14th row PC loop openers

Started by tony825077, February 03, 2019, 07:01:20 PM

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I introduced BT Cannon (14th row PC loop) image table from http://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/vi...ute&no=6695
However the DCinside sever has rejected non-Korean IP because of DDos attack.
So I want to show you 14th row PC loop opener images through the Google server.

BT Cannon - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1y68YKYGoT...j8nR-cF4IjeWaGG

DT Cannon - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DO3v63vET...z3SG7AAZdeB40Yh

Riviclia's Pelican - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ym78NZrCv...di1-8KqSqjvTmdG

WM(WolfMoon) Cannon - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dcXjY-tdu...tZo-JWhqqMyAljb

The Video of these 4 openers (by Kimham) - https://youtu.be/MeZjvSfY0ms
(WM Cannon → New DT Cannon → BT Cannon → Riviclia's Pelican)

If you know other 14th row PC loop openers, please upload them on this page.


Its interesting to see what other communities are out there. Koreans are on the rise since Puyo Puyo Tetris and the openers they use tend to be different. Riviclia showed me some openers and I saw other Koreans use them as well.

Alexandra once linked me two of those 14 lines PC loop openers, both by the same Japanese author (there might be more; I haven't checked his Youtube channel). Both loops have in common that they start with 4 T-Spins in the first 4 bags and that you have to make an odd clear in the 5th bag (with odd clear I mean clearing a Single with an odd number of empty cells in the rows below).

The first one doesn't look promising in my opion. It starts with Air TSD -> TST -> TSD -> TSD. There's only one good case where you have a 86 % PC chance. Detailed Fumen. Simplified Fumen:


The second one looks more interesting in my opinion. The start resembles TKI a bit. It starts with TSD -> TST -> TSD -> TST. The problematic part is the second bag. Afterwards, chances are good that you end up in the setup that leads into a Perfect Clear. It's 98 % PC rate for the good setup whereas the most frequent solution has a 66.7 % chance of working (despite of that odd clear and T-Spin Triple overhang). Detailed Fumen. Simplified Fumen:



Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Its interesting to see what other communities are out there. Koreans are on the rise since Puyo Puyo Tetris and the openers they use tend to be different. Riviclia showed me some openers and I saw other Koreans use them as well.

Alexandra once linked me two of those 14 lines PC loop openers, both by the same Japanese author (there might be more; I haven't checked his Youtube channel). Both loops have in common that they start with 4 T-Spins in the first 4 bags and that you have to make an odd clear in the 5th bag (with odd clear I mean clearing a Single with an odd number of empty cells in the rows below)...

Thank you very much! These 'Flamingo DT' and 'First DT' look interesting!


Here is a build with the 28th row PC loop.

It is SBZ Mechanical TSD(made by Riviclia and Frozenstellar).
It uses 10 bags. You can see the videos of that from https://youtu.be/EN7n7-jvZUY and https://clips.twitch.tv/SpicyApatheticBananaNerfBlueBlaster (By CooJ)

From 1st Bag to 9th Bag image is on https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oZtCuTVYY...xXbAb51UJHH7nb8
And 10th Bag images are on https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zs2Hcq6FE...Ncs9wkJR5JRjvPv
(If you download and open this HTML file with Chrome, you can see the image links.)


Koreans make a study of 14th row PC loop openers.

And here is new version of Hachi Spin(Ni Hachi Po).

You can see this on https://drive.google.com/open?id=1S6NgURb5a...SaboZehqfqG-9IM

And Hachi Spin x8 TAS Video is on https://youtu.be/9Fd-wqd8Aa0


There is another way to do '14th row PC loop' on DT Cannon.

It is 'DT Cannon C-Spin'.

It's power is equal to BT Cannon's, but We need TOZ in the 3rd Bag.

You can see the image of it on https://drive.google.com/open?id=12snekbK6r...CN6lcaDVy0rxOn6

And you can watch the sample video on https://youtu.be/VTL_-mWWO1g



I've made image table and video of Reliable TSD.

You can see these on

Image - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A5w32-iq7...4Z5TC7L8vpEwrhF
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZX8FEZso_4