A look at perfection : an analysis of Lapsilap's WR 40-line run

Started by caffeine, April 24, 2011, 03:04:13 PM

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I did a frame-by-frame analysis of the most recent world record for 40-lines, set on Nullpomino: 21.20 seconds.

I thought some of you might be interested in looking at the spreadsheet, found here.

Lapsilap used double rotation for the most part. A couple of the worst placements (e.g. piece 26's 29 frame placement) used up three movements. He also used DAS preservation and combined movements between some pieces. I spotted this on pieces 40, 48, 49, 57, 58, 82, and 83. It's possible I may've missed a couple.

A brief summary:

14.01 Average keys per second
02.94 Average keys per tetromino

285.85 Average tetrominoes per minute
004.76 Average tetrominoes per second

0.77 Average rotation per tetromino
1.17 Average moves per tetromino

29.00 Maximum frames per tetromino
06.00 Minimum frames per tetromino
12.59 Average frames per tetromino
04.28 Average frames per key

14.01 keys per second is insanely fast. It's the equivalent of 168.12 WPM typing speed. Actually, that's misleading since there are some differences, such as having limited keys and coming up with placements opposed to simply copying down text.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://harddrop.com/file/pic/gallery/3095.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://harddrop.com/file/pic/gallery/3095.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Nice work, is a "0.77 Average rotation per tetromino" normal or is he putting the pieces in a smart way so he doesnt need to rotate them too often?

Also noticed that you did not put much analysis in there - mostly facts. What do you make out of the numbers? What do you think he could improve in the most? is the "02.94 Average keys per tetromino" thats holding him down or what do you think?

Speaking of holding, the use of hold (how many times he used it and how) could be something to add for future analysis.

And again, great work, really I love stuff like this!


Quote from: Alexsweden
nice work, is a "0.77 Average rotation per tetromino" normal or is he putting the pieces in a smart way so he doesnt need to rotate them too often?

Also noticed that you did not put much analysis in there - mostly facts. What do you make out of the numbers? What do you think he could improve in the most? is the "02.94 Average keys per tetromino" thats holding him down or what do you think?

Speaking of holding, that might be a fun prat to add in future analysis, just a hint.

And again, great work!

Thanks. When watching frame by frame, I definitely got the feeling that he was avoiding rotations when possible. However, I believe around 3 KPT is around average for his particular style. For reference, when using optimal 2-step + 180 rotations, you can expect around 2.75 KPT. There's no need for analyzing holding, since he doesn't make use of the hold feature.

The most interesting statistic might be that he never used more than 10 frames between inputs (actually, this could be inaccurate, but I'm not about to sit down and spend three hours figuring it out). I remember when watching Maserati's old WR frame by frame, it seemed as though he landed more "really fast pieces," but had a higher frame per piece overall. That's about as much insight I can offer.


Normal for his style you say, can get lower KTP values from doing freestyle instead (thats what its called right, not making tetrises) or are you refering to something else?

Haha, hold was difficult


[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


This is really awesome analysis. It'd be cool if Nullpo could make these tables by itself.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino



Wow didn't see this page until now  Coooool! But the 2 blue spikes on the chart are ugly

I 3tap sometimes, and I try not to do it now :x But then I think it can be good sometimes too if you need to das the next piece the way you tap. Or?

I'm not very familiar with the SRS either so rotating S/Z can be hard sometimes

Caffeine you should do this analysis on other replays too! It's more fun to compare than just looking at my stats.


Yeah, the blue spikes are ugly, but the yellow spikes are also bad!

You say you're not comfortable with SRS, but what if you used a rotation system tailored to something you're more comfortable with... say Quadra's? Would that allow you to play even faster?

That's a good question about the tap and DAS preservation trade-off. I can't believe you even try for that-- so pro. I'll have to add that tactic to my repetoire. From what I can tell, you use 7 frames of DAS, so you'd save 6 frames by preserving the DAS. However, that extra tap will cost some frames (your average being 4.28), though most likely less than that since you'd just be repeating a tap. So, in cases where you'd preserve the DAS, yes it'd save you a couple of frames. Sounds complicated to make this into a practical and fluent system, though. Do you really think about these details while simultaneously playing at 5tps speeds?

Make you a deal: you break the WR, and I'll do another analysis. =b


Can I have an idiots guide to your last post caffeine, I THINK i know what you are talking about but not sure <_<.

Is it tapping back a piece so you can hold that direction to get the next piece to the other sides wall faster?

I always try and hold one direction when placing if I think that piece is going on that side of the screen... I'm not fast enough that this causes mistakes heh


Quote from: Ravendarksky
Can I have an idiots guide to your last post caffeine, I THINK i know what you are talking about but not sure <_<.
No problem.

Consider the following situation:


You can do this two ways. The following diagram does it in a total of six inputs.

However, you can also do the same thing with seven inputs...

So, you can place the L using either two or three movements, but in the case of three movements, you can just hold down the right button, and on your next piece, get all the way to the wall in one frame (instead of the normal 7 frames). In the case where you'd want to DAS left on your next piece instead of right, it'd definitely be faster to use the two-move (where you finish on the left button).

Since I use 4 frames of DAS and not 7, I don't think this trick would save me much time. Perfect finesse is hard enough already, so this just seems like overkill to me. That's just my opinion. However, I am going to try to become more aware DAS preservation possibilities and take advantage of them.


I don't get it. At which point would I have to hold down right?
It's all about the love


Hm, I should've put the rotate first. So, Lapsi is saying you'd rotate, then tap tap tap, and on the third tap you'd hold it down and hard drop before the autorepeat kicks in.


I would like to understand more of this 'DAS preservation' as well. Lapsi's movements always make me laugh. They're so pro but sometimes he does different things in the same situation. Sometimes to get an L or a J into the 180 position, he rotates twice ccw, then others he does cw. Very amusing


Quote from: caffeine
Hm, I should've put the rotate first. So, Lapsi is saying you'd rotate, then tap tap tap, and on the third tap you'd hold it down and hard drop before the autorepeat kicks in.
Ah, ok, that makes more sense. It still doesn't seem practical enough, I don't know how he can do that at 5TPS(if he does at all)
It's all about the love