What should I do to reduce kpp?

Started by kimarle, July 30, 2018, 12:26:36 AM

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My original kpp was 3.1~3.2,now I reduced it to 2.8~2.9 through finesse practice.

but I don't know how to reduce kpp now.(now my kpp is very high)

My fastest 40L lines record : https://ko.jstris.jezevec10.com/replay/738222

My fastest 20L lines record : https://ko.jstris.jezevec10.com/replay/729765

My kpp is irregular. I don't know why. I do not know what to do to reduce it.

Please give me the correct answer.


if you have perfect finesse, the next step to reducing kpp is from how you stack. choose the stacking options that require less key presses. for instance, try to avoid placing yourself in a situation where you need to double rotate your piece or tap the same key twice. one of the most important things to keep in mind is to try to avoid making trenches which is the most typical result of bad t-piece placements. lastly, you want to create pockets 3w in length for your L and J pieces which will determine your success. by doing this you open up your field for more options to choose from that are lower kpp. it would be ideal to try to stack your s and z pieces flat unless you are using it to close up a trench created by the t piece.

a good point of reference would be to study the player eriri who has the lowest kpp while still managing to maintain a high quality of play in sprints

☠ MicroBlizz