Play Spaera!

Started by merlini, August 16, 2015, 09:56:26 AM

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Join Spaera.


"I dont play Spaera because NO hold, NO spins, PENTOMINOS, blablah"- frustrated anonymous.

Come on dont be afraid. You all tetris players, have enormous advantage in this game.

COME ON! Play spaera.

SPAERA website
Spaera reddit

And share the game to everyone!


I don't play much Spaera because
  • doesn't work on Win XP
  • can't disable shared next piece queue
  • can't select opponent
  • can't chat or see who is online
  • game pretty slow
  • not enough pentominoes*
If somebody doesn't know what Spaera is**:

* the U would be nice for mana crystals, the P and inverse P would be the least evil pentominoes
** a Tetris Battle Gaiden clone


☠ MicroBlizz



I would but I can't customise my controls  is that feature coming soon?
               Tetris Belts!


You can select between 5 control settings. One of them should be the default settings from Tetris Friends and Tetris Battle. The default settings aren't applicable for German and French keyboards though (as the Z key is on a different location). Spaera is heading for XBox One. That's probably why it's missing features of a PC game (like fully customizable controls).

Anyway, there are many programs that allow you to remap your keys.
For example AutoHotKey. You just need a script with a few lines similar to this:

*Numpad4:: Left
*W:: Space

First line makes Numpad4 behave as Left Arrow key. Second line makes W behave like Space.


I actually had quite a bit of fun with it for a little while. I didn't treat it like a PC game though; I hooked up my SNES controller and pretended I was playing Tetris Battle Gaiden again.