practice regimen

Started by jasonBuffa, July 16, 2017, 03:13:45 PM

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So I've recognized a few key areas that my play is really lacking to improve. First, since my finesse is really bad, I grabbed nullpomino with the finesse error counter. Basically I've just been doing sprints until I hit my first finesse error, then restarting. Doing this alone is a good thing I'd think...

Then, I realized that I overuse the hold key a lot to compensate for bad stacking. This lead me to just unbind my hold key as part of my practice. Should I master finesse, then practice holding less, or is it alright to deal with both of these problems at the same time?


I think working on both at the same time is great.  Finesse is very important.   I'd say its the strongest thing to learn earliest


My current goal is to reach 1-minute 40-line sprints. (Slow compared to most people around here, but one step at a time...)

A 1-minute 40-line sprint is roughly 100-pieces per minute. Therefore, if I drop at this rate:, I should be able to get close to 1-minute sprint times.

For all those people going for 30-seconds, that'd be a 200-piece per minute rhythm, which sounds like this:

And to reach 20-seconds, you need 300-bpm: