Leaderboard for the game at tetris.com

Started by Okey_Dokey, February 07, 2019, 01:56:52 AM

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note: HardDrop forums have retired. Leaderboard is continued at

That game seems to be quite popular among the folks over at the Tetris subreddit. So why not make a leaderboard for it? This thread comes 3 years too late but let's try nonetheless. Note that you can also participate by posting in the reddit thread linked below (you don't necessarily need a HardDrop account). Scores achieved in the Sanrio / Hello Kitty version are also valid.

Links:I have the following categories in mind. I am open for further suggestions.

Highest Score

Start at level 1 or 5 and try to score as many points before you top out. For a submission, post a screenshot of your score.

#  Player                Score      Remarks
1.  Tiger_Ros*           2,103,929  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/evzfgf
2.  Nilgiri~             2,063,466  https://twitter.com/Nilgiri306/status/1136240476023955457
3.  Okey_Dokey           1,829,064  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/c9eo4h
4.  0987user*            1,679,348  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/fq47vj
5.  hebo-MAI~            1,582,284  https://youtu.be/0ZMHndzM8zY?t=1400
6.  Kapttouzi*           1,324,872  https://tinyurl.com/y56yboq7
7.  Captain_Dan_14*      1,266,068  https://tinyurl.com/y4a4n8s3
8.  YourRustedNuts*      1,234,767  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/drusju
9.  Rooster_Chasm*       1,158,638  https://imgur.com/a/t1gyHOg
10. Sebmansigh*          1,148,545  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/8tpdo9
11. dragoncatcher68*     1,139,130  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/avsmq0
12. psychedelicsexfunk*  1,138,013  https://imgur.com/iCsKAm7
13. lsgpotter*           1,069,678  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/abmxbv
14. BiseSim              1,053,018  https://i.imgur.com/ZlrqOZ6.png
15. y3ofr3y*               996,172  https://i.imgur.com/GBUlXdb.png
16. LordDeclan*            912,573  https://imgur.com/gallery/xwbV9ni
17. SleepyS4M*             873,046  https://imgur.com/Br3jbc4
18. SwagMuffin628*         870,186  https://i.imgur.com/C1Voaj4.png
19. Tevnor*                865,794  https://imgur.com/a/jjZ5BmK
20. Fittelminger*          831,503  https://imgur.com/Hb58c9T
21. GrannyPanPan*          829,917  https://imgur.com/a/7ff5gGC
22. n0ah_13*               811,651  https://imgur.com/a/790nfLm
23. Anaxagoras_*           795,004  https://imgur.com/a/J4xOpyL
24. ScorchingOwl*          790,447  https://imgur.com/nTPnCFz
25. RobinTheSunPraiser*    785,270  https://imgur.com/a/4zu6e5N
26. TayDelanie*            779,385  https://imgur.com/a/hOnYwha
27. puresoda*              775,705  https://imgur.com/C5Rx3CY
28. Carl-Jim*              765,347  https://imgur.com/a/HHsHTWm
29. Tachuncarser*          763,929  https://imgur.com/a/dUISDzH
30. MattOD42*              749,747  https://imgur.com/a/p3s4iZ9
31. NateyOnPC*             749,357  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/azcexm
32. Putin_did_911*         735,454  https://i.imgur.com/KAzejvq.jpg
33. TiaoPM*                721,784  https://i.imgur.com/n1HfZFw.jpg
34. blueboxbeing*          710,159  https://i.imgur.com/ACm1x27.jpg
35. Bennett_gcb*           688,450  https://imgur.com/a/2UciuQ8
36. SpeedyDuck790*         678,398  https://imgur.com/a/PNXy4MR
37. freddiesteady*         666,193  https://imgur.com/a/nFkyZYL
38. PD_SkyNative*          656,561  https://i.imgur.com/PNwadry.png
39. ReactivatedAccount*    640,495  https://i.imgur.com/DUmYpC7.jpg
40. rerrahs*               638,331  https://imgur.com/gallery/A1w1enR
41. khoaistran*            624,134  https://imgur.com/a/01RXyPK
42. TheCaliforniaRaisins*  623,457  https://imgur.com/a/i7tFqRT
43. _JJCUBER_*             610,859  https://prnt.sc/srrpqm
44. silverarman*           588,534  https://imgur.com/nNT320y
45. ak47117*               562,059  https://imgur.com/dPRQV21
46. elupolew*              561,924  https://imgur.com/a/zhBkyuk
47. SkjChk*                561,663  https://i.vgy.me/Ldjq3u.jpg
48. yubinizer625*          557,572  https://imgur.com/iB3uLGW
49. AmuseBouche101*        551,988  https://imgur.com/a/GnUFoTN
50. MonikaKalam            545,106  https://i.imgur.com/ctLoopf.png
51. robaeee27*             539,226  https://imgur.com/e8sxFAP
52. Pog1Pog1Pog1Pog1*      536,406  https://imgur.com/a/g9jaiss
53. PeterTheChallenger*    534,795  https://imgur.com/gallery/p8mz2p7
54. DrecksBongert*         522,588  https://imgur.com/gallery/o6bTrGC
55. LeifyMeister*          520,429  https://gyazo.com/bb152d233aa0cdb4fd408350978356d6
56. temmiedoggocat*        512,405  https://tinyurl.com/y3yjxtee
57. isaque_iguess*         509,966  https://imgur.com/a/oYZ4tAq
58. UsrnmePendng*          502,235  https://imgur.com/a/gdts8Mu
59. hakish2001*            496,414  https://imgur.com/dNNCM8E
60. Ykulnu*                492,176  https://i.imgur.com/QXc26jC.png
61. RisingBroadway*        485,791  https://imgur.com/a/WNmwi4k
62. _SilverKnight_*        474,899  https://imgur.com/a/H2wo13Z
63. ShadowKnight8032*      463,214  https://imgur.com/a/7CMOVRg
64. PabloNex               447,115  http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=1235
65. Bloodshriker*          435,193  https://tinyurl.com/rghela5
66. thesoggysaag*          427,226  https://imgur.com/BBKVpTj
67. sterzat*               426,811  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/gzekve
68. CreepyInvestigator*    424,413  https://imgur.com/a/9g5Tvf6
69. Coldes*                423,272  https://i.imgur.com/ZEvIvbc.png
70. Thedoctor986*          422,596  https://imgur.com/r3q8pkA
71. Yognaughto*            421,372  https://imgur.com/a/Yfx1jlt
72. MofInflorescence*      411,374  https://imgur.com/a/TgM7wtc
73. thelongcon_nor*        411,018  https://imgur.com/gallery/bzEnaHP
74. 1234greenboy*          408,205  https://imgur.com/gallery/fnUnxUb
75. Shaunpmz*              401,870  https://imgur.com/gallery/Xntxvah
76. Trunks119*             396,456  https://imgur.com/aLDRG15
77. aFizzyBoi14*           370,040  https://imgur.com/1mo5zKV
78. ekzlbit*               369,253  https://imgur.com/YoRFjCK
79. chavoruco1*            368,302  https://imgur.com/50TURwP
80. Alightsole*            363,904  https://imgur.com/gallery/AGTdnN0
( asterisk behind user name means reddit user )
( tilde behind user name means a harddrop user who didn't submit the score to this thread )

Highest Level

Start at a level that isn't higher than 20 (level 25 is forbidden) and try to clear as many lines as possible. For a submission, post a screenshot where one can see the reached level and amount of cleared lines. Note that Auto Repeat Speed mustn't be higher than 50 ms to avoid a certain abuse.

#  Player               Level             Remarks
1. Tiger_Ros*           lvl 30 + 13 rows  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/hqmc88
2. 0987user*            lvl 30 + 12 rows  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/fq47vj
3. Tachuncarser*        lvl 30 + 11 rows  https://imgur.com/a/dUISDzH
4. hebo-MAI~            lvl 30 + 10 rows  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90vy-jKUxIY
4. YourRustedNuts*      lvl 30 + 10 rows  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/drlzcu
4. Rooster_Chasm*       lvl 30 + 10 rows  https://imgur.com/a/t1gyHOg
7. psychedelicsexfunk*  lvl 30 +  9 rows  https://imgur.com/a/Gr0qLHg
8. lsgpotter*           lvl 30 +  6 rows  https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/abmxbv
9. Okey__Dokey          lvl 28 +  9 rows  https://youtu.be/TM6UzKi5wiI?t=947
10.Putin_did_911*       lvl 25 +  5 rows  https://i.imgur.com/KAzejvq.jpg
11.ScorchingOwl*        lvl 25 +  2 rows  https://imgur.com/nTPnCFz
12.Alightsole*          lvl 23 +  5 rows  https://imgur.com/gallery/AGTdnN0

Speedrun to level 25

Start at level 1 and try to reach level 25 as fast as possible. Time is taken as soon as you place the piece that clears the 240th line (time begins after the countdown) and said time is rounded up to the next full second. For a submission, you have to record a video.

#  Player        Time          Remarks
1. hebo-MAI~     4 min 13 sec  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90vy-jKUxIY
2. Okey_Dokey    5 min 24 sec  https://youtu.be/TM6UzKi5wiI?t=683


Video for my submission. Run for highscore starts at 0:00. Run for most lines & fast level 25 starts at 11:23.

I want to use this post to explain the common strategies a bit. The level increases every 10 lines and with it the difficulty. So, if you want to reach a good score, you must maximize the amount of points per cleared line. It's as follows for all guideline games:

[spoiler]Single stands for clearing one line at once and so on. b2b stands for back-to-back. You get the back to back bonus for T-Spins or Tetrises, if and only if your last line clear was also either a Tetris or T-Spin. An 8 combo means clearing at least one line with 9 consecutive pieces.

[/b]Line clears:
  • Single: 100 points per cleared line
  • Double: 150 points per cleared line
  • Triple: 167 points per cleared line
  • non-b2b Tetris: 200 points per cleared line
  • b2b Tetris: 300 points per cleared line
  • non-b2b T-Spin Mini: 200 points per cleared line
  • non-b2b T-Spin Single: 800 points per cleared line
  • non-b2b T-Spin Double: 600 points per cleared line
  • b2b T-Spin Double: 900 points per cleared line
  • non-b2b T-Spin Triple: 533 points per cleared line
  • b2b T-Spin Triple: 800 points per cleared line
  • 4-combo with Singles only: 200 points per cleared line
  • 8-combo with Singles only: 300 points per cleared line
  • 12-combo with Singles only: 400 points per cleared line
  • 16-combo with Singles only: 500 points per cleared line
  • 4-combo with Doubles only: 200 points per cleared line
  • 8-combo with Doubles only: 250 points per cleared line
As you can see from those numbers, T-Spins are the most effective. Combos can beat the effectiveness of Tetrises but only if you clear a high amount of Singles ("4-wide"). Combos are no match for T-Spins though, so I will ignore them from now on. T-Spins will score roughly 3 times as many points per cleared line as Tetrises do. From those numbers, you may think that stacking for T-Spin Doubles (or T-Singles) is more effective than T-Spin Triples but that's not the case. When stacking for T-Spin Doubles, you must always clear Tetrises from time to time or your stack will grow until you top out. Anyway, T-Spin Doubles and T-Spin Triples are both legit strategies with T-Spin Triples being slightly more effective. If you make a T-Spin line clear with almost every T piece, then you can increase the effectiveness to roughly 2.5 times the effectiveness of pure Tetris stacking. However, T-Spins are hard to setup, especially under high gravity: either creating the overhang will prove difficult or moving the T piece over the overhang.

Here are the 4 main T-Spin strategies for getting as many points as possible. You may also combine those strategies, e.g. start with Freestyle and then switch to "empty column at the wall" once gravity becomes too high.

You leave a column empty somewhere in the center and setup T-Spins over it whenever you see it. This strategy has 2 major drawbacks: First, you will not be able to make a T-Spin with almost every T piece except when you are very pro. And secondly, it works very badly under high gravity.


empty column at the wall
You leave a column empty directly at the wall. You try to do some no-lineclear T-Spins or platform T-Spins whenever you see them but Tetrises most of the time. This strategy is bad for scoring but works very well under high gravity.


ZT Stacking
That's basically a loop where players try to follow a pattern if possible. You make T-Spin Doubles directly on the  right wall whereas a vertical Z piece works as a base. Placing the Z piece will create a hole but it will be gone after the T-Spin Double. You have to do a Tetris roughly every 4 T-Spins. Here's a good tutorial for it. This strategy is very good for scoring and works well under high gravity. However, if you can't follow the pattern, you are screwed: Your stack will have a bad shape and it's very hard to get back to that pattern again.


Infinite TST
That's another loop but this time relying on T-Spin Triples. You set up a "T-Spin Triple tower" in the 4 most-right or most-left columns (right is better under high gravity), then clear the tower with 2 T-Spin Triples and then setup another T-Spin Triple tower but this time with the overhang facing to the other side. It's the best strategy for scoring in the earlier levels and there are some good ways to get back to that pattern if it fails. Additionally, it's relatively easy to skim/"burn" some lines, if your stack becomes too high. However, it doesn't work as well as ZT Stacking under high gravity.


That's all you have to know for the purpose of scoring. For "speedrun to level 25" I recommend stacking some Tetrises in the beginning, then keeping the stack low under semi-high gravity. And finally switching to "pyramid stacking": your stack is the highest in the middle and you try to keep the middle relatively flat, so that you can move pieces to both sides. Try to avoid creatinh holes in the middle because those are hard to get rid off. I don't think I have to make an illustration for pyramid stacking, just watch a TGM player or whatever.

For reaching a high level, I may have to explain the lock delay system. A piece doesn't lock immediately when it touches the stack. You have an extended period (lock delay), where you can still move or rotate the piece. And if you successfully move or rotate a piece, this period will be reset, and you have again that time to move or rotate the piece. However, the lock delay will stop working, if you've used the delay 15 times for one piece. Initially, lock delay is around 500 miliseconds. In the first 20 levels, the game will increase the speed with which the pieces fall to the ground. At level 20, pieces will spawn at the ground but you still have those 500 miliseconds to move the piece. After level 20, the game will reduce the lock delay steadily. There's a big jump at level 25: lock delay will become around 200 miliseconds and pieces may lock before you can even move them. So how to survive level 25? Try to hypertap instead of relying on the built-in autorepeat function: Each time you tap a piece to the next column, you get that needed lock delay reset. You may even try smashing the rotate button or press hold to avoid the locking of a piece.


Attached is my score for Tetris. My highest so far is 515,710


Oh nice. I got this a while ago. Might just post it here:

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/ZlrqOZ6.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"https://i.imgur.com/ZlrqOZ6.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


I hadn't visted the forum or played tetris in a loooong time so I decided to check harddrop out and found this. Might improve it later.