Tetris ultimate (next gen)

Started by waizqt, June 04, 2014, 03:05:53 PM

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Ahhh yeahhh! The boys are back in town!

Also, quick question about the game in case anyone knows. Will Ubisoft be able to patch or update the game if it happens to have any issues or imbalance? or is it going to be a single untouchable release on all platforms?

ItsCeeCee, it's really great to see that you guys are interested in feedback from competitive players. I'm very excited to try the finished product! Thanks!


Too cynical to get on the hype bandwagon here, but I do have to say that things are sounding good. I hope with all my might that this game delivers!
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Any info if it will be realeased on PC ? Official page says only for ps4 and xbox one = (
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][spoiler]
Funky Ruskie[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"] [/div][/spoiler]



Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


So here we go again. If I wasn't DJing at Sabotencon in Arizona, I would of personally flew out to this event under my own budget. Regardless, the link above is the Tetris Ultimate tournament and I still have some major gripes with the game.
(PLEASE note that the following is a ramble. Once again, the following is an opinion. I'm not stating towards any Hard Drop or Tetris Ultimate producers that their project is wrong, but meerly what I felt with my experience of playing this game. By no means am I trying to offend the members of Hard Drop or the Tetris Ultimate staff.)

I don't have much time to write a full fledged post like last time so it'll be kinda rushed.

I'm aware of the tuning stuff so there's no need for me to complain about latency, the amount of upcoming pieces, drop speeds, etc.

So looks like piece continuity still does not exist. It's frustrating to see that especially in a mode to determine the fastest player, (Hypothetically saying) one player "could" have a harder set of pieces. (Even though it should be very minimal with a 7 piece bag). The common argument against me is that some one could copy my moves but in a race, why would you want to follow the leader? This isn't mario kart, there is no bonus for that.

1> All Clears are not programmed
2> Combo's are back! Not because I love them but once again, new players need all the help they can get. It also allows viewers to see a number that they can relate to.
3> I really wish that all damage is "stored" until a piece is played that does not clear a line. When this happens, the amount of lines of garbage that is about to be sent is shown, then cue fancy animation to signify how that number affects the opponents field.
4> Still wish there was a red horizontal line showing how far up you field will be pushed up with garbage.
5> I also wish there was a Yellow/Black danger color tint on the 21st level so it shows players where the death line is at.
6> WHAT IS LEVEL UP? I'm glad there's an indicator for it but what does it do? Why is level up based on lines cleared?

1> HOW did a single line clear send 3 lines of garbage?

1> I noticed that haunted well lasted for 4 turns sent from a level 2 player. Is the default 3? If so, they may have taken my advice about the leveled up items. (Awesome!) I would love the screen to say "Haunted Well Level 2" on the opponents side so they know what attack they got and the strength of it. The level indicator on the bottom left of the well isn't enough for me.

1> I really think make it rain should be a help item instead. It fills in those pesky 2 or 3 deep holes that new players have issues with. Or now that I think about it, it could affect both players though the item has the ability to clear lines only for the player who used it.

1> Looks like buzzsaw is not affected by level.

End Tournament
Other random things
1> Damage indicator is on the side of the screen again, thank you! (-ish) Refer to my red line idea. It could be something that is default but experts can turn it off if they don't like it. Just note that this is NOT a substitute for the damage indicator on the side of the screen. More as an additional visualization for new players.
2> Hip to be square...well, at least the name was shorter. I'm still assuming that attack is based on level. As a level 1 attack, 5-6 yellow squares are overkill. It should start at 3 and move on up from there.
3> Overall, I think are attacks are too strong in general, the level system doesn't seem as emphasized if players are barely making it to level 2 before the game ends. Reduce the strength of all attacks and increase the strength of the defense items.
4> Level ups should be based on the amount of pieces placed. Lines are too hard for players. Look at 12:25. Team mecha had a miss-drop and didn't make it to level 2 for a whole 50 seconds. I would feel that every 21 pieces should result in a level up.
5> Just as an idea but why can't this tournament be an online or even local mode in the game? (Also include spectator mode!) Smash Bros. Wii had something similar to this and I loved it.

So that's the end of the rant, alot of things have changed since the E3 beta and we're starting to get into the nit picky stuff. I'll continue to keep look at this game.
Ubisoft, give us better notices of these events! I'd love to go out and say hi again~ It's too long to wait for E3 every year just to re-meet everyone in the industry. (Or setup at an Anime convention! I fly to those all the time!)


Wow those people were not terrible good. Also Sir Scoots there?? wtf?!

I really want to see what happens when the pro players play this game, I cannot find footage of anyone semi quick playing, I feel that would give me a better indication of how it would compare to the current games played. So I'm not on board yet but I'm not exactly hopeful either


this footage was part of the 3DS announcement press kit CMIIW but i dont remember seeing it before so:




Here's a link to the video for the Tetris panel. Just note that super hardcore players may get frustrated on their viewpoint of tetris.

Here's some takeaways I got from this:
1> They can't define a T-Spin
2> Only Hardcore Tetris players play Grandmaster for invisible mode.
3> 99% play tetris casually so we're working on that group.

*sigh* Well, good thing a friend of mine is working on Magical Tetris Challenge II.


is the release delayed?
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


I dunno. I thought maybe this was typical for digital releases, but who knows.


That panel was seriously disappointing.

They can easily cater to all major player bases. They need an example? League of Legends, Hearthstone, Smash Bros, Global Offensive.

Their viewpoints are marks of laziness, and an eagerness to cash in on the brand of Tetris with the next-gen market.


Quote from: KurisuKaatsu1> They can't define a T-Spin
Well, they were able to describe it successfully, albeit ploddingly. Now, if you had asked them to define a t-spin mini...
Quote from: KurisuKaatsu2> Only Hardcore Tetris players play Grandmaster for invisible mode.
Considering the difficulty they have explaining something comparatively straightforward like a t-spin, it's not surprising that they would single out the most superficial differentiator. As unfortunate as it is that people laser focus on OMG INVISIBLE, I wouldn't expect them to be talking about what differentiates various Guideline games at that level of depth either. We simply are not the audience of this panel.
Quote from: KurisuKaatsu3> 99% play tetris casually so we're working on that group.
It's true though. 99% of players can't clear Marathon, have no interest in learning enough about the game to clear Marathon, and as such will likely never do so -- let alone ever appreciate the game at any sort of competitive level, be it in solo or versus play. We are a hopelessly tiny minority at the moment.

I do think more should be done to try to help some of the players that might be interested in tackling the game at a higher level actually do so. If there were some sort of post-game tips based on common stacking mistakes they made or a Lesson mode or something to acquaint players with more than just the utter basics ("pieces go left/right, rotate, make lines, OK HAVE FUN" is not exactly the most comprehensive guidance), I think that could potentially help a lot. Right now, players are forced to sort of jump in the deep end -- they have to learn in trial by fire, or search up the hardcore player forums/wikis. Not everyone is going to go outside of the game to get this info, and they'll likely find themselves overloaded with information if they do.

Quote from: KurisuKaatsu*sigh* Well, good thing a friend of mine is working on Magical Tetris Challenge II.
I'd play it. :3
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


cant wait for this game.... im still holding them to the released this summer time frame.... today is the last day of summer

ive been told that the Psn Tetris is the minor leagues.

PSN: Wolfbro25


I hope that its only the xbox and ps4 that are late. Then there is a chance that other versions (like PC) are coming out the same time as xbox/ps4.