DT Cannon Guide (DT PC, 4W and more)

Started by Shizu, March 01, 2018, 02:26:13 PM

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Guide made by Shizu (I don't know everything about tetris)

DT Cannon is easy and fast (depending on how you build it) and it can lead to a whole variety of stuff.
I will focus on the way amemiyataiyou (Self-proclaimed god, Japanese PPT Player) builds it.
He has a specific way for building it and it is fast. The first thing you should look for is in your bag. If the first 4 pieces has early LS, LJ and JZ you should go for it. If there isn’t any, then you should just build something else.
The bases for DT Cannon (Amemiya way) looks like this:


Some things to take note of is that for early JZ, you really want to place down the J. If you put down the Z piece first and forced to place the I, then you have no way of putting in the J piece.
Something to avoid too is doing stuff like this:


With early JZ bag, you generally don’t want to do this except you know that L and S RIGHT AFTER (However O doesn’t really matter if it is in between or not) is coming in that specific order.
If place JZ like that, then you could run into problem of getting a T and I pieces which leaves you in building an awkward DT Cannon. So, stick with the 2 bases as mentioned in the first fumen.

Now, let’s look on DT Perfect Clear.
Why go for DT Perfect Clear?
DT Perfect Clear gives you just the right amount of lines to send to your opponent to instant kill them.
TSD (4 lines) + TST (6 lines) (+1 if B2B) + PC (10 lines) = 20. (21 with B2B)
DT PC is mostly used as a counter to C4W however DTPC does have a disadvantage of being ruined if the other player decides to send a line or 2. There is also the chance of you not being able to perfect clear. But if you are stubborn and don’t want to 4w then this is probably the best bet to win against c4w in PPT. Otherwise it’s still pretty strong if you pull it off.
Let’s see on how to build it.


The build pattern really depends on what bag you get, but in most cases you pretty much want go for the ” Easiest build to memorize”. Should be self-explanatory why. The others can be used as well to perfect clear and there are probably more patterns than the one I have listed.
After burning through the 2 tspins, what we have left is what we can PC with.
There is lots of ways to PC (and I only listed those that I know):


Note: Pieces in parenthesis is the bag order.
If you build the DTPC where you don’t have the 2x2 gap on the left side and have either I or S in both hold and on the field, then you won’t be able to PC.
What to look out for is if you end up like this:


If you spot 2 O’s in queue, put the first O on the right hole. If you don’t put it on the left hole. Why you ask? Because if you see that you don’t have 2 O’s then you are not likely to PC. However what you can do if you put the O in the left hand side is then do an amemiya TSD donation:


Which will lead to a tetris if you fill up the hole on the right. One thing to look for is that you NEED the L piece before you get the S piece as you need to put the L inside the hole.
Or else you can just go for an easy tetris if you fill the bottom with Z, L, T and the likes.
That’s DTPC. Let’s take out the DT4W. Amemiya regularly uses DT4W. Why? Because it gets rid of a problem that S4W has. Let’s see how it is built first.


The strength of DT4W is that you are a lot safer when building it. You see opponent send a tetris/tspin that would kill you? Send the TSD. He does it again? You send the TST.
That does require you to always have a T piece on hold. If you don’t you really want one ASAP.
And when you feel comfortable enough begin combo’ing although do be mindful of your height.

Another option you could do is doing DT into another DT:


It only really makes sense to go for DT DT if you place the Z and S pieces upright. But it’s still very nice.

DT CSpin:


DT King Crimson:


DT CSpin depends on the J (Can also be an L piece) to lay down the Z piece. You can also substitute with a T piece however you would be using a T piece.
DT King Crimson can also be used, especially against puyo since it will just do an absurd amount of damage to them while you are relatively safe on building it.

Other than that you can go for Double Dagger and Imperial Cross:


They’re handy at times but you would normally not go for this but it shows how DT can be used with just a few pieces.

All in one fumen (Won’t have all the PC finishers):


Anyways thanks for reading this guy and not roll your eyes because I’m stupid

Check out Jammburgers introduction to higher level tetris


Man great guide!
I really like the DT Cannon and it is my main setup. I used some of your continuations in your guide before it was released, especially the c-spin.
First of all the c-spin continuations is decent, but hard to execute. There is no real balance in it and sometimes i struggle really hard and i am too slow for this. So i think the c-spin is not as powerful as the other ones.
I will test some setups. Thanks for this really good guide.
And one little mistake, in the fumen DT DT, the L on the L is a J. I got a bit brainfcked when i build this setup the first one   .
Great Guide!


Great guide!

I feel like DT Cannon's main strength is its consistency. But it should be noted that the DT Cannon (at least, as written here) requires 3-bags to perform 2x TSpins. One way of thinking of it is that you deal 4+7 damage over 21 pieces. This is less damage than 2x perfect clear (Perfect Clear #1 is on the 10th piece, #2 is on the 20th piece typically), TKI, and other openings.

c4w will have placed roughly 21 pieces by the time the TST hits them, potentially setting up over 10 lines of combo (14 if they somehow manage to get a perfectly balanced stack).

Hard to say for sure, but it really does seem like you need to learn those powerful "after DT Cannon" setups to fully take advantage of the DT Cannon opening. There's nothing quite like 10 more lines of damage with the perfect clear setup.


Thank you for this very helpful guide!

I've been practicing DT setups with the help of this guide and the hard drop wiki article, but I'm often unsure which build to use when the bag starts with an S and Z piece.

For example, if the starting bag is: ZSLJTIO or ZSILJTO

Which setup should you go for? Or should you just give up on DT cannon and use a different setup?


Quote from: nagonagobut I'm often unsure which build to use when the bag starts with an S and Z piece. [...] Which setup should you go for? Or should you just give up on DT cannon and use a different setup?
DT Cannon doesn't really work for SZ starts unless you also get the T piece immediately afterwards. For all bags in which the 2 major DT Cannons (LS/JZ base + TSZ base) are not working, you can use one of the following 3 "fake" DT cannons (options #1 to #3):

Nobody uses them though. You should go for one of the regular openings. C-Spin will always work. Hummingbird and Pelican have a good chance of working. Some alternatives depending on your third piece:



Wow, thank you so much for all those examples!! That is extremely helpful, I'll try to learn some of them.


I guess I will leave it here: I went through all options to stack the third bag where you try to go for a Perfect Clear after 10 cleared lines in total, that means where you stack 10 lines high but leave out a spot that looks like an O, I, S or Z piece. I hope I didn't forget one option. Some options will be totally redundant. The listed percentages are the probabilities that you can build that stack in the third bag. First percentage is with the help of softdrop and spins, second percentage is without softdrop.





I can do the same for DT Cannons that look differently after 2 bags, if someone is interested. I can also calculate how many third bags can be stacked in at least one of multiple listed ways but you must give me a fumen for that (e.g. a fumen showing 2 common ways for 10 lines PC + 2 common ways for C-Spins and then I calculate the amount of third bags where you can apply at least one of those 4 ways)

Here're the Perfect Clear probabilities depending on the shape that is left out: