Tetris ultimate (next gen)

Started by waizqt, June 04, 2014, 03:05:53 PM

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Quote from: Kevcel
Even though all participants will probably suck, you should start training at least one day before the tournament. Your rusty TDS skills won't work at this game
I don't have a copy of Tetris Ultimate and I'm reluctant to buy one (especially given the top four of this tournament win one anyway) so I won't be getting any practice in. It's still SRS guideline at the end of the day, I doubt it'll be that new to me, and it's not like I don't still stomp on stuff like Tetris Friends if I'm just playing against regular joes.

Won the UK Open with a 75-1 record (admittedly because Paul didn't participate) a few years back when I hadn't played TF in a year, and that had guys from here there. Unless someone else from HD shows up think I'll be OK, and to be honest if I don't win I won't be all that upset over it


Smash it Rosti - Norwich is far too far for me!
               Tetris Belts!


backing up 2 posts from the official forum because i know they will be deleted once their "community developer" wakes up. and to show i am not the only one who has had enough.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]friedeggformind Yesterday, 09:58 PM

This game has been broken since the first day it was released on the Xbox Store with infinite VS matches, crashes, the game getting stuck in infinite loops after searching and canceling before a match is found.

The problems are endless so I deleted it from my console. Now I am getting an email telling me to get back into it? The game still isn't fixed as most of the problems are still being "Worked on."

Add more ACK packets or just switch over to TCP it is slower but it will serve the same purposes.

Please update your email policies so that you get people back into game that actually work.[/quote]

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]wtsang Today, 05:29 AM

Come on, people - where is even ONE patch since all these issues have been noted?

At least fix the damn Ubisoft splash screen on the PS4, which is SO LOUD it could blow out people's speakers. Where is the basic quality control, or a tiny bit of consideration for your customers' equipment??

I was pleased you priced the game reasonably but that is no excuse for your disappearing act. Your reputation as a company is in the toilet right now.. surely of all the things you need to address, TETRIS would be a quick and easy task!

At the very least, step in and give us a progress update!!![/quote]


Go Rosti!

If the tournament was closer to London, I might be a challenge for you since I did pick up a 3DS & Tetris Ultimate recently... but Norwich is too far for me also  


I refuse to lose my first online match so I just played like 20 minutes until the guy finally tapped out.


Quote from: KurisuKaatsu

I refuse to lose my first online match so I just played like 20 minutes until the guy finally tapped out.

Sick skills dude to last that long. was this a bug or were they cheating?


Quote from: kastle09
Quote from: KurisuKaatsu

I refuse to lose my first online match so I just played like 20 minutes until the guy finally tapped out.

Sick skills dude to last that long. was this a bug or were they cheating?

it's a bug that happens almost every time during online play, ubisoft knows it and does nothing about it.


Norwich thing is this weekend. I've registered for the tournament, though still not sure I'm going to actually bother going given that the rest of the event doesn't strike me as looking particularly interesting, and a 3 hour round trip seems a bit much just to beat some randoms at Tetris (or potentially lose given my SRS is rusty as balls).

On the off-chance that I do go though, can anyone give a short description of the similarities and differences between Tetris Ultimate compared to say Tetris Friends or Tetris DS? Would be helpful to have a rough idea of what to expect given I'll have literally never played it before


meh. just play like this

should be no problem. after all, you taught blink how to t-spin ftw


Tetris Ultimate differs from Tetris Friends and Tetris DS mainly by the line clear delay. There is no e plus plus on Tetris Ultimate so you should start combos mid-way up the matrix at the top a t-spin could potential spike you out. The line clear delay compared to Tetris Friends is somewhere between 1.5-2 times the delay. Tetris Ultimate through runs much smoother than Tetris Friends. Tetris Ultimate's control is the same as Tetris DS. My suggestions for training and strategy is this: screen watch for spikes because combos only block effectively after 5 or 6, and T-spins block 7 lines max.You should use spike style game play because it's much harder to downstack through because of the line clear delay, you might want to practice increase line clear delay on Nullpomino to adjust to downstacking.In guideline Tetris you should favor T-spins over combos. Opening with Tetrises is in my opinion more effective than on Tetris Friends. Timing is more important on Tetris Ultimate than ever. I hope this helps good luck at the competition. (Some of this is my opinion and you might want to ask higher players for their strategies and opinions.)


One thing to take away from that video: in the 3DS version, the hole always changes position every 4 rows received, so keep that in mind if you use a row of garbage in a t-spin or something; you'll want to build that row back to take the segment as a tetris when it is fully revealed vs. a triple that would break back-to-back.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Get drunk, have fun and laugh at those who send you only friendly singles and doubles.
I noticed that it's double elimination, so just rely on your general srs guideline skills and you should do fine.

Note what Kitaru mentioned about the garbage that arises in a pattern of 4 rows.
Also, I don't know whether you're allowed to change the default customization options. If not, expect slow 'soft drop speed' and slow 'left/right speed'...and some very annoying in-game text and background effects.

If you're allowed to change options, you want to change it to:
Soft drop speed: 10/10
Left/right speed: 10/10
Left/right sensitivity: 5/10 or 6/10 (higher sensitivity requires practice or is unplayable)
Visuals: OFF!

[edit] Not completely sure about the time, but the play field will rise after 2(?) minutes to speed things up.

Something one might not think of, but I wouldn't be surprised if the tournament is played on 'Battle Ultimate' (i.e. items mode)...for some reason they like to show off this mode on presentations. If so, that's even more reason to get drunk and have fun.
Day One Member of harddrop.com


Quote from: KevcelLeft/right sensitivity: 5/10 or 6/10 (higher sensitivity requires practice or is unplayable)
I'd recommend 7 or 8. 9 and 10 are certainly fast, however.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Uh, this isn't really game related, but… Has anyone got any prizes that Tetris Ultimate was supposed to send to people?

Here's me winning the first round: https://twitter.com/TetrisUltimate/status/532714959935774720

And here's my angry twit after half a year of waiting: https://twitter.com/barnex/status/608297894068809728

The twitter accounts seems dead, seeing how I got no response since february.


Wow, half a year of waiting for a prize? Unreal. Ubi doesn't care, it seems that all anyone cares about is money any more. They got my money and I got a broken game. Woo.