Help with 6x4 squares

Started by MrTSpin, May 16, 2017, 10:07:50 PM

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One thing I really wish is that your fumen diagrams showed more detail on how the pieces are sequenced.  For example:  In your 5x4 diagram list, the section TTTTI shows four possible patterns, but I don't know how they're made; I can only calculate two of the four ...

*update* someone else in the community showed me the error of my ways, lol (so I know what the four combinations are now).


This is one of the solutions from your 5x4 collection that I'm not able to figure out...  How is this possible!? O_o

Nevermind, I figured it out!


I updated 5x4 & 6x4 pages (Added links for detail)

If don't show "detail" by the side of "pattern", please reload


That's awesome!  How did you update that many patterns so quickly!?  You coded your application to automatically create them, didn't you!?

The work you've done is seriously amazing!


Quote from: Shuey
You coded your application to automatically create them, didn't you!?
Yes! Executing the application outputs these html automatically.

I commited these codes to repository, so everybody can run it! github


That's awesome!

I wish there was a way to automate putting them into a spreadsheet like I'm doing, lol.  It would save me a lot of time .  There's no way I'll be able to complete the 4x10 collection! (I calculated if I was to spend one hour per day to complete 100 patterns, it would take about 650 years to complete the entire collection, lol).

It'd be cool if we could put the collections into huge image files that we could zoom in and move around in (sort of like GigaPan images:


Quote from: Shuey
It'd be cool if we could put the collections into huge image files that we could zoom in and move around in (sort of like GigaPan images:
This idea (using GigaPan) is interesting.

I will investigate and program later when I have time, because it takes time to support generating images.


Quote from: newjade
This idea (using GigaPan) is interesting.

I will investigate and program later when I have time, because it takes time to support generating images.
Sounds good, thanks!


Quote from: Shuey
It'd be cool if we could put the collections into huge image files that we could zoom in and move around in (sort of like GigaPan images:
I did it  The image of all 4x10 squares contains 8760290 solutions.

all in one: GIgapan
png: all & each piece combinations: Google drive


Oh my gosh!!  This is freaking amazing!!  Seeing it in one big image like this gives a visual perspective of just how massive the solution set is! O_o

Thank you so much for making this!

Will you eventually have the 4x7, 4x8, 4x9 and 4x10 solutions on your AWS site?  I'm very close to finishing your 4x6 set in my Google sheet, and I likely won't build anymore Google sheets beyond that set since the next set alone is massive compared to the 4x6.  But it'd still be cool to see the webpages for the other sets published (as long as it doesn't end up crashing the Internet, lol.)

Quick question too: What's the best way to open the png file?  I've tried IrfanView and XnViewMP, but neither is capable... And of course the built-in viewer in Windows 10 just hangs forever trying to load it :-/...


Well, there are tons of 4xn stuff... but I'm curious about 6xn PCs.

Could somebody figure out about that stuff?

BTW, that 4x10 solutions are freaking awesome.


Woah that gigapan thing is cool. It's like the Tetris matrix.


Quote from: ShueyWill you eventually have the 4x7, 4x8, 4x9 and 4x10 solutions on your AWS site?
On AWS site, I don't publish 4x7~ because HTML is too big on browser. (4x8 is over 100MB...)
Instead, I upload its on my Google drive. (4x9 later)

Quote from: ShueyQuick question too: What's the best way to open the png file?
Sorry, I know only that can open on Gigapan...
Perhaps, it might be opened with photo editor for professional (Adobe etc, but I don't have...)

Quote from: Cosine6xn PCs
6xN is difficult than 4xN.
Example, w6h4 and w4h6
w4h6: 16791 diagrams
w6h4: 43354 diagrams (caution: rule of piece combinations is for 4line PC)

Even with the same rule of piece combinations, soutions of 6xN will be bigger than 4xN (Estimated: about 3times)

I will create 6x6 squares later.
and I want to try 6x10, however I think it will take long time.


Quote from: newjade
I will create 6x6 squares later.
and I want to try 6x10, however I think it will take long time.


Quote from: newjade
png: all & each piece combinations: Google drive

It's weird that your Google Drive indicates that the zip file is "2GB", but when it's downloaded, it appears as "1.8GB"...

Thanks so much for the replies and other info you gave as well!

I also wish I could figure out how to actually use your solution finder, lol.  I've tried and not been able to yet .