Tetris Tournament Online III Match Reports

Started by dhuang413, October 06, 2013, 09:30:52 PM

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Definitely something about Facebook.

But on a more serious note, try putting into Google Translate to get a rough idea about what he's saying.



Quote from: KoRoBeNiKi
opponent has not messaged me yet regarding the match, I would prefer to play him earlier. He oddly accepted my friend request but that Is all

my opponent is Spicy

Add me on skype my skype is Katatoniapeth, I will forward you Spicy's skype, it will make life easier for both of you to set up your match


Quote from: InkofDeathMy opponent does not speak English, or is refusing to communicate in English.
é,£ä½ å¯ä»¥åŠ å...¥æˆ'Facebook ç,,¶å¾Œå†ä¸€èµ·è¨Žè«–?


No idea what he is trying to say.
Then you can join my Facebook then discuss? So, now you can play it?
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Quote from: InkofDeath
My opponent does not speak English, or is refusing to communicate in English.
é,£ä½ å¯ä»¥åŠ å...¥æˆ'Facebook ç,,¶å¾Œå†ä¸€èµ·è¨Žè«–?


No idea what he is trying to say.

He is saying: “Add me on facebook, and then we can talk there. Can we play our match now?" I will send you his facebook via pm.

Tell me what times you are free. I'll communicate with him on facebook in Chinese and we'll arrange a time.


My opponent shirousaber (shirousabers on HD) isn't replying to my harddrop message. I'm not sure what to do because he also stated earlier that the default time was no good for him.    Help meee


Quote from: unpronuncyashun2
My opponent shirousaber (shirousabers on HD) isn't replying to my harddrop message. I'm not sure what to do because he also stated earlier that the default time was no good for him.    Help meee

I told him he didn't have to use the default time. If he doesn't log in by the end of the week, you get the win. However, I do see him on TF a lot, so you can check using the link in the OP from time to time.


Quote from: dhuang413
I told him he didn't have to use the default time. If he doesn't log in by the end of the week, you get the win. However, I do see him on TF a lot, so you can check using the link in the OP from time to time.

lol, okay I'll try to find/ talk to him when he's logged onto TF, I guess.


Quote from: Katatoniopeth
Add me on skype my skype is Katatoniapeth, I will forward you Spicy's skype, it will make life easier for both of you to set up your match

I do not have Skype on this computer nor does it work. I did PM him to ask for a time and he seems to have said 4:00 (PST is fine which would be 7 by me.) I also PM'd him my FB so we could set it up that way.


MegaTerror [15:3] Zatygzc

[spoiler] [img]http://harddrop.com/f


Qontroll - sabretoothtt

the guy didnt show up at our agreed time of 13-00 PST (22-00 CET for me) its 23:15 now so i am not waiting any longer...

this means I win? (Qontroll)


Quote from: jaromir
Qontroll - sabretoothtt

the guy didnt show up at our agreed time of 13-00 PST (22-00 CET for me) its 23:15 now so i am not waiting any longer...

this means I win? (Qontroll)

If he doesn't show up by the end of the week, you win. For now, try giving him another chance if you have time from tomorrow til Sunday.


Quote from: dhuang413
If he doesn't show up by the end of the week, you win. For now, try giving him another chance if you have time from tomorrow til Sunday.
ah ok, messaged him, hope he shows up..



[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://puu.sh/4LHtp.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://puu.sh/4LHtp.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Asyu_ssk02 wins 15-3
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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)