The "Help Me" Thread: Ask Quick Questions Here!

Started by caffeine, October 08, 2013, 09:18:13 AM

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Does anyone have any advice on how to increase my speed in 20G modes? I play speed mania 2 world rule, and I've really been trying to push my speed past level 300. I can hold a good pace for about 70 levels, but inevitably I make a mistake and it just compounds, so I either have to slow down or top out. Is practice the best solution?


Ahhhhhhhhhhh D:

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is right thread to post my question, but I don't know where else to go. I've been very, very frustrated and sad lately because TetrisFriends Arena isn't working...

I can open the "rooms list" fine, but when I click "watch" or "join", the loading sign of rotating tetriminos never goes away, and I can't actually enter the room. I've tried updating flash, using different browsers, using a different computer in my house, reconnecting wifi, I don't know what else to do. It has been this way for a few months now, and I might be going crazy without Tetris! I can play other games on TF, like sprint - it's just the Arena rooms won't load, and I pretty much spend all of my Tetris time on Arena.

Can anyone help? Is there anything I can try? Please :''')


sad Tetris fan


@Quantummechanic, I'm no TGM specialist, but these might be helpful:
One way to train on 20g is to start with a a lock delay that's easy for you, set some goal, and then go down a lock delay unit once you meet that goal x times in a row.

@coco, how many browsers did you try? Did you try opera? Also, you might try signing up on a dummy account to see if that works.


I'm fairly new to Tetris (sprint time under 1 min) and I've had trouble stacking in confined areas of the grid (e.g. 4wide, some beginning setups)

I've seen people mention looking at all of the upcoming pieces, and I'm unsure on how to use that information. Do I plan out where to put each piece?


Quote from: over_loadcode
I'm fairly new to Tetris (sprint time under 1 min) and I've had trouble stacking in confined areas of the grid (e.g. 4wide, some beginning setups)

I've seen people mention looking at all of the upcoming pieces, and I'm unsure on how to use that information. Do I plan out where to put each piece?
This is a good question. In multiplayer, there's no time to really stop and think of a formal plan for putting each of the 5 upcoming pieces. Instead, I'll look for key pieces. The best example is probably if I'm about to create an overhang for a T-Spin. If there are no T-pieces coming up, then it's probably better to wait, especially so if the overhang creates an unstable surface.

The same idea applies whenever I'm considering building a surface that creates any "piece dependency" such as an I-piece or J-piece. Normally it's bad, but if the needed piece is about to come, then it's ok.

At a fast pace, the process is subtle. I know by keeping an eye on the next pieces, I will sort of "absorb" that info and apply it automatically to stacking decisions without really thinking too carefully about it.


Quote from: over_loadcode
I've had trouble stacking in confined areas of the grid
I would recommend playing sprint hold-less. This will teach you how to stack without a crutch.

After this, just practice what you are weak on. If you can't stack 4 side-wide, then just practice. It might help starting from 2 or 3 side wide first.

I have 0 training in 4w and i can stack a decent side 4w the majority of the time.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


[found my own answer to this question, thanks]


Hi all,

I have a brief question regarding keyboard layout which I feel does not really belong in the layout thread.

Why do the setups most commonly used have "harddrop" and "rotate right" on differents hands.
For example - harddrop on up arrow and rotate right on z
or - harddrop on space and rotate right on up

There has to be a reason, right?

Thanks everyone!!


Quote from: Gr4Fi2Why do the setups most commonly used have "harddrop" and "rotate right" on differents hands.
Not sure if this is true. I would say half of the users here have rotate (clockw. & ccw) and harddrop on the same hand. See the Tetris Controls thread.

In most official PC games you can decide, if you use X or Up arrow as rotate clockwise. It's on Up, so that casual people can play with Arrow keys only (no harddrop, no ccw rotate, no hold). And it's on X, so that it's also next to ccw rotate and hold.

Console versions have D-pad Up always mapped to harddrop and no other button can be used for it. And in the Arcade version you have to move the stick upwards (for sonic drop). So, things are different there. I find it hard to use the same hand for movement and harddrop (those are the most frequent inputs). So, I prefer how things are handled on PC. Here's someone who had a good experience with mapping harddrop to a shoulder button (in Tetris Effect which is the only console game allowing this).