Worldwide Combos Beta Tournament 1

Started by noelnadal, November 21, 2017, 02:06:20 PM

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I am glad to invite you for the first tournament ever on Worldwide Combos.  

My goal when making this tournament system is to provide a nice competitive experience to you players, no matter your skill level. Therefore, tournament formats will be made so that you may play against players that have approximately the same level as you.

The tournament rules will probably change from time to time. This time, the rules are : 2 minutes for one round, no KO limit (similar to TB/TF Battle 2P but without the KO limit). Pool matches are first to 5, win by one, single elimination matches are first to 7, win by two.

This first tournament will be a bit different from other ones, as there is no tournament ranking yet, which means that the server cannot divide players accurately into distinct divisions. Instead, all participants will be taking part in a pool round, where you will play against three or four players of various levels. Even though some matches may be unbalanced, know that not only the fact that you won or lost counts, but how (number of KOs, lines sent...). Therefore, you will always have something to earn, in order to get a better ranking. Also, after the pool round, players will be splitted in two divisions for a single elimination round. It means that if you don't do well during the pool round, it is guaranteed that you will face players with a closer level afterwards.

[spoiler]If you don't know that a pool round is, basically participants will be splitted in groups of four or five players, and everybody will play against everybody. You will then have a ranking that will depend on how much you won, number of KOs, etc...

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Note that, for future tournaments, I will probably split the players from the beginning ("Elite tour" and "Challenger tour"), and make two distinct tournaments. The "Elite tour"'s last players will gain less tournament points than the "Challenger tour"'s best players, which will let people be promoted... or go down.  
I would also like to hold "Grand Prix" tournaments with prizes, a few times a year. Still need to find prizes to give, though.

In order to make things easier, when registering you will be asked to tell us when you are available to play. Like this, when the tournament starts the server will chose match starting times that fit to both you and your opponents. Like this, no need to contact your opponent to set up the correct time, as the server will do it for you.

Filling everything should take up to a few minutes, and in order to go faster I recommend using the shortcut as well as the copy-paste feature (go to the register page for more information about this). However, this feature should let you gain a lot of time after the contest started.

You may assume that you will basically play two matches a week. Even after you registered, and even after the tournament started, you may change your schedule, but be aware that changing your schedule doesn't affect matches that were already scheduled before. However, you will be able to ask some of your matches to be postponed is needed.

All other informations are on the [a href=\\\"]tournament page
. Do not hesitate to contact me if you find any bugs or don't understand something.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Register for Beta Tournament 1[/div]


A little bit more than two days left before registration closes. 9 participants so far, of all levels (Australia, Bosnia, France, New Zealand, USA).

Remember that you can play whenever you want, and that you will be able to play against people that have approximately your level at some point in the tournament.

Also, remember that making an account and registering for the tournament are two distinct things.


One day left before registration closes, 17 participants so far. Fell free to join no matter your level!