Puyo Puyo Tetris for PC

Started by morningpee, February 05, 2018, 10:07:43 AM

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Pre-ordered on my end. Hope to see a bigger user base on the PC version than Switch or PS4.




Well it's a lot more active on ps4 at least than tetris ultimate ever was anywhere (even on the 3ds version which wasn't broken like the rest were). The majority of players are Japanese though so will be interesting to see how it goes without the years and years worth of Japanese install base. They need to take a leaf out of psyonix's book and do crossplay really.


The "Old Code" builds did have cross-play within their own vendor ecosystem (i.e., 3DS + Wii U, Vita + PS3). For the "New Code" builds, there weren't any valid targets following that rule for cross-play (Switch, PS4, and Xbox One are all "New Code," all without any handheld "New Code" game to connect with).

So, if there were to be any potential of cross-play, it would probably be between PS4 and PC. I don't think Nintendo would be too interested, but some PS3/PS4 titles have been on the same servers as PC players before. I'm not sure how likely that is with PPT at this point in time, though I suppose it's within the realm of possibility.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Well there is some precedent then, I didn't know that. Still I think it's pretty unlikely they will do it unless there's enough of a problem to force them.

With rocket league there is ps4/PC crossplay and switch/xbone/PC crossplay. Sony are the only holdouts who refuse to share servers with nintendo and microsoft. But there's no reason why other games such as PPT couldn't have the same crossplay so PC can play with everyone that way. I think it's quite likely the community will be larger on PC outside of Japan at least anyway.


Quote from: Brent
Well there is some precedent then, I didn't know that. Still I think it's pretty unlikely they will do it unless there's enough of a problem to force them.

With rocket league there is ps4/PC crossplay and switch/xbone/PC crossplay. Sony are the only holdouts who refuse to share servers with nintendo and microsoft. But there's no reason why other games such as PPT couldn't have the same crossplay so PC can play with everyone that way. I think it's quite likely the community will be larger on PC outside of Japan at least anyway.
Cross play would definitely be a desirable feature. If the code base supports it and the companies (Sony/m$/Nintendo) are willing it would be a great way to unite Tetris for the next few years

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: Brent
Well there is some precedent then, I didn't know that. Still I think it's pretty unlikely they will do it unless there's enough of a problem to force them.

With rocket league there is ps4/PC crossplay and switch/xbone/PC crossplay. Sony are the only holdouts who refuse to share servers with nintendo and microsoft. But there's no reason why other games such as PPT couldn't have the same crossplay so PC can play with everyone that way. I think it's quite likely the community will be larger on PC outside of Japan at least anyway.
That's interesting. My previous knowledge was with some games like CSGO that had cross-play and keyboard/mouse support on Sony consoles but not Microsoft, but Rocket League is an interesting counterpoint. Well, I think it's a bit too late considering Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft are all already separate, so PC will probably also be separate or only connect to one platform like PS4 (given that the Xbox One version is Japan-only and probably low adoption anyhow).
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


I heard this Puyo Puyo Tetris port was outsourced to a company called Bitbaboon. So it wasn't done by Sega Europe itself. First impression compared to PS4 version:

Note that I am a laptop user. I only played multiplayer and I used only windowed mode only with VSync turned off. In windowed mode, you can only choose the resolution 800 x 450. The game looks fine under this resolution (and wasn't resource hungry) but I had to reduce my desktop resolution to below 1280 x 720 so that the game wasn't too small on my screen (no real problem for me though). edit: You can actually resize the game in windowed mode. You just have to drag the borders of the window.

What's new? You can customize your key bindings freely and you can choose 2 keys per input (if you usually play with softdrop and harddrop on different hands, then I would recommend to make a 2nd key for softdrop positioned near your harddrop key because harddrop doesn't work on most Puyo modes). The game has mouse support. You can even play with mouse (move pieces, rotate, harddrop etc.) and change the mouse sensitivity. When a match is starting and you don't use the mouse, then the game tries to hide it. After a match ends, the mouse will be unhidden and teleported to somewhere in the middle of the screen which I found a little annoying.

The game has a few bugs. Nothing that can't be fixed though:
  • In Big Bang mode I noticed a graphic glitch (a part of my 4th and 5th preview piece became fully transparent)
  • Sometimes when I went back to matchmaking lobby, I was greeted by a pretty white screen and no opponent showed up. Pressing Escape and going back fixes this.
  • The match filters don't work properly. For example you can say I don't want to play Fusion mode in Puzzle League (1vs1 ladder). While you will not start a game in this mode, this doesn't prevent the game from offering you to play against an opponent who is already waiting in Fusion mode. Not sure if this behaviour is intended or a bug. But I would consider it a bug regarding Opponent Net Speed filter: The game offers you to play against a player with a very "laggy" connection, even if you set this filter to a decent level.
  • Disconnect rate (matches ending prematurely or game has to restart online play after a successful match) is roughly the same as on PS4, maybe a little worse.
The game is basically region locked. In 1vs1 ladder, you can play only against players from your region. So European players will only play against European players, North American players only against North American players, South American players only against South American players, and so on. This may be an issue for global ranking. A player might be ranked too high, if his/her region is more active or if he/she is dominating this region (PPT ranking is already a little problematic without this issue, e.g. average ratings increasing over time; or once the rating difference between 2 players is bigger than 1000, then the rating gap plays no role for determining the rating win/loss after a match; I think players on top will always gain 8 points or lose 40 points respectively no matter who they play against). I heard someone claiming that region lock was also present in custom rooms which would become a severe issue for stuff like tournaments.

How is the performance? When I played my first games online, I was surprised how smooth/fast the game was compared to PS4. I was connected to my opponents more quickly and games seemed to be faster. Maybe, DAS (intial autorepeat delay) is shorter in the PC version which I would consider a change for the good. That said, the smoothness could be caused by region lock (the game always felt a little laggy on PS4 when I played against Japanese players). But then I played some games (against Barney and some Russian players) where the game was freezing every second and where I was forced to play at roughly 60% of my normal speed. Again this lagginess could be caused by the Opponent Net Speed filter not working properly (on PS4 I set the filter high enough to prevent these matches). What makes this worse is that the lag doesn't discriminate equally. I looked on Discord, and many people said they had severe lags in their matches against Barney, but Barney himself said it wasn't too bad. So it seems, that the player who is causing the lag to other people isn't affected by it as much. This could become a severe issue in tournaments.

Explanation of what I mean with laggy: The gameplay just stops on unusual times. During those intervals, all your inputs will be ignored which will screw with your times. If connection to your opponent is really bad, the game can utterly freeze for a half second or so. Maybe this is even intentional in Puyo games, so that a player just can't stack higher and make a big chain if the game doesn't receive a response from the opponent but in case of Tetris this implementation is very suboptimal. Note that I already had this issue on PS4 (where European players seemed to be more affected than Japanese and American players).

tl;dr: Port isn't too bad but I don't see tournaments happening on PC PPT.


Quote from: Okey_DokeyThe game is basically region locked. In 1vs1 ladder, you can play only against players from your region.
Looks like you can influence your region by setting Steam's download region

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/3olGxWG.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/3olGxWG.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Quote from: Okey_DokeyBut then I played some games [...] where the game was freezing every second and where I was forced to play at roughly 60% of my normal speed. [...]
What makes this worse is that the lag doesn't discriminate equally. [...] it seems, that the player who is causing the lag to other people isn't affected by it as much.
z2sam has recorded a video against a lag-causing player.

Both players stay below 50 pieces per second. If I have counted correctly, then in the second game (starting at 1:38) z2sam has placed 141 pieces while the opponent has placed 198. Of course, speed also depends on the player's playstyle (e.g. T-Spinning slows down). However, if one of the fastest players in the world plays slower than some usual guy, then something is off.


To anyone reporting bugs in this thread: Make sure you also post in SEGA's official bug reporting thread on Steam. They are monitoring it and stickied it.



Can confirm. Changed my download region from Australia to USA last night and swiftly got a reality check on actually being matched with players around/above my skill level :'(

It's super annoying though as there doesn't appear to be any way to match up against all regions at the same time. Though I do sometimes see players whose in-game profile says they're in another country, I think this is just because they also changed the download region to get around this. Perhaps a consensus will form around the most active region if this continues.


Watched a couple PPT videos and that long line clear delay bugs me. The strange thing is that it actually isn't long, I timed it at only 1 second, but after playing mostly TF (which even with its split-second delay sometimes throws me off), PPT's delay feels way longer. Guess it was done to balance it with the Puyo Puyo side which also has a 1 second-ish clear, but hope that they'll add some kind of delay tuning for both sides eventually. For those who are already playing PPT: does the line clear delay bother you, or did you adjust to it pretty quick?

Sigh. Just wish Sega would take over TF. It's still my favorite Tetris of everything I've played or seen, just needs some glitch cleanup, lag fixes, and updates like HTML5 (will it even be playable after Flash is gone in 2020?   ).


It was the other way around for me. I went from PPT to something like JSTris and found the lack of animation to be a bit jarring at first. The line clear animation probably helps lower skilled players like me to slow down a bit more and work on mechanics (which overtime I hope will turn into speed).


Quote from: Brent
Can confirm. Changed my download region from Australia to USA last night and swiftly got a reality check on actually being matched with players around/above my skill level :'(

It's super annoying though as there doesn't appear to be any way to match up against all regions at the same time. Though I do sometimes see players whose in-game profile says they're in another country, I think this is just because they also changed the download region to get around this. Perhaps a consensus will form around the most active region if this continues.
Download region = UK (England) will give you all regions.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Brent's and my previous post are from before the patch. After the patch, you get players from other regions, too. I think your opponents still depend a little on the download region but also on your Opponent Net Speed Filter (however, I still got once an Australian player when I set the filter to 2 bars).

A bug which wasn't menioned yet in this thread: You can lose some of your Puzzle League progress. It happened to Squirtle/Wumbo twice: Once he lost all points he gained during a session (I think you should avoid looking at rankings before you quit online play), and another time he logged in and his score was back to 2000.