Status of International Red Bull 5G

Started by KurisuKaatsu, September 22, 2015, 12:45:23 PM

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Quote from: Sisu[1:28] <acorneli> tried to get sponsored by redbull
[1:28] <acorneli> no luck there
[1:28] <benmullen> haha
[1:28] <wasmachstdugern> "this scenebrought to you by RED BULL"
[1:28] <acorneli> fools
[1:28] <tetrismattress> they did send Thor and I 2 cases
[1:28] <acorneli> I would drink redbull if I thought it would make me this good
[1:28] <acorneli> for sure
[1:28] <acorneli> oh really?
[1:28] <Kitaru> hahaha robin that owns
[1:28] <tetrismattress> with a hand made tetris sign saying good luck in pieces :)


Quote from: KurisuKaatsu

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Words

I'll be contacting Red Bull USA within the week to see if I can make this happen.

If this happens, then 'go, Blink!'
Quote from: Sisu

Is Thor good at Cultris 2?


Quote from: jkwon23
If this happens, then 'go, Blink!'

If this happens, then 'go, jkwon!'


Quote from: Blink
Quote from: jkwon23
If this happens, then 'go, Blink!'

If this happens, then 'go, jkwon!'

If this happens, then 'go, WhoeverIsFavoriteToWin'
This is a signature... enjoy.