Tetris (ZX Spectrum)

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According to the "World of Spectrum" website, a conversion of Tetris was made for the ZX Spectrum, by someone called Andi in 1986 but the copyright was held by Alexey Pazhitnov and the game was published by Alexey Pazhitnov for the computer in 1986. Can be downloaded at http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0005208

To play the Java version available on World of Spectrum once the game has loaded successfully, initially press space and wait. When the games screen appears set the joystick to "Cursor". Once game play commences with the pieces falling, set the joystick back to "Kempston".

The Java emulator on the World of Spectrum does not emulate the “Fire Key” on the “Kempston” joystick, so the pieces cannot be turned! To play the game properly, the game file has to be downloaded and then played on a real ZX Spectrum or an emulator with the “Kempston” joystick fully emulated.

Many ZX Spectrums were cloned in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. More ZX Spectrums were cloned in the former Soviet Union than the rest of the world put together! Eastern European clones :- http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair/computers/clones/e_european.htm

Russian clones :- http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair/computers/clones/russian.htm