Worst Tetris Game?

Started by Note, February 22, 2015, 10:51:06 AM

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Quote from: Kevcel
Quote from: VitoKing
Quote from: phil8715
Played the DS version and what puts me off is it's too themed it has characters such as Super Mario displayed when playing it.

Super Mario is a different game all together they only connection it has with Tetris is they're are both Nintendo flag carriers.

To me, that's why the whole combo works. Yeah, their different games, but nearly every game represented in that game paved the way for Nintendo in one shape or another. Besides that, the gameplay itself is, in my opinion, some of the tightest in the age of guideline.

Amen to that.
If you were removing the Nintendo game based themes and the standard tetris Marathon / vs modes, you're still left with few of the best non-standard tetris games that I've seen so far. Push, Touch and Catch are all great games by itself.

And then there's me, who has yet to play the marvelous wonder you guys call "Tetris DS"... .-.

I'm sure it must be good as the preowned price on Gamestop is $20.. I really don't mind throwing down that kind of money on a Tetris game, let alone a puzzle game.


Thing is, Tetris DS released originally for the $20 price tag. Considering that that is the used price now says a lot for how well it held it's value, especially for a Tetris game.
This is a signature... enjoy.



Hmm..That's really interesting..  Now I really wanna try it out..

Quote from: Blitz
Tetris Blitz. Worst Tetris ever.



Among offical tetris games, and pre-TTC "official" games the following were bad.

1) all  bit computer versions. c64, spectrum, amstrad cpc, etc. I still actually liked tge 64 game because of it's totally epic soundtrack and low max gravity, but objectively it was pretty bad.

atari arcade tetris. major quartersucker, and  you can buy your way onto the high score list.

Flash Point (Sega) way too much memorization to be fun. Arika did this mode right is their tetris games.

mobile tetris in general. crappy interface kills the game.

Tetris worlds at least had intriguing variations. tetris elements was pretty bad, actually.

Two best Guideline tetris games are tetris DS and Tetris New Century (from sega tetris collection, extra mode) In my opinnon they've been botched ever since. party and the like do have interesting variations, but the core tetris game is no good in them.

Tetris blitz would be fun without the touchscreen.  wish someone would port it to nullpomino. with all powerups unlocked.


Quote from: zaphod77
Tetris blitz would be fun without the touchscreen.  wish someone would port it to nullpomino. with all powerups unlocked.

You're fine with the auto-piece stuff? I feel like it's okay, but it's not really Tetris stuff.. The way EA tried to make Tetris feel like Bejeweled Blitz was a little bit of a failure to me.. .-.



the auto piece stuff is part of touchscreen. if i could use keyboard there would be no auto piece. I'd place every tetromino where i wanted to rapidly.

i'm fine with the powerup system and the frenzy mode.  I particularly like the fact that tetrises raise the score multiplier, and the ability to strategize around the powerups to not waste I pieces.  i just don't like fighting the auto-placer which seems to prefer clearing any line to stacking for a tetris...

If i knew enough, i'd port it as follows.

1) use TGM style item meter to determine powerups.  have it so it rises with every piece placed, and rises more each time the multiplier goes up.  
2) have powerups come in the order you selected them in.
3) keep bag and SRS.  they are important to the gameplay, bag moreso than srs.
4) have all powerups and finishers unlocked from the start, and remove the stupid coin system.
5) have keyboard/stick controls for the game.

otherwise, keep the rules the same.  this would actually be fun to compete in i think.  bag ensures a steady supply of I pieces to raise the multiplier with, and making the timing and order of powerups predictable would go a long way to making the game more skill based.


..Hmm.. Good ideas for changing up the gameplay.. If only EA could listen. .-. It could be added to Nullpomino, but I'm not really sure.. ;~;