10 line Cheese Race with B2B's only

Started by yakine, June 22, 2017, 12:39:24 PM

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Here's a cool challenge for all you cheese race lovers out there, including myself. Complete a game of 10 lines cheese race as fast as possible - with only back to backs (T-spin bonus back to backs only, other spins excluded). There is surprisingly much strategy involved in this challenge, I recommend giving it a shot. My initial challenge I had in mind was cheese with only tetrises, but that is pretty much impossible, or at least very difficult depending on specific things (garbage holes 1 block from the wall). I won't go into why, because I am bad at explaining stuff it is a little complicated. Feel free however to dive into the downstacking with tetrises only concept, I think it is pretty interesting.

My current record for this challenge:
54.317 seconds

The jstris replay

I find it funny how it took me like 5 seconds to realize upstacking was completely pointless at the end, when all I had to do was clear a tetris  
the tsd at the end was unnecessary as well, it could have been a sub 50 run if I had thought that through.

I suggest trying it out on jstris since cheese mode has been added + it is very easy to share replays/records.
Good luck!


I did it in 71 Pieces instead of going for speed.

I will try for a fast time on the weekend.

