Tetris Controls

Started by Magnanimous, July 13, 2009, 06:27:05 PM

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Quote from: virulenti'm sure this has already been mentioned..but why is it theoretically beneficial to remove space bar from your controls? [not saying that it's not]
Because it's a big and bulky key.


doesn't that make it easier to use :3 that is essentially why they made it bigger..i think. lol
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i don't really understand why you can't use spacebar with your thumb. If it's comfortable, then use it! Who cares if it's slightly slower than other fingers? Belzebub made a thread where we saw how fast we could press harddrop with our thumb, and 6 tps was the low end. THE LOW END.

If you can go 6 tps, then you might consider switching fingers, but otherwise why do you need to switch (assuming your left hand and right hand keys are balanced)?
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i kind of agree, i switched keys early on when people told me spacebar + thumb was a bad idea.

it's still the most comfortable for me and is the fastest key setup i used.


agree w/ switching it or agree w/ understanding why not?
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Mine are really strange I think ^^

Cursor keys left and right as per normal
Clockwise rotate: up
Anti-clockwise rotate: left ctrl
Soft drop: down
Hard drop: Space
Hold: x
Items: left shift

And I like space bar ^^
The big chunky sounds different to your other keys so you can be sure you hard dropped!
Also if you use your forefinger to press it it shouldn't be slow right?
(Then again I am a slow tetris player ><" )


Z: Soft Drop
X: Hard Drop
C: Hold

1/3: Left/Right
2: Rotate Left
5: Rotate Right

Tetris DS: 162047 665731


i wino for most orginal controls

tetris friends default, with the added bonus of left control as 180 rotate


Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: electrofry
well guys im in a bit of a pickle.
i use the default controls for everything.
but then i experimented with other setups. and now my muscle finally has memory to rotate clockwise with x instead of up. but now... my muscle also has memory of hold being Lshift when its actually C. so everytime i wanna hold i stumble for about 1 second before i move my finger to c.

i used to rotate with up arrow (only one way rotation) before. but then switched rotate to other hand and used up arrow for hold instead. lol i hold a lot now.


i've recently switched from tf default to up is hard drop down is soft drop left is left right is right x is cw z is ccw, shift is hold, and since i only just started nullpo as well, have not yet needed 180. i have personally found switch from thumb hard drop is a good idea, especially since hold is best used as left shift, and counterclockwise default z. having a slower reaction time, i used the index on spacebar while i used it for speed, and found it incredibly slow. having played for half the amount of time using the new keyboard settings than the older settings, my sprint time has went down a significant consistent 5 seconds, and my record as well.


So what is the most popular key for harddrop? I've seen a lot of harddrop on 'Down' and I'm considering switching to it. I currently use spacebar with my left index finger for harddrop.

Left/Right: Left/Right
Hold: Lshift
Clockwise: X
Counter-Clockwise: Z
Harddrop: Spacebar
SoftDrop: Down


Up/Down are typical hard/soft drop keys. The position of each is more or less interchangeable based on current preference.
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harddrop on space-bar? never seen that? i feel like more and more thats becoming the "norm" for the harddrop key, and down to be softdrop because of tb and tf

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


It's only the "norm" hard drop key because of the default up-to-rotate control scheme that has been grandfathered-in for PC versions and that new players don't consider changing. Up/Down drops is more consistent with console and arcade control schemes, and has more clearly defined separation between action/movement hands. I'd recommend considering that as a baseline control scheme before experimenting with other configurations.
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Rotate Left:Q
Rotate Right:W
Soft Drop:F
Hard Drop:S

But i hate Default controls but is working with other tetris games

In Lockjaw
Rotate Left:U
Rotate Right:I
Soft Drop: ;
Hard Drop:K
In Blockbox The Control of my SoftDrop is Spacebar
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