Jstris QuickFires

Started by Okey_Dokey, September 16, 2017, 03:10:40 PM

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Jstris QuickFires will be some hour-long tournaments held on Jstris. I will try to host them every week in the beginning and two times per month later on. Standard time will be Sunday evening for Europe / Sunday midday for America.

Around every second tournament will be on varying rules. Those "change of pace" tournaments will use rather classic Tetris rulesets (e.g. often no hold, limited number of previews, meaner randomizer, messier garbage, sometimes no reward of combos and T-Spins). Those tournaments will use "Swiss System": players will face opponents with a similar win/lose statistics which means closer matches are more likely in later rounds.

The other tournaments will be pure guideline tournaments (like Tetris Friends & co). I will use a little more messy garbage (like in Puyo Puyo Tetris) and a little slower speed (no instant DAS / limited autorepeat rate), if those options become available in Jstris room creation.

These tournaments will be also Swiss System in the beginning, but they will become round robin with different classes / divisions later on (when I've collected more data about regular participants). I had something like this in mind: There are classes / divisions A, B, C, D. Players will start on grade C+. If they perform well in a tournament, they will rank up by a third grade, e.g. from C+ to B-. If they perform badly, they will rank down by a third grade, e.g. from C+ to plain C. Players will play in the division matching their grade / rank (e.g. division B for a player with grade B-), provided there are enough players in this division (otherwise divisions will be merged).


First tournament will start in less than 24 hours:
Sunday September 17th,  8 PM Central Europe Time, countdown
(2 PM USA East coast, 11 AM USA West cost)

Brackets: http://challonge.com/JstrisFire1

There are 2 ways to register:
  • If you have a Challonge account, then  sign up for the tournament there one hour before the tournament starts or later. You can also self-report your match results there. If your Challonge name differs from your Jstris name, then please enter your Jstris name in the Challonge brackets under "Your Settings".
  • In Jstris lobby chat (or Jstris Discord #in-game channel), type "register", a quarter-hour before the tournament starts or later. In this case, you will have to announce the result of your match in the lobby chat and I will enter it in the brackets.
Tourney will be Swiss System with 4 or 5 matches per player. Because currently one cannot set garbage messiness in rule preset, first QuickFire will use pure guideline rules (like in HDO9). Matches are one set, first to 8 points. NOT win by 2, which means a match will also end, if score is 8-7. The upper player in the bracket will create the room, using the HDO9 presets. The room name should include the letters QF and the name of the two players.

Please use Jstris lobby chat for communication and if possible register over Challonge because it reduces my work. I will also play, if there's an uneven number of participants. I am unexperienced with holding live tournaments. So sorry in advance, if something goes wrong.


Jstris QuickFire #1 is finished. Roughly 100 minutes for 4 matches per player. 8 participants, a pretty even field.  Congratz to Profane for making first place. Jez was runner-up on his own client, though morningpee would have gotten this place, if he didn't play with a weird ruleset against explo. Sorry that Challonge chose some rather weird matches in 4th round.

full results: http://challonge.com/JstrisFire1

Next Jstris tournament will be again Sunday, in 7 days. Probably guideline rules again. I consider it moving ~9 hours forward, so Asian & Australian players can participate. However, in this case American players can't play.



Jstris QuickFire #2 will start Sunday September 24th, 9 AM Central Europe Time. That's 4 PM in Japan and midnight (from Saturday to Sunday) in California. Sorry, I ditched the American East Coast folks but I wanted to see how many participants we can get from Asia and Australia. If you are from American West Coast, then please only participate if you have time until 2 AM because the tournament will probably last around 90 minutes. Please read the text in the Challonge link, if you want to participate. Countdown

The ruleset is guideline-ish with a little more messy garbage (25% messiness). Perfect Clears send 9 lines. Hurry Up garbage arrives after 150 seconds. 25% messiness means there's a 90% chance that the garbage hole column changes between two attacks and a 22.5% chance (22.5 = 25*0.9) that the garbage hole column changes after each line during an attack (e.g. a b2b Tetris sends 5 lines, that's 4 times where the garbage hole may change with a 22.5% chance each, thus in average around 1 additional hole change for a 5-lines attack). The messier garbage should make the games rather short, barely any game should reach hurry up garbage. I hope the garbage is not too messy and that Perfect Clears are not too strong.

The rule is called "Quickfire" and the corresponding preset ID is 10. To create a room with the desired ruleset: If you are in another room, then click "Lobby". In the Lobby, click "Create room".  Mark the bullet point "Preset" and click "Use custom preset". The game will ask you for the ruleset name or ID. Enter "Quickfire" or "10" (without quotation marks). Don't forget to choose a name for the room, something like "QF name1 vs name2". Then click "Create". Explaining pictures:

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/ownVeLx.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/ownVeLx.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/67NbGUr.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/67NbGUr.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


I'd like to thank everybody who participated. 6 participants. Captivate from Australia takes this one home (partly with his feared PC opener).


Sorry for the inconvenience at the start. I added Captivate twice and started the tournament not knowing that the people who didn't check in wouldn't participate. So I made a second bracket where people had to register again (within 10 minutes). Anyway, half of the people didn't check in the first bracket and they also didn't register for the second bracket. So, I think it is better in future to post the Challonge brackets only 1 hour before the tournament starts.

Also,I hoped for more players from Asia. I think ShanTC and Captivate are from Australia (resp. New Zealand) and cubixcreature is from North America. Not sure where k_rakko is from. It seems I was the only one from Europe. So, if I will make a Quickfire for Asia & Australia again, then I will start it ~1 hour later.

I think 25 messiness worked good. Rounds were not too short from my perspective, if 2 people played on the same level. However, 25 messiness also allows good players to top out worse players pretty quickly. Perfect Clears also seemed a little strong, not sure if you can prevent them in most cases with a single-bag T-Spin opener. I will stay at 25 messiness unless people really complain about it. Using presets worked well, no complications there.

Next Quickfire will be on a rather classic ruleset without Hold feature. I will go back to the old time of day which preferred European and North American players. Also hope to get some Cultris players to participate.


Jstris Quickfire #3 will take place Sunday October 1st, 8 PM central europe time, 11 AM pacific standard time. Countdown. It will use an unorthodox rule: 2 previews, no hold, 14-bag. T-Spins, back-to-backs and combos are rewarded. Don't feel disadvantaged if this is new ground for you, nobody is really experienced on this rule. However, if you've never played without hold and 7-bag randomizer before, then you may reconsider participating because it might be a little shock.

Since there has been misunderstandings how Quickfires work: Let's say the tournament starts at 8 PM your time. Then you sign up shortly before 8 PM (via Challonge or Jstris lobby chat), show up on Jstris at 8 PM and play your matches until around 9:30 PM.


Jstris QuickFires are weekly 90-minutes-long-ish tournaments held on Jstris. https://jstris.jezevec10.com

This week we'll have a change of pace tournament which means the ruleset is rather unorthodox: 2 previews, no hold, 14-bag, b2b + T-Spins + Combos enabled (TF combo table), no PC reward, garbage canceling but no blocking, 60% messiness. Primary means of attack should be Tetrises, downstack combos and variable width combos (2 wide on bottom, 3 wide in middle, 4 wide on top). The rule is called "Retro" and the corresponding preset ID is 12.

Tournament will be held on Sunday October 1st, 8 pm central europe time, 11 am pacific standard time. You have to show up shortly before the tournament starts (see ways to sign up) and you must be available for the next 90 minutes to play your around 4 matches. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/gener...JstrisFire+%233

There are 2 ways to sign up:
a) a Challonge link will be posted in several Discords (HardDrop, Jstris, Cultris2) one hour before the tournament starts. You need a Challonge account to use this way of signing up, but if you do so, then you can self-report your matches. If your Challonge name differs from your Jstris name, then please enter your Jstris name under "Your Settings".
b) In Jstris lobby chat (or Jstris Discord #in-game channel), type "register" shortly before the tournament starts (up to 20 minutes earlier). If you use this way to register, then you will have to announce your match results in the Jstris lobby chat and I will insert them in the brackets.

Also, please check the HardDrop Discord ( https://discord.gg/harddrop or shoutbox at https://harddrop.com ) while the tournament is in progress. HardDrop Discord is the preferred place to chat. The in-game lobby chat will be also used from time to time.

Tournament will be Swiss System, around 4 matches per player. A match is just one set, first to 8 points. NOT win by 2, which means a match will also end, if score is 8-7. The upper player in the bracket should create the room. The lower player should click "Refresh List" in the Jstris Lobby from time to time to see, if the opponent has already created the room.

How to create a room with the desired ruleset: If you are in another room, then click "Lobby". In the Lobby, click "Create room".  Mark the bullet point "Preset" and click "Use custom preset". The game will ask you for the ruleset name or ID. Enter "Retro" or "12" (without quotation marks). Don't forget to choose a name for the room, something like "QF name1 vs name2". Then click "Create" Explaining pictures: https://imgur.com/a/8JB9G


ZeroT wins Quickfire #3 (6 participants). Congratulations! Explo and Profane had the same amount of wins but a lower positive point difference (just one single point in case of Explo). In fact, ZeroT lost his first match against Explo, then Explo lost to Profane, and eventually ZeroT beat Profane. Such a triangle doesn't occur that often. Also, the players were getting more used to the ruleset as the tournament progresssed. I expected participants to stack Tetrises on the wall but ZeroT and Profane stacked T-Spins in the center and it did work well. Combos were a little underpowered and garbage a little too messy for effective downstack.


Next Quickfire will be guideline, probably taking place at the same time of day as this one. The next but one Quickfire will be again change of pace with a very classic ruleset; maybe even MPH (memoryless, previewless, holdless) - I think I will make a poll in a week in which people can vote for ruleset and time of day.


Jstris Quickfire #4 will take place Sunday October 8th, 8 PM central europe time, 11 AM pacific standard time. Countdown. It will be guideline-ish again with a little more messy big-attack garbage (like in Puyo Puyo Tetris). You can sign up  via Challonge 1 hour prior to the tournament OR via Jstris lobby chat or HardDrop Discord 20 minutes prior to the tournament (just type "register" there; those are also the places were I share the Challonge link). Copy & paste of what I will put in the Challonge bracket description:


Jstris QuickFires are weekly 90-minutes-long-ish tournaments held on Jstris. https://jstris.jezevec10.com , http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7876

This week's rule is guideline-ish with a little more messy garbage (25% messiness, garbage hole column may change during one chunk of garbage). Perfect Clears send 9 lines. Hurry Up garbage arrives after 150 seconds. The rule is called "Quickfire" and the corresponding preset ID is 10.

Tournament will be held on Sunday October 8th, 8 PM CET (central europe time), 11 AM PST (pacific standard time). You have to show up shortly before the tournament starts (see ways to sign up) and you must be available for the next 90 minutes to play your around 4 matches. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/gener...JstrisFire+%234

There are 2 ways to sign up:
a) a Challonge link will be posted in several Discords (HardDrop, Jstris) one hour before the tournament starts. You need a Challonge account to use this way of signing up, but if you do so, then you can self-report your matches. If your Challonge name differs from your Jstris name, then please enter your Jstris name under "Your Settings".
b) In Jstris lobby chat (or Jstris Discord #in-game channel), type "register" shortly before the tournament starts (up to 20 minutes earlier). If you use this way to register, then you will have to announce your match results in the Jstris lobby chat and I will insert them in the brackets.

Also, please check the HardDrop Discord ( https://discord.gg/harddrop or shoutbox at https://harddrop.com ) while the tournament is in progress. HardDrop Discord is the preferred place to chat. The in-game lobby chat will be also used from time to time.

Tournament will be Swiss System, around 4 matches per player. A match is just one set, first to 8 points. NOT win by 2, which means a match will also end, if score is 8-7. The upper player in the bracket should create the room. The lower player should click "Refresh List" in the Jstris Lobby from time to time to see, if the opponent has already created the room.

How to create a room with the desired ruleset: If you are in another room, then click "Lobby". In the Lobby, click "Create room". Mark the bullet point "Preset" and click "Use custom preset". The game will ask you for the ruleset name or ID. Enter "Quickfire" or "10" (without quotation marks). Don't forget to choose a name for the room, something like "QF name1 vs name2". Then click "Create" Explaining pictures: https://imgur.com/a/8JB9G


Yotipo wins Jstris Quickfire #4 (6 participants). 4 Quickfires, 4 different winners. Since we spoke a bit about Chess during the tournament:


As said before. Quickfire #5 will be played with a very classic ruleset. Will make a poll about Fire#5 rules, future dates, Swiss system or 2 classes round robin sometime.


Jstris Quickfire #5 will take place Sunday October 15th, 8 PM central europe time, 11 AM pacific standard time. Countdown. It will be classic-Tetris-styled: memoryless randomizer, no hold, no combos rewarded, messy garbage, limited garbage blocking. I created a poll where people can vote for the number of previews (0 or 1) and reward of t-spins.

You can sign up via Challonge 1 hour prior to the tournament OR via Jstris lobby chat or HardDrop Discord 20 minutes prior to the tournament (just type "register" there; those are also the places were I share the Challonge link).

edit: Eventually, I created the rule for Quickfire #5 (I should have done that more early). It's called "Classic", preset ID is 15. Description:  memoryless randomizer, 1 preview, no Hold, T-Spins + Combos + PCs not rewarded, back-to-back enabled, garbage canceling but no blocking, 70% garbage messiness. Primary means of attack should be Tetrises (well on the wall) and downstack Doubles. 2 players only.

edit2: http://challonge.com/JstrisFire5


Caffeine wins Jstris Quickfire #5 (8 participants). Congratulations! 5 Quickfires, 5 different winners.



Next tournament will be guideline ruleset again. The poll says that it will stay at the 8 PM CET (11 AM PST) spot. I would like to hear some feedback, if people would prefer it to be round robin in 2 classes (one pool with more skilled players) instead of swiss system. We would need at least 10 players in my opinion, so that it works out decently. If you prefer 2 classes or if you only participate if there are 2 classes, then please reply in this thread.


Jstris Quickfire #6 will be postponed by a week because of Classic Tetris World Championship. The NES top 32 would interfere with the usual QF time otherwise (QF is usually Sunday 11 AM PST, NES top 32 starts at 10 AM, top 8 start at 2 PM). There's also Cultris 1 revival tournament on SaturdaySunday.

Note that on Sunday in 9 days (October 29th), there'll be a switch to winter time in Europe but not in America. The 11 AM PST spot will translate to 7 PM Central Europe Time then.


Jstris Quickfire #6 will happen today, October 29th, 8 PM central europe time, 12 PM (noon) pacific standard time. Countdown. Registration will start 1 hour prior in HardDrop Discord and Jstris lobby chat. Same ruleset as in Quickfire #4: guideline-ish with a little more messy garbage as in Puyo Puyo Tetris. Ruleset is called "Quickfire", preset ID is 10. Sorry for the short notice. I hoped I could host it an hour earlier but I am not sure when I come home.


ChokladTomte (dotamistern) wins Jstris Quickfire #6 (5 participants). Congratulations! 6 Quickfires, 6 different winners.


fun fact: ChokladTome & ZeroT played 3 sets against each other. ZeroT won one.
not so fun fact: I have to apologize for the inconvenience I've caused once again. I didn't see that Expl0 had joined (last minute I think). As 5th participant, he was excluded from first round and I didn't notice before round 1 was finished. I reset brackets and included me as 6th player but then Expl0 wasn't online anymore.


This week's Quickfire (#7) will take place on the default time: Sunday November 5th, 8 PM central europe time, 11 AM pacific standard time. Countdown. Registration will start 1 hour prior in HardDrop Discord and Jstris lobby chat. Although it's a "change of pace" tournament, there's only one real difference from guideline: It will use memoryless randomizer (which means that the generated piece sequence is totally random). Garbage messiness is set to 25 like in the usual Quickfires. Ruleset is called "Doryfire" (see Dory), preset ID is 16.


cubixcreature wins Jstris Quickfire #7 (8 participants). Congratulations! 7 Quickfires, 7 different winners.


We have a shared 3rd place until both players still agree to play each other on the same ruleset. Sorry, that combos were a little overpowered in the ruleset.

Quickfire #8 will use guideline ruleset but will take place on an unusual time. It's a time bad for Europeans but good for Asians and Australians. Something like next Sunday, 6 AM central europe,  2 PM Japan, 9 PM pacific standard time (Saturday).

edit: Countdown to Quickfire #8