What's a good LPM?

Started by CosmicCommunist, September 15, 2016, 11:14:51 PM

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I average around 10-11LPM. I am pretty sure this is godawful. What should I be aiming for? Like, in Nullpomino's default Line Race setting, I scored 10.5 LPM, over 40 lines, with 113 pieces, over the course of 3:43. I am well aware of how terrible this is--which is why I am asking what I should be shooting for.


Quote from: CosmicCommunist
I average around 10-11LPM. I am pretty sure this is godawful. What should I be aiming for? Like, in Nullpomino's default Line Race setting, I scored 10.5 LPM, over 40 lines, with 113 pieces, over the course of 3:43. I am well aware of how terrible this is--which is why I am asking what I should be shooting for.
At this point, probably 20 LPM (sub 2:00)


Lol what does LPM mean? It is lines per minute?


Quote from: CosmicCommunist
I average around 10-11LPM. I am pretty sure this is godawful. What should I be aiming for? Like, in Nullpomino's default Line Race setting, I scored 10.5 LPM, over 40 lines, with 113 pieces, over the course of 3:43. I am well aware of how terrible this is--which is why I am asking what I should be shooting for.

Maybe 80 LPM?



Back then I had no idea I would be able to play so fast ;p , I've no idea what you should be shooting for either. I'm not super fast but if you're ambitious, what about 'form over weight' practice mode  .

Just one rule: Don't ever move your active piece until you know where you want to put the next piece. It helps thinking one piece forward and learning finesse.

But to just vaguely answer your question, I'm 150 PPM (piece per minute) but a very clean 130 PPM (which is hmm... 52 LPM?) player may be able to beat me on Cultris II  .


You should try to make a temporary goal of the time instead of LPM, as it makes it more clear. First, try to make an official goal of, for example 1:00 or 2:00. You want to make an official goal that is much faster than what you can currently do right now. Then, try to make a temporary goal that is 5-10 seconds to your best. Once you achieve that, continue that process of getting faster in increments of 5-10 seconds until you've reached your goal.

If you want a good time/LPM, then in my opinion, it would be between 1:00-1:30, or between 26.666666 (1:30) and 40 (1:00) LPM. I'm currently at about 1:10. Once you get about that speed consistently, then you'll be doing well in many Tetris games, especially Tetris Friends and Tetris Battle.

Now, this is slightly less relevant, but if you can keep up with a fast speed and you've already achieve the LPM/time that you want, then you can practice in Nullpomino (useful for both fast and slow players) and try the Grandmaster series. (Again, my opinion) I suggest that you should just go directly to Tetris: The Grandmaster 3 because of its inclusion of a hold piece and its difficulty compared to the rest of the Tetris games. This is supposed to be meant for arcades, but you can configure the keys for keyboards to be able to play it. If you've achieve that 1:00-1:30 time, then when you start, you'll most likely get between Grades 4-6 easily. This game really pushes all players to the max (only 6 people around the world have beaten it), but it's also fun to be able to rank up and see how good you can become. However, this is all later AFTER you've achieved your LPM goal.


I hope that this post helped and that you will reached your desired goal  


hmmm I would say 60 lpm ..(is considered good) in nullpo ..however in TF 45-50 lpm


Quote from: Master
hmmm I would say 60 lpm ..(is considered good) in nullpo ..however in TF 45-50 lpm


Seems like the top players in Puyo-Puyo Tetris get around 60lpm (45 seconds and below to complete the 40-line sprint).

PPT is pretty slow with long line clear delays. Faster games (Nullpomino and Tetris Friends) should have slightly faster LPMs.