcodes for players who play in a match. If nothing else, I'll collect tripcodes at match time, but I want players to be using one before they play. Please help your team members who will be playing figure out how to do this and caution them against using existing passwords as tripcodes



1. Radiance  !ozOtJW9BFA (Owner)
2. Distance
3. cubixcreature  !S5p6zGXKCI
4. poopmo
5. qmk
6. MzSlowmo  !WBRXcNtpf.

Ya'll ready for this?


I did up the rule files and the room setting presets. Sorry it took so long; I am going to be really busy up until when this starts, and then I should have time, but in the interim it means weekdays are short and weekends are when I try to get everything done!

Please let me know if you notice any errors. The Type G ruleset is the HDTL-A ruleset modified with most of the settings from Classic 3. The ARE and ARE Line delays chosen were from the top of the Death speed curve. Lock delay was extended to 99 (infinite?), but you only get one floor kick for T and I so I look forward to seeing some pyramid stacking!


Quote from: myndzi
I did up the rule files and the room setting presets. Sorry it took so long; I am going to be really busy up until when this starts, and then I should have time, but in the interim it means weekdays are short and weekends are when I try to get everything done!

Please let me know if you notice any errors. The Type G ruleset is the HDTL-A ruleset modified with most of the settings from Classic 3. The ARE and ARE Line delays chosen were from the top of the Death speed curve. Lock delay was extended to 99 (infinite?), but you only get one floor kick for T and I so I look forward to seeing some pyramid stacking!

I was spectating a type F game, playing opened with a tspin double and the resulting garbage was like this

I've not played tds but was wondering if this type of garbage is expected?

Quote from: myndzi
I did up the rule files and the room setting presets. Sorry it took so long; I am going to be really busy up until when this starts, and then I should have time, but in the interim it means weekdays are short and weekends are when I try to get everything done!

Please let me know if you notice any errors. The Type G ruleset is the HDTL-A ruleset modified with most of the settings from Classic 3. The ARE and ARE Line delays chosen were from the top of the Death speed curve. Lock delay was extended to 99 (infinite?), but you only get one floor kick for T and I so I look forward to seeing some pyramid stacking!

I was spectating a type F game, playing opened with a tspin double and the resulting garbage was like this

I've not played tds but was wondering if this type of garbage is expected?


Yes, type F is not change on attack. It is 30% change per-line, which means that every line there's a 30% chance that the hole will change.


what's the difference between garbage block and garbage cancel?


Sorry bee I'm going to enter us cause I'm impatient.  Also, hebo agreed to rejoin us =).

Element is in:

killahbee - owner
hebo-mai - lebron james
blink - dwayne wade
jujube - where are you??? =(
vipjun - cheerleader


Quote from: mippo
what's the difference between garbage block and garbage cancel?

I believe Garbage Canceling is instant, like you send 4 right as your opponent sends four, and Garbage Blocking is with combos, You block your opponents garbage till your combo ends?


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