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Revision as of 03:31, 17 October 2017 by Sampleaccount (talk | contribs)
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Everything says only linux can edit the source code and stuff but actually you can edit source codes and stuff in other OS. There isn't much difference with editing source codes.

In Windows, you need an .exe file. If you edit code other than the .exe on Windows, NullpoMino ignores it. 09:59, 16 October 2017 (PDT)
Well, how about Mac?
Plus, in Nullpomino, it has NOTHING to deal with .exe file. All it does is executing the nullpomino to gui. All sources are in Nullpomino.jar so you just need to modify that jar file to customize wallkicks and stuff. There are some programs that has everything in the .exe file, but nullpomino isn't.