Glorious Notorious Tournament

Started by Aaron, July 18, 2013, 06:53:21 PM

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Final match:
15 jixsoo vs. Johnny147 10
Bronze match:
3 crzy242 vs. CaptainPaul 4

Playoff matches:

15 jixsoo vs. CaptainPaul 6
15 Johnny147 vs. crzy242 9

15 jixsoo vs. Profane 2
15 Johnny147 vs. ManOfMiracles 0
15 crzy242 vs. perfectclear 3
15 CaptainPaul vs. larrytetris 10


[spoiler]This will be held on NullpoMino, under TOJ rules.
You will be in "pods" of four, all play all (so everyone is guaranteed three matches).
There will be a bracket posted when we get to that point.
You will play your matches on time.
You will not sign up just to drop out before the second stage.
You will be required to go through security to prevent this tournament from being hijacked.
You will sign up by posting in this thread, and then PMing me a number between 1 and 1,000.
Your number will determine your grouping.
Some of you will probably be in tougher groups than others due to randomness.
No more than 16 will be in this tournament initially.
Games will be played to 15, win by 2.

Three points for a 15-X win. Two points for a win in which you need 16 or more, one point for a loss in which you get 14 or more. Zero points for a 15-X loss. Ties broken by total differential. Top player in each division advances, others may advance on a "wild card" system. Please try to complete divisional play by Thursday, August 1, 2013.[/spoiler]
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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


I'll be a reserve player. Do I really gotta PM you?


dis be a troll yo, you have to be Aaron's friend in order to send him a pm. (but if by some off chance you are serious, then add me!


no you dont. just to view profile. go to inbox-> compose, and type in his name. just tested.


Added a direct link to PM me in the OP.
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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


I'm not sure I get what the reserve stuff is but sign me up fool.


what system are you using to group ppl by the #s? cause if it's like..1-200 is 1 group then friends or ppl who want to play together can just pm you similar or same #s :s
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Quote from: virulent
what system are you using to group ppl by the #s? cause if it's like..1-200 is 1 group then friends or ppl who want to play together can just pm you similar or same #s :s

he could easily make a system for the numbers that only he knows.  such as odd numbers are in one group, closest numbers to each other,  skip every other number,  put all the numbers in  a bowl and draw them out of a hat.  whatevs.  

Oh and im in.  joke or not i will play anything not on TF, and some things on tf


                          Z E N A S I S




Quote from: perfectclear
no you dont. just to view profile. go to inbox-> compose, and type in his name. just tested.



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