Help with 6x4 squares

Started by MrTSpin, May 16, 2017, 10:07:50 PM

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Found a lot of stuff!


I know there's a lot to cross-reference from my existing collection, so don't feel bad about what I'm about to tell you:

The two on page 5 of your fumen already existed in my collection, as well as the rotated form of each (they're towards the middle of the 4x4 3-color collection).

The first two from page 4 of your fumen already existed in my collection (towards the left side of the 4x4 3-color collection).

The last two from page 4 of your fumen have an incorrectly colored S and Z (one from each set), but in their color-corrected form, they did not exist in my collection!  And I'm surprised that we didn't think of those sooner since they're "classic" form!  Nice job finding these!

Everything from page 1, 2 and 3 from your fumen was all new as well - thank you!


In this case the last two of page 4 are correctly colored, TZ->L->Z

Yeah I thought I may have noticed the 3x4 later but it was when you were on so I thought you also may have just added it


Quote from: MrTSpin
In this case the last two of page 4 are correctly colored, TZ->L->Z

Look at your blue/pink/green one on page 4 of your fumen.  That should be a Z and an S, but you have them BOTH colored green.  And the puzzle just below that one (pink/red/orange) has an S and a Z both colored red...




Sorry, I only write a little English.

I write a program for perfect clears:
 solution-finder (Supported by Japanese only, please use google translate)
It can enumerate all perfect clear solutions efficiently from inputted field & patterns of sequence.

This topic is very interesting for me.
I wrote program for squares based on solution-finder, and got all 4x4, 5x4 and 6x4 sequares with the typical 7-piece bag system.
Show all squares below:


I hope I can be of any help to you.


This is amazing work newjade!!  I've been reviewing the 4x4 solutions so far, but am excited to check out the 4x5 and 4x6 soon!

I'm not sure if you'd be interested in this or not, but it'd be great to eventually calculate all 4x7, 4x8, 4x9, and possibly all 4x10 someday; but I realize a project like that would be an insane undertaking :-O!

Also, if you have time, can you review my 3x4 solutions that I've shared in my Google Sheet and let me know if I'm missing anything?

Thank you again for posting in this thread!  People like you are a rarity, so I'm always thrilled when I have the opportunity to work with like-minded people who share my passion for Tetris!


Quote from: Shuey
Also, if you have time, can you review my 3x4 solutions that I've shared in my Google Sheet and let me know if I'm missing anything?
Thank you for your reply.
I checked it. I found some new solutions.

3x4: 12 solutions


4x3: 2 solutions


Quote from: Shuey
I'm not sure if you'd be interested in this or not, but it'd be great to eventually calculate all 4x7, 4x8, 4x9, and possibly all 4x10 someday; but I realize a project like that would be an insane undertaking :-O!
Actually, I got all solutions of 4x10 recently (without the 7-piece bag system; with sequence of any 10 minos, include Ix10, Ox10, ...).
But I don't share yet, so no one has reviewed that it is correct....
Because I want to make sure that correct, I may post it in the future (to HD?)


Awesome!  Thanks for the missing solutions - my 3x4 & 4x3 solutions are complete now (as well as my 4x4, thanks to you!).  One problem though... are you 100% sure that your total count of "424 diagrams" for the 4x4 solutions is correct?  I counted 414 diagrams:
1 Color:   5 piece combinations  / 11 solutions
2 Colors:  18 piece combinations / 84 solutions
3 Colors:  43 piece combinations / 184 solutions
4 Colors:  20 piece combinations / 135 solutions

And in response to your comment about the 4x10 solutions:  Oh my gosh!  You calculated ALL possible 4x10 solutions!?  How many total solutions are there?!  I'm assuming it's well into the millions! :-O

BTW, what do you think of the diagrams that I've built in the Google Sheet?   I like how they've turned out so far.


Quote from: Shuey
Awesome!  Thanks for the missing solutions - my 3x4 & 4x3 solutions are complete now (as well as my 4x4, thanks to you!).  One problem though... are you 100% sure that your total count of "424 diagrams" for the 4x4 solutions is correct?  I counted 414 diagrams:
1 Color:   5 piece combinations  / 11 solutions
2 Colors:  18 piece combinations / 84 solutions
3 Colors:  43 piece combinations / 184 solutions
4 Colors:  20 piece combinations / 135 solutions

And in response to your comment about the 4x10 solutions:  Oh my gosh!  You calculated ALL possible 4x10 solutions!?  How many total solutions are there?!  I'm assuming it's well into the millions! :-O

BTW, what do you think of the diagrams that I've built in the Google Sheet?   I like how they've turned out so far.
>  "424 diagrams" for the 4x4 solutions is correct?
There are 424 diagrams in the 4x4 page.
I search URL to fumen from the source of 4x4 page, then 424 hits found.
maybe, 3Colors is different. 184 -> 194

screen capture

> How many total solutions are there?
4x10 (height4, width10) perfect clears is 23737025 solutions, I found.
WITH the SRS, WITHOUT the 180 rotation, WITHOUT the 7-piece bag system.

> BTW, what do you think of the diagrams that I've built in the Google Sheet? smile.gif I like how they've turned out so far.
Sorry, I could not understand well....


Ah!  My math was off.  It WAS 194 solutions in the 4x4 three color collection (I had previously listed it as 184 solutions).

Wow, nearly 24 million solutions!  I'm not even sure how we would go about cataloging something that massive :-S...  It's very cool though!

Hey, I was looking at your 5x4 solutions and I'm wondering why you don't have these solutions:
TTTTT (2 patterns)
IIIII (3 patterns)



Because these are not possible with the 7-pieces bag system, so I filtered it.
If can't put as solution from any sequence of length 11 with the 7-pieces bag system in standard game, remove it in list.

this filering rule below:

1. Extract minos constituting the solution.   ex) JOJLTSZLJOI
2. Sort by in decreasing order of the number of minos.   ex) JJJLLOOTSZI
3. The most mino called A, the second called B, the third called C.
4. If satisfied one below, it's possible with the 7-pieces bag. (* is wildcard)
  • AAAA BB C ****
  • AAA BBB C ****
  • AAA BB ******
  • AA *********
(TTTTT is not possible, but TTTTI is possible; part of AAAABB)

I checked that ALL sequence of length 11 with the 7-pieces bag system (99736560 sequences) is satisfied above rule.
I shared "11sequence_usehold"; "10 selected minos with 7-pieces bag + 1 hold mino" sequences list, over 1GB...


I can calculate really ALL solutions, also. Do you want it?


Thanks for the detailed information!

The main reason I was confused about it not being included is because you said you DID include non-bag solutions in your 10x4 collection, so I just assumed you would've included them in the smaller collections too (5x4 thru 9x4).

If we DO decide to include these solutions, it shouldn't end taking too much extra space since there won't be a lot of them (especially compared to the massive size of the rest of the collections).


Quote from: Shuey
Thanks for the detailed information!

The main reason I was confused about it not being included is because you said you DID include non-bag solutions in your 10x4 collection, so I just assumed you would've included them in the smaller collections too (5x4 thru 9x4).

If we DO decide to include these solutions, it shouldn't end taking too much extra space since there won't be a lot of them (especially compared to the massive size of the rest of the collections).
oh. sorry, I didn't write the bag clearly on first post.....

I think shouldn't include non-bag, but it's hard to calculate strictly because possible sequences are too much.