TOP line clear delay cheat/patch

Started by Blink, June 27, 2014, 10:14:37 PM

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Quote from: Alexandra
to people who say this patch wont make much of a difference, i dunno what to say.
it made hell of a speed change for me. enough that i felt like it was cheating.
the das settings alone probably make up for 3+lpm. granted, that you are at a certain fluency with tetris. this 3+lpm doesnt make a difference..? sure i guess that one extra tspin probably wont give you an advantage. however, that 3lpm/das patch may determine your win against a similar skilled opponent.
but the line clear delay is defnitely going to give an advantage. of course this depends also on your style. i for one downstack with singles and doubles which meant that my avg lpm which is 60-65 on top without the patch, shortly changed to 75.
that's a difference YO.
having a 75 and playing mahou's 60lpm is going to give me a better win rating than my 65.
i think the "it doesn't make much of a difference" statement is a understatement.

the whole point of this post i think is to make sure that people realize that this kind of patch exists and give them the choice to utilize it or not.
now, everyone has a chance to improve their play. but if you choose not to, i hope you arent an ass to think/say "im only losing because i didnt use the patch."

No one was saying it wouldn't make a difference.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


This is like the DAS patch all over again !!! freakin cheaters


Quote from: Blink
So you're telling me anybody who plays TOP should have first watched ajanba or milk's stream on the Japanese registration-required nicovideo website long enough to realize they are using some custom tools to eliminate line clear delay, or else it's their fault for playing the game with the line clear delay settings that the game came with.  
It's not a language barrier.


i dwnloaded the stuff blink posted but I still have ugly delay, how do you exactly remove it halp  
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][spoiler]
Funky Ruskie[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"] [/div][/spoiler]


I did the edit someone suggested in the post on Facebook.. And suddenly the game went from horrible to great! It wasn't the line clear delay I wanted gone, it was that moment where you can't hold or do your initial rotation. Without that, I couldn't fkin play :\


Quote from: Blitz
I thought this already was public knowledge. If you have seen ajanba or milk stream TOP you should have noticed neither of them got linecleardelay and their pieces seems to be moving faster than the fastest setting on top, if you failed to spot that then you can blame yourself for not knowing. When I first noticed this, I asked milk about it. Turns out some of the japanese players got a tool to customize das/arr, linecleardelay, previews and lots of other things which I'm not quite sure what is.
It's not a secret. It's just a language barrier.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

I do not have a download link for this tool.

Haven't quite figured it out yet but here's the file (it's within the zip), I just reuploaded it after I found it by googling "tetrisonlinepatchcreator".  I'll edit/post again if I figure out how it works =)

EDIT: forgot the link, LOL: [a href=\\\"][/url]


Quote from: Agamemnon
I did the edit someone suggested in the post on Facebook.. And suddenly the game went from horrible to great! It wasn't the line clear delay I wanted gone, it was that moment where you can't hold or do your initial rotation. Without that, I couldn't fkin play :\

Thats interesting... I thought i was the only one who had that thing cause i came from c2... :o


Quote from: Blitz
It's not a secret. It's just a language barrier.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Just took some time to translate the text. Feel free to correct me if there is any error.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: M_Bison
I agree this should have been more readily available to the 'Tetris community' but was anyone actually hiding the fact that such a mod/patch existed??? This post on the TOP forums (which is over 2 years old!) gives a rough breakdown on how to achieve such things (though I could never actually got it to work myself):
I am genuinely surprised that more people were'nt already aware of it...

- Jono

Getting it to work is actually pretty simple.
Using Wojtek's SJE.JHH tool you extract the contents in "~/config" .

There should be a "config.ini" where you can edit all the settings of TOP
including mino-gravity. You then have to pack it all into the original SJE.JHH
file again.


Quote from: Blink
It's been brought to my attention today that many players are using a patch to remove all line clear delay from TOP.  Since this gives an unfair speed advantage, I'm making the file public here so people who aren't aware of it can play on even ground.

This should have been made public to the entire Tetris community long ago, yet this is the first time I've even heard of it.  To me, keeping this to yourself IS cheating and would be no different than if someone removed line clear delay from Tetris Friends.  I'm disappointed.  Where is the honor?
The file you're looking for has been moved or deleted.
Does anyone have a backup?


Quote from: djackallstar
Quote from: Blink
It's been brought to my attention today that many players are using a patch to remove all line clear delay from TOP.  Since this gives an unfair speed advantage, I'm making the file public here so people who aren't aware of it can play on even ground.

This should have been made public to the entire Tetris community long ago, yet this is the first time I've even heard of it.  To me, keeping this to yourself IS cheating and would be no different than if someone removed line clear delay from Tetris Friends.  I'm disappointed.  Where is the honor?
The file you're looking for has been moved or deleted.
Does anyone have a backup?

Yeah! Patch isn't there anymore. Does anyone else have it?
Also can I get the patch to remove the sparkle line clear effect?

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


this is the most recent patch that i have gotten. im not sure if i play with sparkles or not. but i dont think this patch has sparkles.

when the login popsup click- Settings>faster_presets>apply>ok>  and then login

or you can try the wonderland patch


Quote from: ohitsstef
Quote from: djackallstar
Quote from: Blink
It's been brought to my attention today that many players are using a patch to remove all line clear delay from TOP.  Since this gives an unfair speed advantage, I'm making the file public here so people who aren't aware of it can play on even ground.

This should have been made public to the entire Tetris community long ago, yet this is the first time I've even heard of it.  To me, keeping this to yourself IS cheating and would be no different than if someone removed line clear delay from Tetris Friends.  I'm disappointed.  Where is the honor?
The file you're looking for has been moved or deleted.
Does anyone have a backup?

Yeah! Patch isn't there anymore. Does anyone else have it?
Also can I get the patch to remove the sparkle line clear effect?

If you want the separate no line clear delay and no sparkles patches for whatever reason, you can find them in the TOP FAQ thread.

Note that the Wonderland version sends 8 lines for a perfect clear instead of 6. Edit: this is not true.


Quote from: meow

Note that the Wonderland version sends 8 lines for a perfect clear instead of 6.

cheater cheater pumpkin eater.
so people are messing with the attack table?

so anyone using the wonderland has had an unfair advantage all this time.


not calling people who used it unknowingly, a cheater. just the person who wrote it. =_= can't unintentionally change the attack table.. just saying.


Quote from: meow
Note that the Wonderland version sends 8 lines for a perfect clear instead of 6.
I did not know that.
Quote from: Alexandra

cheater cheater pumpkin eater.
so people are messing with the attack table?

so anyone using the wonderland has had an unfair advantage all this time.


not calling people who used it unknowingly, a cheater. just the person who wrote it. =_= can't unintentionally change the attack table.. just saying.
Playing without line clear delay is a far greater advantage than being able to send two extra lines with a Perfect Clear. Many players have been playing with an unfair advantage since before I released TOW. I did what I did to make this advantage more widespread. If more players had the advantage, more players would be playing on equal terms.
Back then I thought the removal of line clear delay was only about having a speed advantage. I later realized that it also affected the game balance in a way that I didn't think of. Combos became stronger. Combos were initially being held back because they had more line clear delay per line being sent than other attacks. With the line clear delay gone --> combos OP, but that's another topic.
I would never have released TOW had I known how much it messed with the balance.