How did you get into Tetris?

Started by Arias, August 30, 2010, 08:06:03 PM

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Quote from: KaenbyouRin
I am proud of myself as i can get from 1 minute to 28 second of sprint in only 1 year...
That's a rapid improvement   (no sarcasm)


Everyone is different with what style they play tetris. I can play with no items and no maps but unlike everyone I don't feel confident or pro when i play without party items and combo maps. Playing classic maps with no items to me is like a puzzle but hard to rank up and same when i have nothing i play as a rank 18 everywhere else except party and combo. I think what got me into items was how much i enjoyed super tetris when i was little it was a pc game my mom had that was made in 1991

What is your style ? is it maps or items or neither and how did you start ? what makes tetris exciting for you?

P.s - I am not good with grammar and this is my first forum so be easy on me haha  


I began playing in the womb, I found an old game boy lodged in there with a copy of Tetris inserted. I never asked how it got there..

The problem was I had to stop playing after a mere 2 months. The ultrasound messed with the electronics, so exclaiming that the game was now "A piece of shit", I lodged it into my mothers colon, and it was disposed of.


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I started to play Tetris when the Game Boy was a brand new console. I'm a casual Tetris gamer only, but I started to learn Processing ( which you can use to do some art/video/music mix, like games, quickly. I made a basic version of Tetris in two weeks and I found it awesome. That was a couple of years ago, in the last months I decided that I wanted to finish it and publish it, and I've made it and released it the same day of my birthday (22 of October) as a present for me and you.
If it bleeds, we can kill it


Played Tetris since I was a toddler and stopped playing.

But in 2012, I started to get crazed with Tetris since I play Tetris Revolution on my old Nokia 3230 phone. Thanks to its uplifting music (Korobeiniki), it makes Tetris even more enjoyable. I still play Tetris (but mostly Puyo Puyo) until now. So, that equals to 5 years playing Tetris (and Puyo)


Probably started playing it when I was 7 or 8 years old. I've been playing it for as long as I can remember, but I've only been playing it seriously since the end of last August, although my PPS has only but doubled since then. They told me I'd be sub 60 within 2 months. I'm only sub 90. But yeah. Trust me, you don't want to know why I started getting into Tetris seriously. It's quite TMI. But let's just say during one week of August, something changed in me that made me realize I really, REALLY love Tetris


The first time I played Tetris was when I was about 6-7 years old. Give or take a couple of years. But I have not been serious about it until April of 2015 when I discovered Tetris friends.


Been playing since the late 80's when I got the orig Game Boy - still the best puzzle game ever created.
Best 3 puzzle games of all-time: Tetris, Dr Mario, and Wario's Woods - Gamer Dating


The earliest memory that I have of playing Tetris was on the Gameboy Color from one of my brother's friends. Then a few years ago I started playing it on my iPhone, then the addiction spread to the PS 4, then PC.


I found this old gameboy with the original gameboy tetris on it when moving all of my grandma's stuff out of her house. It wasn't very fun, but I sought out other versions and mostly played android tetris at first, then really started getting into it once I figured out I could play on Nullpomino and Tetris with Friends


It was in about 2013 I first started playing it every once in a while when my cousin told me to get good at Tetris for a "real challenge" on a family vacation when I was playing Mega Man on my phone. I played it for the first time with a NES emulator around that time, and it became a game that I played on and off for a while. Then, during AGDQ 2015, I watched the TGM block and I was blown away. It made me want to really dedicate myself to Tetris, and since then, it's been my main game in whatever version I was interested in at the time.

So basically 2013 was when I first played it, and 2015 was the year I got into it.


I first played Tetris when my sister got me the GameBoy game, I sucked and could barely get 4 lines before losing everytime.

Didn't really play again until I was 16/17 and my girlfriend at the time was really into the game and I started playing with her (also heard it was good for problem solving and quick thinking) and just kept playing since then.


Been playing since May. I've been bored in class and the night before I got recommended some video from the TCWC. I was interested and so it began.


Yikes, it's been a fat minute since my first game of Tetwis. I think I bit the hook when I played the NES Tetris  
Kenny uwu