Iljain on Taiwan live web show

Started by jkwon23, April 13, 2015, 12:45:12 PM

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Iljain, 唐崧傑 (Jacob Tang), has been invited for an interview in the most popular live web show in Taiwan for his tetris skill.

Watch here at 4/14/15, 05 30 PST/Shoutbox time.

Click 魯蛋當家 19:00
(King of the Stewed Eggs)
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Congrats iljain!  Can't wait to watch it, will we get to see what you look like or is it audio only?


Quote from: Blink
Congrats iljain!  Can't wait to watch it, will we get to see what you look like or is it audio only?
We will see his face.    


way to tweet wrong harddrop.
stupid you are.


ty all!   though the link jkwon first posted was the uploaded videos not the live broadcast url.

btw you have to click on the program on the left that's says 1900

the one that's not with the word "hero"  , which is "魯蛋當家"


yida9900, arguably the best player in Taiwan, will be interviewed too and play with iljain on the show.


Wow good games, too bad u got creamed

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


lol extruder + alexandra (GO TEAM ALEX) > taiwans best.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


The taiwan name for tetris is "Russian Shape".


Quote from: XaeL
lol extruder + alexandra (GO TEAM ALEX) > taiwans best.

Who cares? It was a nice showcase of the games (really surprised I got to see so many clients) ... it takes a lot of balls to put yourself out there like that and play in front of an audience with less then optimal conditions. God knows I wouldn't do it and I highly doubt the faceless internet trolls spamming get rekt would either.
I guess all it takes for Alexandra to stop smurfing and insulting people on c2 calling them cod and butthurt is a spot on a taiwanese gameshow   .


Quote from: poopmo
Quote from: XaeL
lol extruder + alexandra (GO TEAM ALEX) > taiwans best.

I guess all it takes for Alexandra to stop smurfing and insulting people on c2 calling them cod and butthurt is a spot on a taiwanese gameshow   .

;_; i guess so
but just to set the record straight, i didn't call all of the c2 butthurt and cods. just the ones that talked behind people's backs and got caught.


Just calling it as I see it. In no way am I butthurt for not being asked to play. That you imply that is quite laughable to me since I honestly would have said no if anyone did.

I just found it striking to see you play against iljain who you have insulted openly multiple times. Since you seem to pride yourself for your "realness" it made me think you were either making fun of him or being fake and that doesn't go down well with me ... same with Xaels comments. Iljain took a lot of risks putting himself out there like that and I don't find it cool too comment "creamed" or "rekt".

No need to get so personal. My opinion is my opinion. I don't expect anyone to hop on trust me. But it seems I hit a sore spot. There are more points I could go on about in your post. But i'm not going too since this isn't the place for that. And now I'm done with this discussion.

Edit: guess your original post got deleted.


Quote from: poopmo
Just calling it as I see it. In no way am I butthurt for not being asked to play. That you imply that is quite laughable to me since I honestly would have said no if anyone did.

I just found it striking to see you play against iljain who you have insulted openly multiple times. Since you seem to pride yourself for your "realness" it made me think you were either making fun of him or being fake and that doesn't go down well with me ... same with Xaels comments. Iljain took a lot of risks putting himself out there like that and I don't find it cool too comment "creamed" or "rekt".

No need to get so personal. My opinion is my opinion. I don't expect anyone to hop on trust me. But it seems I hit a sore spot. There are more points I could go on about in your post. But i'm not going too since this isn't the place for that. And now I'm done with this discussion.

Edit: guess your original post got deleted.

m8 iljain is pr0 for sure i was just pointing out the fact that it was unfortunate that he didnt win all day long to make him look pr0er. I was also dissapointed that him + the other dude didnt destroy everyone on c2. It's like if blink was on a tv show and then vs'ed taht guy who he almost lost to in TTO by pure chance and then lost, it'd be an upset and people would be disappointed.

Also i don't see how alexandra/extruderx did anything wrong - the taiwanese people could have picked anyone and unfortunately they picked people that were better than them.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Iljain is amazeballs. Great video. Wish we got to see stuff like this more often.