How did you get into Tetris?

Started by Arias, August 30, 2010, 08:06:03 PM

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been playing aobut 8 hours a day for 3 years


3 weeks at most, heh. I'm quickly becoming addicted though


Quote from: Shizaru
3 weeks at most, heh. I'm quickly becoming addicted though

That is good to hear, you will be among the best someday.
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I played some tetris when I was young, but I start playing tetris again "like alot tetirs" 4 months ago
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I've been playing for a while... I first started playing TDS in December 2006, picked up TGM in first half 2007, then put it down, then picked it back up for good sometime around September 2008. So, I've been playing "professionally" for a bit over two years.

At the beginning, before I was TGM1 Gm, I played around two or three hours a day. However, now I play like half an hour a day tops, if at all.
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Looked around the forum and saw that we didn't have this type of thread, or we might have one but I only bothered to look back 3 pages yeah.

So any who, the thread topic is self explanatory. Just tell us how you got into Tetris and when, I'm sure there are funny stories to be had. I'll start off yeah:

So 2 years ago my friend moved into his basement after his sister left the house, in his basement we found an SNES, and with it Tetris and Dr.Mario, along with other block buster hits. Tetris was the most played one, with sessions lasting 2+ hours. This carried on for 2 months, then one of the controllers broke leaving us with 1 working one and 2 duds. This ended our SNES Tetris career and an obsession that didn't fully ignite until December last year, when Tetris was finally announced for the PS3. I was like "Dude, we have to get this" towards my friend, we both own PS3s and seemed like an excellent investment. Fast forward and I get it before he does, play it to hell and actually start to get good. After awhile I show him my records and he straight up gives up Tetris, he never got it for PS3, he hasn't played since that one time I took my system to his house. Now here I am, currently at sub 1:05 and improving bit by bit each time I play, with 4 different versions installed on my computer, 2 official versions bought off PSN (the full version and the mini).

Whats you story? (it doesn't have to be this detailed btw)


When I was in 1st or 2nd grade, I had the original gameboy with tetris in it. I would hook up my gameboy with my uncle's and play vs him.

In 7th grade (1999 so old T_T) my friends introduced me to Tnet. We would play 2v2 between the 4 of us... that's when I got addicted to it. I remember thinking... why are people so fu**ing fast? Then I found out they were using the tfast client, so I got that and have been playing off and on ever since.


I first played on a game pack in windows (winGames if I'm not mistaken.. inside there are chip's challenge, jezzball, pipe dreams and the kind of). since it was the best game at that time for me, I played it the most

But because my friends think of Tetris as a stupid game I left it and play other games~

Several years later (about two years ago) when I want to play a bit of tetris I google it and found tetrisfriends and was addicted to the multiplayer tetris

Then about a year after (this is the time I showed that tetris isn't a stupid game..) when searching on YouTube for great Tetris players I found Jtadore on cultris so I downloaded cultris, and the cultris players suggest me to go to xD . Here I found and download nullpomino (I ever confused because when I google nullpomino it redirects to porn sites O_o)

Until now my tetris games are only TF NP and Cultris


Ok so mine is fascinating. I got my laptop like 2 years ago got bored because my laptop had nothing in it, I googled fun games, found TF played there and reached rank 6 on 2P and thought I was pro, then live came out and so on and so forth. See didn't I tell you, it was fascinating?!
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


my tattoo artist was telling me about tetris when inking me one day two july's ago, and challenged me to beat his rank 14 on tetris friends battle 2p. it took about a week, and soon after that "live" came out and he challenged me to a match there. we played, i shut him out, and he hasn't played tetris since :x my next tattooing session seemed extra painful for some reason...



Procrastination brought me to TF (I know I know)

Kinda snowballed from there, now everyone I know thinks I'm a freak until I show them Lapsi or Apoc's records.



I used to play Tetris marathon on PC when I was little the goal of the game, according to my cousins, was to build a pretty castle. I soon realized that they lied to me.

In high school my ex boyfriend gave me a ds-lite as a gift and tds was on it - so I played that. I played straight tetrises. In college I met a few people who played Blockles and I was hooked. I moved to TF - then BB - and slowly began expanding.

Now I'm a casual TOJ/BB player.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I got a copy of a tetris game to my mobile on a classtrip and played for the whole 5h busstrip
When I eventually beat the game (999,999points) i got tired and found TF and tetris on facebook and from there I eventually found my way to tetrisconsept and then here.


someone installed tetris into my Ti-84 junior year. that resulted in me getting Ds in math and chemistry. i mean tetris vs listening to teacher, im sure tetris wins. senior year, some guy challenged me to beat his high score on his ti-89. i did. he hacked it to beat my score. i found out how he hacked it and i obliterated his score. and then he told about blockles, where i met radiance, who showed me this site.