finesse while playing fast

Started by thesoftdropper, May 05, 2016, 09:32:25 AM

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I can have a perfect finesse for like ~1000pieces+ if I play slow but when I play faster I can't do a 40 lines without doing ~2 -5 + finesse errors.

What training should I do now ?



Is the end goal to maximize speed or to  minimize finesse errors? Maybe finesse can contribute to speed, but at some point you have to look at where your practice time can be best invested. What's your goal here? Where do you think you practice time should best be put in order to accomplish that goal?


Quote from: caffeine
Is the end goal to maximize speed or to  minimize finesse errors? Maybe finesse can contribute to speed, but at some point you have to look at where your practice time can be best invested. What's your goal here? Where do you think you practice time should best be put in order to accomplish that goal?

Obviously, if i understood the question my goal is to minimize finesse errors when I am playing with my max speed ATM (currently ~1,5+ piece per second)



You gave me another problem   . Now, I am confused. I always played nullpomino without hold, with only 1 preview and with the gameboy randomizer. Now, It would be awesome if I could learn to play with hold, multiples previews and a bag randomizer. So where should I begin now ?

Edit for myself : blind active piece training = / = blind training hard mode

So I said nothing...


wow .. there is training you have to do ? all i did was just play ._. and got 21 with 1 finesse error .. i cant get a pb with 0 finesse error :\


Quote from: Master
wow .. there is training you have to do ? all i did was just play ._. and got 21 with 1 finesse error .. i cant get a pb with 0 finesse error :\

I don't get why but tetris looks easy for me. I learnt finesse in 2-3 days effortlessly and I am a beginner so...


Quote from: thesoftdropper
Quote from: Master
wow .. there is training you have to do ? all i did was just play ._. and got 21 with 1 finesse error .. i cant get a pb with 0 finesse error :\

I don't get why but tetris looks easy for me. I learnt finesse in 2-3 days effortlessly and I am a beginner so...

it is easier for beginners to learn finesse because they are used to going slow and you are not used to playing tetris that much  .. while if you are a normal player you go at a decent speed and you are used to not using finesse .. (is hard to get rid of that bad habit ) its harder for player that have been playing for years ..