[Interview] Paul676

Started by ohitsstef, October 07, 2013, 11:59:33 AM

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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Paul676 aka Paul
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/481987_10151964926595444_728246782_n.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Name: Paul
Age: 21
Tetris Age: 5
Blockbox era

High scores
40L 25.46
18L Dig Race 12.08
Blockbox Survivor 4:30:04

Tournament Standings
TTOII Last 16
BBPro Invitational 5th
Tetris Friends Open 1: 1st
Ravendarksky’s HD 0g Downstack competition 1st  
Mind Sports Olympiad, Tetris event: Gold Medal[/div]

Fun fact: Paul has never created his own Intro thread on HD before.. so this will be his intro

Would you consider yourself a BB OG or TF OG? I know you did play BB when it was popular, but if I remember correctly you liked TF better.
Paul: Blockbox. Though I played a little bit of TF on Facebook but first properly played Blockbox. I went through phases of preferring different games: bb, tf, bb again, etc.

Which game did you prefer more and why? Lol I remember the first time I saw you on BB, you kept saying TF taught you how to downstack.
Paul: Haha, yeah it did, but that’s not because TF is the better game to teach you how to downstack. I never had the patience to play hours of block survivor and my tactics on Blockbox weren’t very focused on downstacking! I guess you remember my style in Blockbox 1v1 â€" it wasn’t too downstack oriented let’s say! Playing hours of TF arena ended up making me learn how to downstack because I never downstacked enough on bb!
I preferred tf for a while because it has a large community, the ability to chat a lot in games and of course the ill-fated team ‘crewfoo’… but for the last 2-3 years I’ve been firmly in the Blockbox camp, because my hope for tf arena died around that time, as Tetris Online stopped bothering to improve the game modes, and never introduced a good survivor or driller mode. And also because Blockbox is simply by far the better game.

Haha. It’s been a while since we’ve all played Blockbox, but if I remember correctly you were just very fast. Paul: awh, I wish. I prided myself in 1v1s in efficiency. I recall about 3-4 years ago, which is when I played most regularly, thinking that I wasn't the fastest out there - there were far faster bb players (I mean the likes of iamsand, fraaankie after she became super quick, etc) who were far quicker than me - but I would still usually beat them due to not needing to skim too much, and building very flat stacks so that I could get that last killer Tetris in before I needed to downstack. Of course against the best players I didn't stand a chance playing that way - but I knew I wouldn't stand a chance playing any way, as they were far superior in downstacking and speed (those at the time were poopmo, arf, trance, anon etc.) And then there were the people I would go toe to toe with and really enjoy my games with - at various times, myndzi, medyas, clincher and slowmo. But then I gradually increased speed and was able to do better against better players, which I took a lot of pride in. I still couldn’t downstack though to save my life. That came later, with years of experience. Now I consider myself one of the better downstackers as long as you don’t compare me to the original Blockbox players, lol.

I agree~ Blockbox for life! Lol. How did you start up Tetris Belts?
Paul: I had thought about the idea for a while - how to objectively grade how good a player is, and how to compare all-round types to speed-types to skill-types, so as to encourage a system where all-round skill, downstacking and speed would be rewarded, as well as incentivising people to improve their weaknesses. After a few months of working out the specifics, and a huge amount of help from myndzi (hundreds of e-mails and responses were sent!) we made it public.

How many HD users participated in Tetris Belts?  
Paul: About 30 people have participated so far. I’d love to continue it if more people want to participate â€" as no-one has got beyond green yet- and I’d love to see a real pro get black! So it’s still happening, if people would like to try it. I’m sure one of the testers would be happy to test you as long as you give us a couple of days’ notice!  We have lives too, you know!

Yeah that’s definitely something I think would be good to bring back to life on HD. I ran across a few players on Nullpomino a few months ago, during distance’s team tournament, and they kept asking me how fast I was. They wanted to know in order to determine how skilled I was. What do you have to say about those players? (In my opinion, speed =/= skill)
Paul: So speed is definitely a facet in how good you are; if you are quicker, you can slow your game down to the rate of a slower opponent, but be able to think about your options more. This is how anonymous was able to play at 100tpm but destroy all of us every time at Blockbox 3 years ago. That said, if you don't know how to t-spin or downstack efficiently, you've got a lot to learn before you can start competing with the top players, just like if you are playing twice as slowly as the top players. Since there's less difference in speed between a 30 second player and a 23 second player, compared to a 1:30 and a 1:00 player, you have to make up a lot more in skill when you get better, which is why a lot of people who are at a beginner or intermediate level judge ability by speed. When you get better, understand more about the game, and see top players in action, there is so much skill, and so many small areas which need to be perfected, that the best players have a huge level of skill and efficiency is no surprise. So really what I'm saying is you need it all to reach the top!

Which player do you have the most respect for?
Paul: I always have respect for players who can do it all. Someone like Blink, who can be world-leading at Blockbox, Cultris, Tetris Friends, Tetris Online Japan (in its time), Tetrinet 2 (in its time, before my time!) and every single console game he touches, is just ridiculous. And of course the amount he has contributed to the community, as well as create Harddrop, is vast. So I’d have to say him. He can just shut down your tactics so easily - I remember playing him after my game vs hahaha in the TTOII, where I was playing the best Tetris of my life - and he just shut me down 15-3, because he knew the exact tactics to play against me. I stood no chance, and I consider myself quite adept at tactics!

You were the creator of The UK Tetris Open, how did tournament go? And how was it to meet some HD players in real life?
The UK Tetris Open was the first live tournament I put on, it happened last summer. It was fantastic to see so many people from the community coming; names like Rosti_LFC, StinkySandal, PolarisTR. Uli and whatwentwong too. We raised over £100 for charity as well, which was great.
This year didn’t quite happen as the centre which we held it in last year shut down, but I’ve found a new centre which we can hold it in next year, so watch this space! I enjoyed helping organize the Tetris event at the Mind Sports Olympiad this year, which softened the frustration of not having the UK Tetris Open this year.

Can you go into some detail about the Mind Sports Olympiad? What is it?
Paul: So the Mind Sports Olympiad is kind of the Olympics for the mind. They run huge numbers of tournaments for board and card games, as well as other games which they believe to be interesting enough. I worked there demonstrating a couple of games last year, so I got to meet Etan, the main man of MSO. After a short e-mail discussion, we decided to run the inaugural Tetris event. It was great to see so many people from the MSO have a go at it! It was on the Wii, which none of the players had played before. It was also all-spins, which made things a bit more interesting. But having it on that console really evened things out! All the games were great fun.

That’s pretty cool, is that an annual event?
Paul: Yeah it will be, so there will be 2 live tournaments in the UK each year if everything goes to plan!
That’s really amazing lol. Are you known throughout the UK for your Tetris skills?
Paul: haha I’m probably not that famous! But a lot of Oxford University people know me as “The Tetris Guy” probably for this

It’s a bit embarrassing but was really fun to do, haha. That was an event where each college sends an entry in and I was my college’s entry â€" we tried to make it as over the top and ironic as possible. Hence the boxing clothes and the Final Countdown playing in the background. It didn’t help that I was so nervous I couldn’t hit the hold button as I was shaking so much.

What do you think of the HD community? The past and present.
Paul: I think it's a really great community - and getting involved in it really does reap so many benefits. Before there were more tournaments - but the problem was always that people would never play their matches, and no-one had worked out how to run them efficiently. We had more controversial and colourful characters in the past, which I'm sad to see go; I’m thinking briann, Apocalypse, and Chad. Chad sometimes comes back but there’s no longer the game to suit his skills like Blockbox did.
The fact that we’ve now got a few tournaments but their very good is only good for the community like TTO, etc. Tetris Friends seems like it’s here to stay. Nullpo 8 never came out, which means that 7.5 can be a steady platform game where tournaments can happen regularly. And of course I’m sure the odd BB tournament can happen at some point. It’s also objectively good that the Cultris II community is a bit closer to us than before, even though I can’t get to grips with the game itself. I need previews!! T_T
A lot of work has been done and I think the best of this community has yet to come. Remember when the Japanese community couldn't even play Tetris Friends? I think the success of TTOIII at attracting players of all nationalities is testament to the fact that harddrop.com and by extension the Tetris world is getting closer together.

Speaking of HD how did you come to learn of it?
Paul: Through Blockbox â€" one of the people in Blockbox sent me here â€" I don’t remember exactly how it happened. The stranger one is how I found Blockbox. I was looking through the TF top 100 Sprint records, and saw SiRTeTriS’s sig (he was about 52 seconds â€" how times changed) as a link to Blockbox saying how it’s where the real Tetris players play, and how much better than TF it is. I never looked back really.

HAHAH omg sirtetris.. it’s been a long long time.  
Yeah, I see so many people from all over the world joining TTO3 this year, which is pretty amazing. Especially since Blink’s not the one actually organizing it. Do you think TTO3 will help spark more interest in Tetris?
Paul: Absolutely. And if they can get some big names plugging it, and some popular places showing the streams, especially of the final, I think a lot of people will be inspired to have a go at multiplayer Tetris. And then, as we both know, the addiction takes care of itself.

What do you think of Tetris Friends now?  
Paul: It’s a tricky one. Clearly it’s the most popular live multiplayer game which tournaments can be held on. The rules are balanced and make for a game where the top players can unleash all their skill, a tactically deep game, whilst still keeping the mind-blowing speed we all associate with top-level Tetris. But it’s equally frustrating because different computers clearly have different difficulties with lag and other issues. Some of these may not have been possible for Tetris Online to fix, but if they were able to make TOJ, they surely could do better. But it was a shame to have the final of TTO1 ruined by lag issues, and it’s still a big problem for TF. Java games like BB and TOJ lagged equally, but they exhibited their lag not with lag misdrops. Lag misdrops are the most annoying thing in Tetris, bar none. Seeing your best-laid plans dying before your eyes because of a lag misdrop.. T_T I’ll take blockbox’s random garbage spikes any day over lag misdrops.
[a href=\\\"http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2950]Do you remember when ZeroT categorized all the lag misdrops on Tetris Friends?[/url]
But still for all its faults, it’s by far the best platform to hold a large scale tournament, and will be for a long time.

For a long time now a lot of HD members have said Nullpomino would be better if it was user friendly, do you think that’s true?
Paul: Absolutely, unfortunately it doesn’t seem like that will happen any time soon. But even if it were user friendly, I don’t think as many people would play online as on Tetris Friends, as there just isn’t the money or the status of being an official game. That said, I think it would be a huge step forward if Nullpomino had as many people online as say, Cultris, I’d be over the moon… and play far more. So don’t do it this year please! Unless you want me to fail my finals  

Who do you think is going to win TTO3?  
Paul: Hebo_MAI â€" can’t really past him really, he’s done it time and time again.

Aw not Blink? Lol  
Paul: Haha maybe if he gets off LOL and starts playing like he used to, he’d have a chance… for TTO IV!

Tell him that!
Paul: Heh we can but hope that this interview sways him  but yeah Hebo is the one with the crucial mix of big tournament experience and mind-blowing skill and power. Mattyabar and hahaha have the power but not yet the experience, but they are still ones to watch! I’ve heard risiair is incredible too.

Is that a Japanese player?
Paul: Taiwanese player, apparently he’s the best in Taiwan. There was this Chinese player on TOP who was going 80-90 apm and beating me 10-5 or so. Apparently risiair beat the player on Tetris Battle like 15-3. So that’s a dark horse for you…

Oh geez. I’m not that active in the Tetris scene anymore so I don’t know a lot of the newer players.
Paul: Yeah I don’t play anymore sadly â€" don’t have the time to put in 2 hours a day, which I’d need to be at the level I’d want. But I try to be active in the community and contribute to organization of tournaments and guides. On that topic, there is more to come where my t-spin guide came from  

Oh that’s crazy lol I’m looking forward to that. What would be your “pro” tip for a new player who wants to get better at the game but doesn’t know where to start?
Paul: Keep on playing! Play the game modes you enjoy, and don’t look at it as a job. You’ll get better and enjoy the game that way. For a new player, it’s all about enjoyment.

Which new player has impressed you the most with their improvements?
Paul: awh everyone feels new to me. Everyone seems to be improving so much recently! I've noticed people who had 40 line records of over 1 minute 3 years ago getting sub-30, which is incredible! People like barneey, estrelleta, yotipo have done that without sacrificing skill, which is incredible.
And Polaris has got soooo fast, he's almost certainly going to break my British Record soon ;(. People who have burst onto the scene and have played with the right attitude and improved like dhuang, extruder, felipemayrink (I'm sure I've forgotten others!) are great to see!

What are some improvements you’d like to see for Tetris and HD in the future?
Paul: Unfortunately a lot of the change I'd like to see could only happen if Tetris Online wanted Tetris to become an e-sport, changed their short-termist moneymaking and game making strategies to more long-term ones and pumping some money into prizes. It's so sad to see Tetris Battle stagnate and with it the facebook communities of over 10,000 players.
For HD, we need a real effort of everyone currently in the community to hype up the TTO III, make streams and really try to attract new members so we can show them what Tetris is about.
I think there are so many people out there who have seen HD but haven't summoned up the courage to sign up, post a bit, and not be afraid to be pointed in the direction of a good guide or thread. It's great to see so many newer and older members sticking around.

What are your Tetris goals?
Paul: Sub 25 next summer. Top 16 TTO IV. Comeback of the Paul676.

Do you have any shoutouts?  
  • You (ohitsstef) for starting up the interviews again and doing such a good job with them - they're always fascinating to read and I love the format of them! Fun to see what our favourite Tetris players look like and what their considered views are.
  • Caffeine for making Tetrisconcept.com as a repository of guides - the stacking and downstacking sections blew my mind
  • StinkySandal because he's an awesome guy
  • Sisu because he brings so much value to the community - when he's on there's always something interesting coming!
  • and everyone else who has played against me, taught me anything, or worked with me on any projects

We do not forgive. We do not forget.



Whoah thanks Paul!  Awesome interview as usual (I might be a bit biased), but this sort of answered why you're not in TTO3, which I haven't had the chance to ask you yet.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


You mentioned me!  Good interview


Paul has done a really good job spreading the word to our brethren across the pond. Good job with the competitions and stuff. For those who don't know, Paul is an insanely good downstacker.


Quote from: Sisu
tell the story of crewfoo

Started up at the start of Tetris Friends Live (what is now called Arena). A user called Farah7 created the 'Farah Room' which many of us joined. We became friends and made a team called "The Crew" and called ourselves "crewfoo" for reasons which still remain obscure. We made tournaments within our team and battled teams like MD and won. Then we fell out and stopped being a team. The end
               Tetris Belts!


What do you think of team tournaments like Myndzi's HDTL? Would you join another team tournament? (Also tell us about your Euro team)

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


If someone can run it and we have teams who are willing to play their matches, then sure. But we'd need to have some way of making sure each team gets players in. Maybe making them forfeit the whole tourney if they get no team in.

Yeah I helped set up and run the Eurofighters team, which was usually top 3 or 4 in the HDTL. Good fun!
               Tetris Belts!


I'd honestly love to have at HDTL some more, but I just don't see the interest / active players at a large enough level. I'd really want to see > HDTL2 members for HDTL1 format (fewer games), and then we might have a chance of being self-sustaining. Forced scheduling may be enough to alleviate some of the scheduling problems we had.


Quote from: Paul676
We made tournaments within our team and battled teams like MD and won.

But actually though, good times. I forgot about that stuff.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]www.hrlarry.com[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


I went for a month, did an internship

but sadly didn't meet any HD players there. Still, was a fantastic experience!
               Tetris Belts!