A bunch of questions/suggestions for TOP

Started by Aluce, December 12, 2015, 05:42:58 AM

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I'm not sure this is the right place, but I believe some people from here worked on TOP/TOW, so here goes.

1 I mostly play in the normal Multiplayer room, like most other people. I've noticed that there's an (Elo-based?) rating system for the 1v1 and Multiplayer Items rooms, but not for the infinitely more popular regular Multiplayer room. Why is this? I'd love to see the same system implemented for regular Multiplayer. Now, there is no way for me to see someone's skill level until after I join the room. And even then, I need to click on a person's name and then click on Graph in order to see their stats. If there are a lot of people in the room, this is a lot of clicking just to find out how strong they are. Of course, skill tends to correlate with very high player levels, but I've found that this isn't nearly always the case.

2 Which brings me to another question: how does that graph stats page even work? "Speed" and "Attack" seem clear enough (although I wonder if "Attack" also accounts for cancelled incoming lines, or if it only accounts for lines sent to opponents). But what do the other four mean exactly (for example "Tetrises")? The average amount of Tetrises per game? Or per minute? If it is per game, then these statistics are heavily skewed by long games and aren't a proper representation of, well, anything, because a high number can indicate either strong attacks, or a lot of long games. If they are per minute (or something else time-based), then I'd like for the game to actually show this.

3 Then there's the "Scores" tab. It appears to show your all-time best scores under Highscore, but the Ranking seems to be the rank of your daily best score? I'm not entirely sure. Either way, if I haven't played single player modes for a while, they will all show Unranked. There's no way for me to know how well my all-time best is in the all-time ranking, at least not on this page.

4 Then there's the "Profile" tab. The only thing that isn't clear to me there is what the percentage next to "KOs" means - does it mean I get at least one KO in x% of my games? I currently have 475 games and 301 KOs and the percentage is 20%. I have no idea what it means. Also, the "My Page" button leads to a page that doesn't show anything yet.

5 Then the actual room list. Most smiley faces are green, but some are orange. I've tried to figure out what this means, if it means anything, but I don't know. It doesn't seem to be related to level. So then what is it? Also, I'd like to be able to check a box so that all rooms with passwords are filtered, so that I can easily see if there are any rooms I can join freely that aren't full. Which reminds me of the curious fact that it is possible to join 1v1 rooms that are full as a spectator, but cannot join full multiplayer rooms at all.

6 Finally, tuning settings. Why can it only be found in the Shop? It took me a while recently to find this place again because I thought it had to be somewhere in the Options section.

All these things are minor, but together it bugs me enough for me to prefer another Tetris client to play online Multiplayer Tetris. I would love to go back to playing on Tetris Friends if only that site wouldn't be awfully slow (reloading often and the engine being dreadfully non-smooth) or on Tetris Battle if only they didn't have their ridiculous 30 energy system (the total energy amount used to get higher when you level up, but at some point like a year or two ago they decided to get rid of that altogether). Is there any other place with sufficient people on it to play on? I know there's Cultris but that's not my kind of Tetris.
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Remember that TOP is basically a cloned and translated version of the retired Tetris Online Japan (TOJ), so many features haven't been 100% copied over. The core gameplay and stat collection still works excellently and is THE big reason TOP is still awesome (great job wojtek and eng patch team)!

1. Solid points, what I always did was search some of the names in the messenger search page (you have to copy the full name identically) and check the stats there.

2. These are per game stats, so you are right that they are skewed by 6-player rooms and long games. The most confusing of the stats here is REN (combo), which displays the average max combo per game.

3. Correct.

4. I am actually not sure what the KO% represents. The My Page is a button left over from the TOJ days.

5. Again, I am not sure what the colors mean. I doubt it is lvl based. A room filter would be a nice feature, but it wasn't present in the TOJ release, so it would be much harder to implement, and not entirely necessary due to the low player base.

6. The tuning is found in the shop because back in the TOJ days we had to pay for that stuff! Haha. So again, it is there because that is where it was in the TOJ days. Several of the TOP launchers allow you do adjust tuning before you launch the game if that is more of your thing.

Don't give up on TOP its amazing D: !!
☠ ZeroT


TOP/TOW are mods of the original Tetris Online Japan that was shut down in 2011(?) so I don't know if anything's changed but:
1. The game was likely balanced and focused more for 1v1 and individual skill.
2. Per game I believe. Yes, this isn't indicative of true individual skill but we've yet to find a way accurately calculate this anyway.
3. Only daily scores and ranks will show up on the client but you can check the all time leaderboards on the site (assuming it's not littered with bots)
4. I'm not sure but this is an irrelevant statistic if you ask me
5. Forgot what it meant sorry lol. This game wasn't made by us and from what I understand, we simply modded it for English translation and tuning
6. Again, this game was originally Tetris Online Japan. Tuning, like on TF and TB, required you to buy upgrades with real money. Since we've modded it with our own DAS patches, the tuning on the site doesn't impact the native programming assuming you're using the modded DAS as opposed to the game's.

TOP, c2, Nullpo, TF, TB, Blockbox, Lockjaw, KoS and TUPC (lol) are options but none that I know of fits your criteria
☠ MicroBlizz


5 is just different colours for male/female.


TOP is certainly the best Tetris client I've encountered so far, engine-wise, so I will probably continue using it. I'm aware that it is a mod of TOJ, but I figured some actual in-game things might've been altered as well (besides translation).

Where are all these Tetris players at, anyway? There's usually only a handfull of people on TOP or on C2. TB/TF seem to have, by far, the largest player base. Is this correct? If so, I think that's a pity considering their engine appears to be so slow... (speaking of which, does that URL hack for TF even still work? I tried it once but it seemed to have no effect.)

1v1 has always been the kind of Tetris that attracted me the most. Starting out with Blockles on iminlikewithyou/omgpop (before they replaced it with something else completely, I'm guessing due to copyright claims) and later moving on to TF and TB, I almost exclusively played 1v1. I got tired of TF/TB once I realized I wasn't actually playing against people in real-time, but instead replays of people playing. Then I fonud out about TOP and I was delighted. Just a pity it's a bit clumsy IMO... and not many people are on -- and even less of them are in 1v1 rooms. Also unfortunate is the lack of any sort of rating system for the most-used rooms as that leaves me with no real feeling of progression or achievement when I win.

Quote from: poopmo
5 is just different colours for male/female.
That's interesting. I don't remember entering whether I'm male or female. Then again, I might have. It's been a while
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The URL only works in Expert PLUS rooms.


Ah, I just remembered there's this NullpoMino mod: League. I also remembered that nobody is ever on any of those servers for some reason. It's a huge shame because Nullpo is an excellent Tetris engine.
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Quote from: Blink
The URL only works in Expert PLUS rooms.
This is true, but players these days (including me) tend to use the built in tuning settings because it seems to cause less lag in-game.



Can someone list all the commands on TOP?
I can't seem to find them anywhere.