Cultris clone in development

Started by super, March 08, 2017, 02:21:49 AM

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A small update:

I got my VM setups in order and I have managed to build it for Windows. I'll try to get a Mac build tomorrow or in a few days.
Had a testrun with my friend today from his Windows-comp to a server on my laptop at home. Seems to be working well. He's running Win7. It starts on my Win10 WM aswell.
No host yet. Still looking. I have a couple of maybe's... best case scenario we will have a  first beta launch before the end of the month.


Quote from: super
A small update:

I got my VM setups in order and I have managed to build it for Windows. I'll try to get a Mac build tomorrow or in a few days.
Had a testrun with my friend today from his Windows-comp to a server on my laptop at home. Seems to be working well. He's running Win7. It starts on my Win10 WM aswell.
No host yet. Still looking. I have a couple of maybe's... best case scenario we will have a  first beta launch before the end of the month.
so excited to test it out. especially the mac build as the current client has quite a few bugs in the mac version.

e.g. fullscreen mode cant alt tab. lots of crashes and JRE errors

one thing i will suggest is after the graphics is done, make the glow on pieces adjustable/not blinding ( tihs is the biggest visual issue i have with the windows version (aside from lack of fullscreen windowless/borderless)


Quote from: super
A small update:

I got my VM setups in order and I have managed to build it for Windows. I'll try to get a Mac build tomorrow or in a few days.
Had a testrun with my friend today from his Windows-comp to a server on my laptop at home. Seems to be working well. He's running Win7. It starts on my Win10 WM aswell.
No host yet. Still looking. I have a couple of maybe's... best case scenario we will have a  first beta launch before the end of the month.

 Great news, keep it up, super!
Just an Irish tetris player.


WOW nice super,that's awesome far as i knew,there was another Cultris clone named Zetris;
This is a project initiated by Seto San,build for Windows、Android and MAC.Zetris used CultrisIIRotateSystem,and its COMBO counter is very similar C2.It even support 1000+ players playing in one room.It had 3next and spin bonus.

I don't know how do you think about it?


Counting down the days to the Beta release like it's Christmas Eve, could you share a screenshot or even two super. Greatly Appreciated!
Just an Irish tetris player.


I've been working on trying to get the builds for Win and Mac properly set up, finally made it happen this afternoon. Tested the Mac build with quicksort and blaataap, it was working well apart from a sporadic segfault error that I've located but not entierly repaired yet.

Here is a screenshot:

I've also added some additional configs to the video options, you can now set vsync on/off and if it's off you can control the FrameRate and FrameTime separately.
No news of host yet.


will there be an offline ? like single player w bots or something


You can do training in a empty room with yourself offline.
No bot AI yet, but I'm sure there are people who would love to write some.



Quote from: super
I added the project to GitHub today.

That's awesome that you're sharing the source for this!


Had a look at the randomizer. Did you come up with it yourself or did you ask Simon to tell you how the Cultris 2 randomizer works?

(As an explanation for bystanders how the current SpeedBlocks randomizer works: The game uses a weight (probability) for each piece that determines the chances that the piece appears next. The weights are modified recursively. Every time a piece is handed out, its weight is quartered and the other weights get a boost accordingly (the sum of weights is constant). At the beginning, all weights are set to 1/7. Let's say you start a game with an I piece. Then its weight is reduced to 1/4*1/7 = 1/28. The other pieces' weights are increased to 1/7 + 1/8*1/7 = 9/56. Let's say an O piece appears next, then its weight is reduced to 1/4*9/56 = 9/224. The I piece's weight is increased to 1/28 + 1/8*9/56 = 25/448. The other 5 pieces' weights are increased to 9/56 + 1/8*9/56 = 81/448.)

Anyway I like the randomizer. It's simple and delivers good results. What speaks against it being the C2 randomizer is that according to a piece sequence that Simon once generated, a) the probability of a dealt piece is usually devided by ~5, and b) getting the third piece of a kind in a row has roughly the same chances as getting the second piece of a kind in a row (chances are not really reduced here).


It is not the same as Cultris II, I designed it myself to be similar to what Cultris does.

At first the weight was adjusted down by 1/2, but this gave to many of the same piece 2 times in a row. Hence it got adjusted down to 1/4.



Made a short video in case anyone is interested in seeing it before trying it out.

- My first impression is that is is quite smooth - I very much like how nice fullscreen windowless is.

- The timer mechanics look very different as you can see in the video (timer doesn't really go down as long as lines are cleared in succession with little delay between them. I am not even close to the speed for 14 combo in c2).

- The lock delay appears to be larger than c2 such that I must press harddrop after doing a spin otherwise wait for a long time. I haven't played around with changing the "down delay and speed" though and I suspect this could change things.

- Overall I think this is a good foundation for a strong game!


Great game, looking forward to more updates, super!

Here is a video of me playing -

So far I managed a 22 combo as my highest. (Started with a tetris and then 2 wided).
I also like the 1 height at the top is not the same as in C2, meaning you can stack above 1 height it really improves your survivability.
Just an Irish tetris player.


Cross reference to the thread in the Cultris 2 forums because there's also a lot of talk there.